
Privacy Interest Group meeting - 07 November 2019

Attendees (sign yourself in)


scribe: kleber

Outstanding privacy reviews

Pete: It’s important to have multiple people invovled in these reviews to get a breadth of experience. Please talk to Pete and volunteer to be involved.

TTML review, by jyasskin

Fingerprinting via device sensors API

Upcoming reviews:

Pete: Looking for reviewers. Please volunteer. Time frame: Next two weeks

Pete: Expect more cases where we will need volunteers

Updates on WebRTC and font fingerprinting conversations


Font fingerprinting / CSS

Call for next FP surface to tackle

Machinery for academic collaboration / reporting privacy issues to PING

Charter reviews



  1. Outstanding privacy reviews
  2. Updates on WebRTC and font fingerprinting conversations
  3. Call for next FP surface to tackle
  4. Machinery for academic collaboration / reporting privacy issues to PING
  5. Charter reviews
  6. AOB


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