Java applet test - results

Last Updated: $Date: 2002/06/15 11:54:11 $

The following table only lists the test results of browsers that were able to run simple and archived Java applets with the applet element.

worked / buggy / failed
Tested browser Tested platform Java version Simple applet JAR using attributes of object JAR using params JAR using nested objects JAR using nested objects and applet
DocZilla 1.0 Release Candidate 1 Windows 2000 1.4.0 OK OK OK OK OK
iCab Preview 2.7.1 MacOS 9.2 1.1.8 failed failed failed failed OK (applet fall-back worked)
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 Windows 98SE/Me/2000 1.4.0 OK failed OK param worked, but unworked object also rendered param and applet fall-back both executed, and unworked object also rendered
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 Windows 98SE 1.4.0 failed failed OK param worked, but unworked object also rendered param and applet fall-back both executed, and unworked object also rendered
MacIE 5.1 MacOS 9.2 1.1.8 OK OK failed attributes worked, but unworked object fall-back also rendered both object and applet fall-back executed
Mozilla 0.9.8 Windows 2000 1.4.0 OK OK OK OK OK
Mozilla 0.9.8 MacOS 9.2 1.1.8 OK OK failed OK OK
Mozilla 0.9.8 Linux 1.3.1 OK failed OK failed failed
NetClue Clue Browser 4.1.1 Windows 2000 1.4.0 failed failed failed failed failed
Netscape 6.2.1 Windows 2000 1.4.0 OK OK OK OK OK
Netscape 6.2.1 MacOS 9.2 1.1.8 OK OK failed OK OK
Netscape Communicator 4.79 Windows 2000 1.4.0 failed failed failed failed applet fall-back worked, but unworked object also rendered
Netscape Navigator 4.08 Windows 2000 1.1.5 OK OK failed OK OK
Opera 6.01 Windows 2000 1.4.0 OK OK OK OK OK
Opera 6.01 Windows 98SE 1.3.1 OK OK OK OK OK
Opera 5.0 MacOS 9.2 1.1.8 failed failed failed failed OK (applet fall-back worked)
Opera 5.12 Windows 2000 1.4.0 failed failed failed failed OK (applet fall-back worked)
Opera 4.02 Windows 2000 1.4.0 failed failed failed failed OK (applet fall-back worked)
Opera 3.62 Windows 2000 1.4.0 failed failed failed failed OK (applet fall-back worked)
