FRA Hopgood, DA Duce, D Johnston La norme infographique PHIGS Wiley, (1994)
FRA Hopgood, DA Duce, D Johnston A Primer for PHIGS - C Programmers Edition Wiley, (1992)
FRA Hopgood, DA Duce A Primer for PHIGS Wiley, (1991)
DA Duce, MR Gomes, FRA Hopgood, JR Lee (Eds), User Interface Management and Design Springer-Verlag, (1991)
FRA Hopgood, RJ Hubbold, DA Duce (Eds), Advances in Computer Graphics II Springer-Verlag, (1986)
FRA Hopgood, DA Duce, JR Gallop, DC Sutcliffe Introduction to the Graphical Kernel System (GKS) Academic Press, (1986)
F R A Hopgood, D.A. Duce, E V C Fielding, Kenneth Robinson, A S Williams (Eds), Methodology of Window Management Springer-Verlag, (1986)
R A Guedj, P J W ten Hagen, F R A Hopgood, H Tucker, D A Duce (Eds), Methodology of Interaction North Holland, (1979)
F R A Hopgood Compiling Techniques Macdonald, 1968
Last updated 16 March 2000