
Privacy Interest Group meeting (5 August 2021)


Apologies: Christine Runnegar

Scribe: Sam

1. Privacy reviews

a. HTML Review Draft

• URL of spec:

• What and when is your next expected transition? CR, 2021-08-24

• What has changed since any previous review? Please look at the list of important changes here:

Pete: Of the things the authors had flagged, reviewers didn’t see issues. Found four other things.

@@ … if they opt-in, get access to more features.

[Matt adds: Some more details about the cross-origin attribute:]

More thorough review will happen; not just things that were labeled as privacy-interesting by WG/authors.



b. Privacy review (request received) for DOM Review Draft

• URL of spec:

• What and when is your next expected transition? 2021-08-31, CR

• What has changed since any previous review? Please look at the list of important changes here:

Pete: volunteers?


Pete: we’ll go to the next reviewer on the list.

2. Privacy reviewers list

Pete: look at above list; make sure your own entry is up-to-date. Any issues with the cryptpad, let me know. And feel free to solicit colleagues to join.

3. AOB

Peter Lowe: thanks to Pete for HTML changes review. I volunteered for this and am still learning.

Theo: status of reviewers list?

Pete: stale.

Mallory: thanks for keeping meeting short. In the past, we’ve used volunteers from that list. Would be helpful to have a list or count of what people have reviewed.

Pete: history is captured in GH; could reflect it here if that’s helpful.
