Status report of active W3C specifications

The information on this public dashboard combines data on W3C Working Groups and specifications last updated on , and data on specification milestones manually maintained in on-line spreadsheets (W3C Member-only), last obtained on .

0 active specifications are tracked (0 aiming to Recommendation)

Upcoming wide reviews

Wide review planned in the upcoming 4 months

    Upcoming CR

    Candidate Recommendation planned in the upcoming 4 months

      Upcoming PR

      Proposed Recommendation planned in the upcoming 6 months

        Milestones beyond end of charter

          TR-Abandoned specs

          Specs that have not been updated in TR in more than 3 years

            Long running specs

            Specs whose FPWD was published more than 5 years ago

              Specs of which the editors draft is not known

                Specs with known editors draft but no inferred Github repository