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Author:Dave Doyle, Design Science
Description:Simple testing of presentation tags and attributes.

passed (p) failed (f) not-tested (n) broken-test (b) some parts pass (s)

Sample Rendering:

Created by: mathplayer

Your browser's rendering:

1 78 sin x y × 𝔞 2 x + 2 j x + 45 1 78 * x 2 3 = 1 23 + β 3 This is my string!

Source Code:

<math xmlns=""> 
  <mfenced open="{" separators=",."> 
  <mstyle color="blue" mathbackground="red" fontsize="24pt"> 
      <mn color="green">2</mn> 
  <mstyle color="blue" mathbackground="#ADD8E6" fontsize="16pt"> 
  <ms lquote="#" rquote="'">This is my string!</ms>