HTML Techniques Implementation Checklist

- Document structure & metadata

- The META element Show detailed commentary.

- The !DOCTYPE statement Show detailed commentary.

- The LINK element & alternative documents Show detailed commentary.

- Structural grouping Show detailed commentary.

- Section headings Show detailed commentary.

- Language information

- Identifying changes in language Show detailed commentary.

- Identifying the primary language Show detailed commentary.

- Text markup

- Emphasis Show detailed commentary.

- Acronyms and abbreviations Show detailed commentary.

- Quotations Show detailed commentary.

- [Other markup] Show detailed commentary.

- Lists

- [Usage] Show detailed commentary.

- Tables

- Providing summary information Show detailed commentary.

- Identifying row and column information Show detailed commentary.

- Tables for layout Show detailed commentary.

- Linearizing tables Show detailed commentary.

- Links

- Link text Show detailed commentary.

- Text for images used for links Show detailed commentary.

- Grouping & bypassing links Show detailed commentary.

- Keyboard access Show detailed commentary.

- Anchors & targets Show detailed 

- Images & image maps

- 'Alt' text Show detailed commentary.

- Long descriptions of images Show detailed commentary.

- Invisible d-links Show detailed commentary.

- ASCII art Show detailed commentary.

- Client-side image maps: text equivalents Show detailed commentary.

- Client-side image maps: redundant text links Show detailed commentary.

- Server-side image maps Show detailed commentary.

- Colour in images Show detailed commentary.

- Animated images Show detailed commentary.

- Applets and other programmatic objects

- Text and non-text equivalents for applets and programmatic objects Show detailed commentary.

- Directly accessible applets Show detailed commentary.

- Audio and video

- Text equivalents for multimedia Show detailed commentary.

- Embedding multimedia objects Show detailed commentary.

- Forms

- Keyboard access to forms Show detailed commentary.

- Grouping form controls Show detailed commentary.

- Labeling form controls Show detailed commentary.

- Graphical buttons Show detailed commentary.

- Techniques for specific controls Show detailed commentary.

- Scripts

- Graceful transformation of scripts Show detailed commentary.

- Scripts that cause flickering Show detailed commentary.

- Scripts that cause movement and blinking Show detailed commentary.

- Directly accessible scripts Show detailed commentary.

- Alternative presentation of scripts Show detailed commentary.

- Page updates and new windows Show detailed commentary.

- Show detailed commentary.

- Show detailed commentary.