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Alternatives: | (mml file) (full) (simple) (plain) (form) (slideshow) | |
File: | General/Clipboard/clipboard1 | |
CVS-ID: | $Id: clipboard1-slideshow.xhtml,v 1.52 2012/02/14 14:51:07 polx Exp $ | |
Author: | Paul Libbrecht, DFKI GmbH | |
Description: | Simple math expression; copying it should yield the flavours
for generic MathML (Windows: MathML, MacOSX: public.mathml,
MIME: application/mathml+xml)
and for MathML Presentation (Windows: MathML Presentation,
MacOSX: public.mathml.presentation, MIME: application/mathml-presentation+xml).
Optionnally the MathML code may be in plain text. Use a clipboard introspector to proof it. We are told that ClipboardViewer in MacOSX developer tools' examples or ClipSpy on Windows can do this work. See also DropItTester. | |
Sample Rendering:
| Your browser's rendering: |
Source Code:
<math xmlns=""> <mfrac> <mi>x</mi> <mrow><mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>1</mn></mrow> </mfrac> </math>