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Author:Frédéric WANG
Description:This tests dir='rtl' on the mover tag

Sample Rendering:

Created by: MathPlayer

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Test Without dir With dir=rtl mover (mo with movablelimits=true and displaystyle=false) A b A b

Source Code:

<math xmlns="">
<mtable columnlines="solid" rowlines="solid" frame="solid" columnalign="center">
      <mtd><mtext style="width:40%">Without dir</mtext></mtd>
      <mtd><mtext style="width:40%">With dir=rtl</mtext></mtd>
      <mtd><mtext>mover (mo with movablelimits=true and displaystyle=false)</mtext></mtd>
            <mo movablelimits="true">A</mo>
      <mtd><mstyle dir="rtl">
            <mo movablelimits="true">A</mo>
</mtable> </math>