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Author:Dave Doyle, Design Science
Description:Test behavior of a <matrix> element under a variety of conditions.

passed (p) failed (f) not-tested (n) broken-test (b) some parts pass (s)

Sample Rendering:


Your browser's rendering:

T1 T2 empty matrix empty matrix row in matrix empty matrix row 1 ele in matrixrow 2 2 ele in matrixrow 2 4 3 ele in matrixrow 2 4 8 2 matrixrows 1 3 5 2 4 8 2 matrixrows w/ empty row 2 4 8 non matrix row in matrix 2 B1 B2

Source Code:

    <math xmlns=""> 
            <mtext>empty matrix</mtext> 
            <matrix> </matrix> 
            <mtext>empty matrix row in matrix</mtext> 
            <mtext>empty matrix row</mtext> 
            <mtext>1 ele in matrixrow</mtext> 
            <mtext>2 ele in matrixrow</mtext> 
            <mtext>3 ele in matrixrow</mtext> 
            <mtext>2 matrixrows</mtext> 
            <mtext>2 matrixrows w/ empty row</mtext> 
            <mtext>non matrix row in matrix</mtext> 