XHTML-Print Implementation Report instructions
Melinda Grant, Jim Bigelow
Adapted from a template by Tantek Celik
Updated: 2005-06-13 Melinda Grant
Updated: 2004-08-20 Jim Bigelow
First version: 2004-08-20
1. Download a copy of the test suite at
http://hades.mn.aptest.com/~megra/xhp%20tests%20050519.zip and extract the
implementreportTEMPLATE.htm from the archive.
2. Rename it for your specific user agent,
optionally with version number and Company, e.g.:
and keep it to a max of 31 characters (including extension)
if you want to be friendly to MacOS9 users.
Include this information in the title and h1 elements also,
by replacing the all CAPS word TEMPLATE with a string representative of
the user agent name, version, and operating system(s) e.g.:
XHTML-Print implementation report DeskJet 995Ck/Hewlett-Packard Co.
3. Fill in the proper information in the top section for:
- user agent name or abbreviation (hyperlink it also)
- version number
- the name of the rendering engine used within the user agent
if there is no distinction, leave blank.
- the date this version of the user agent was shipped
- implementor, typically company name
- name of person who ran the tests and wrote up the report
- the date that the tests were run and the report written
- the URL to the specific version of the test suite
5. Run the tests.
6. Record the results in the report by annotating the respective
hyperlinks to the tests in each column with the following class names:
- 'na' for Not Applicable for features that are not supported.
The feature in this context is what is described/named in column 1.
Lack of support for other CSS features (e.g. 'color' on buttons)
is insufficient to mark a test as 'na'.
Consider NOT marking syntax/parsing/error tests as "na" and instead
testing them and reporting the result. This is important as
all UAs should report what they do with all syntax/parsing/error tests.
The hyperlinked numbers for syntax/parsing/error tests are styled with
an 'italic' font-style.
- 'pass' for tests that fully pass. Read each test carefully to be sure.
- 'crash' for tests that crash the user agent.
- do nothing for tests that fail. That is the default semantic.
Common problems (check for these before posting/sending your report):
1. Missing DOCTYPE. Some editors appear to remove the DOCTYPE from
a valid XHTML document.
Solution: Please be sure that your report has a DOCTYPE, e.g:
at the *TOP* of the document (there should be nothing before it).
2. Invalid document. Some editors appear to make the document invalid.
Solution: Please be sure to validate your report with the W3C validator:
3. Generic filename. Do not use a file name like "report.html",
as that lacks any information about the purpose and user agent,
and impedes/complicates efforts to place multiple reports in a
single directory.
Solution: Replace the all CAPS word "TEMPLATE" in the template file name:
with an abbreviation for your specific user agent, optionally with
version number and OS, e.g.:
and keep it to a max of 31 characters (including extension)
if you want to be friendly to MacOS9 users.
4. Generic title/h1 tags. Some folks appear to simply delete the word
"TEMPLATE" from the title and h1 tags in the report template.
This is suboptimal.
Solution: Replacing the all CAPS word TEMPLATE in the title and h1
elements in the template with a string representative of
the user agent name, version, and operating system(s) e.g.:
Selectors implementation report TEMPLATE
To the equivalent of (for your user agent):
Selectors implementation report IE5.1.7/MacOS9