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Author:Robert Miner and Jeff Schaefer, Geometry Technologies
Description:This example tests the 'movablelimits' attribute for <mo> using the ∑ operator. The default, true and false values are tested when 'displaystyle' is both true and false. Note that since 'largeop' is defaulting to the operator dictionary value for &sum; it appears to change inside and outside of display style.

passed (p) failed (f) not-tested (n) broken-test (b) some parts pass (s)

Sample Rendering:

Created by: webeq

Your browser's rendering:

x 0 = x 0 = x 0 = x 0 = x 0 = x 0

Source Code:

<math xmlns=""> 
      <mo movablelimits="true">&#x2211;</mo> 
      <mo movablelimits="false">&#x2211;</mo> 
    <mstyle displaystyle="true"> 
        <mo movablelimits="true">&#x2211;</mo> 
        <mo movablelimits="false">&#x2211;</mo> 