prev  ( testsuite > Characters > Blocks > 02B00_Miscellaneous_Symbols_and_Arrows  )  next (show test run result)

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Author:Sam Dooley
Description:mtable with charaters from the block Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows

passed (p) failed (f) not-tested (n) broken-test (b) some parts pass (s)

Sample Rendering:

Created by:

Your browser's rendering:

2B0 2B1 2B2 2B3 2B4 2B5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A @ B @ C @ D @ @ E @ @ F ⬿ @ @

Source Code:

<math xmlns="">
      <mtd><mo mathcolor="gray">@</mo></mtd>
      <mtd><mo mathcolor="gray">@</mo></mtd>
      <mtd><mo mathcolor="gray">@</mo></mtd>
      <mtd><mo mathcolor="gray">@</mo></mtd>
      <mtd><mo mathcolor="gray">@</mo></mtd>
      <mtd><mo mathcolor="gray">@</mo></mtd>
      <mtd><mo mathcolor="gray">@</mo></mtd>
      <mtd><mo mathcolor="gray">@</mo></mtd>
      <mtd><mo mathcolor="gray">@</mo></mtd>