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Author:Robert Miner and Jeff Schaefer, Geometry Technologies
Description:This test runs through the CSS vertical units, using the 'superscript' attribute of the <msup> element, which is a little more obscure than something like 'fontsize'.

Sample Rendering:

Created by: webeq

Your browser's rendering:

x 2 + x 2 + x 2 + M x 2 + x 2 + x 2 + x 2 + x 2 + x 2 + x 2

Source Code:

<math xmlns=""> 
      <mi mathcolor="Blue">x</mi> 
    <msup superscriptshift="24pt"> 
      <mi mathcolor="Blue">x</mi> 
    <msup superscriptshift="1ex"> 
      <mi mathcolor="Blue">x</mi> 
    <msup superscriptshift="1em"> 
        <mi mathcolor="Blue">x</mi> 
    <msup superscriptshift="10px"> 
      <mi mathcolor="Blue">x</mi> 
    <msup superscriptshift="0.25in"> 
      <mi mathcolor="Blue">x</mi> 
    <msup superscriptshift="1cm"> 
      <mi mathcolor="Blue">x</mi> 
    <msup superscriptshift="10mm"> 
      <mi mathcolor="Blue">x</mi> 
    <msup superscriptshift="1pc"> 
      <mi mathcolor="Blue">x</mi> 
      <mi fontsize="170%" mathcolor="Blue">x 