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Author:Robert Miner and Jeff Schaefer, Geometry Technologies
Description:Tests a variety of attributes in an <mstyle> environment with scriptlevel increased by 1.

passed (p) failed (f) not-tested (n) broken-test (b) some parts pass (s)

Sample Rendering:

Created by: webeq

Your browser's rendering:

5 + 3 + 12.3 + 10000 + 0.01 + 2 5 + 3 + 12.3 + 10000 + 0.01 + 2

Source Code:

<math xmlns=""> 
    <mstyle scriptlevel="+1"> 
        <mn fontweight="bold">3</mn> 
        <mn fontstyle="normal">12.3</mn> 
        <mn fontfamily="Helvetica" color="#009900">10000</mn> 
        <mn fontsize="36pt">0.01</mn> 
        <mn fontweight="bold" fontstyle="normal">2</mn> 
      <mn fontweight="bold">3</mn> 
      <mn fontstyle="normal">12.3</mn> 
      <mn fontfamily="Times" color="#009900">10000</mn> 
      <mn fontsize="36pt">0.01</mn> 
      <mn fontweight="bold" fontstyle="normal">2</mn> 