W3C PICS Next Generation Labels
Working Group
PICS Platform for
Internet Content Selection is an
infrastructure for associating labels (metadata) with internet resources.
The initial goal of this infrastructure,
content filtering, is now evolving to address the broader issues
of content selection including richer resource descriptive
schemes, organizational management, discovery and retrieval,
intellectual property rights and privacy protection tasks. This
W3C working group will define a new format for labels in order
to better address these issues. This label format is based on
the original specification as defined in PICS-1.1. The new
format will permit non-numeric values (e.g., strings),
structured values (e.g., an author and corresponding
affiliation) and element repeatability.
This working group will also incorporate label format
modifications and/or standard extensions required for the
reference info (including a more general form of document
hashing than the rsa-md5 specified for PICS-1.1). These
modifications will be coordinated with the W3C
Digital Signature
and Digital Collections Working Group.
W3 Working Group Chairs:
PLEASE NOTE: The W3C Metadata activities have been
restructured. The PICS-NG working group and the DSIG Collections
working group have merged and are now under the auspics of the RDF Resource Description Framework
working group(s). The following page is no longer being kept up to date.
Anticipated Deliverables of the Working Group
- PICS-NG Metadata Model
- PICS-NG application/service specifications
- Various examples of the PICS-NG application/service
specification which can express resource description schemes
(i.e. Dublin Core)
Desired Additional Deliverables
- Tools to facilitate the creation of resource description
labels for Internet content.
- Update to Profiles Language which expresses a filter
based on a string category.
Working Group Resources
- XML-Data,
Andrew Layman, Jean Paoli, Steve De Rose, Henry S. Thompson (June 20,
Options for Implementing Namespaces in XML, Tim Bray and
Andrew Layman (May 30, 1997)
Meta Content Framework Using XML, R.V. Guha and Tim Bray,
(June 6, 1997)
- Completed Specifications for PICS-1.1
Service Descriptions
- Completed Specifications for PICS-1.1
Label format and distribution
- Extension
of PICS-NG to support text-based metadata based on the Dublin Core.
Proposed for the Annotation of Internet Documents using a
String Extension to PICS
- "The Warwick Framework:", A Container
Architecture for Aggregating Sets of Metadata,
C. Lagoze, C. A. Lynch, R. Daniel Jr. (1996)
- On
Information Factoring in Dublin Metadata Records,
C. M. Sperberg-McQueen, (April 17, 1996)
Additional Information
Relevant Readings
- Not Censorship but Selection, Lester E. Asheim, Wilson
Library Bulletin, 1953.
- Filtering on
the Internet by Paul Resnick in Scientific American, March
PICS: Internet Access Controls Without Censorship, Paul
Resnick and Jim Miller, Communications of the ACM, 1996,
vol. 39(10), pp. 87-93.
- The Electronic Frontier Foundation's Rating,
Filtering and Labeling of Online Content Archive.
- The Ratings
Game, IBM Discussion and Information about PICS
Comments to PICS-ask@w3.org.
Created: Fri May 30 09:21:10 EDT 1997
Last updated: Sun Sep 28 23:00:58 EDT 1997