<!SGML "ISO 8879:1986" -- Document Type Definition for the HyperText Markup Language Plus for use with the World Wide Web application (HTML+ DTD). These initial settings are take from the HTML DTD. NOTE: This is a definition of HTML with respect to SGML, and assumes an understanding of SGML terms. -- CHARSET BASESET "ISO 646:1983//CHARSET International Reference Version (IRV)//ESC 2/5 4/0" DESCSET 0 9 UNUSED 9 2 9 11 2 UNUSED 13 1 13 14 18 UNUSED 32 95 32 127 1 UNUSED BASESET "ISO Registration Number 100//CHARSET ECMA-94 Right Part of Latin Alphabet Nr. 1//ESC 2/13 4/1" DESCSET 128 32 UNUSED 160 95 32 255 1 UNUSED CAPACITY SGMLREF TOTALCAP 150000 GRPCAP 150000 SCOPE DOCUMENT SYNTAX SHUNCHAR CONTROLS 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 127 255 BASESET "ISO 646:1983//CHARSET International Reference Version (IRV)//ESC 2/5 4/0" DESCSET 0 128 0 FUNCTION RE 13 RS 10 SPACE 32 TAB SEPCHAR 9 NAMING LCNMSTRT "" UCNMSTRT "" LCNMCHAR ".-" UCNMCHAR ".-" NAMECASE GENERAL YES ENTITY NO DELIM GENERAL SGMLREF SHORTREF SGMLREF NAMES SGMLREF QUANTITY SGMLREF NAMELEN 34 TAGLVL 100 LITLEN 1024 GRPGTCNT 150 GRPCNT 64 FEATURES MINIMIZE DATATAG NO OMITTAG NO RANK NO SHORTTAG NO LINK SIMPLE NO IMPLICIT NO EXPLICIT NO OTHER CONCUR NO SUBDOC NO FORMAL YES APPINFO NONE > <!DOCTYPE HTMLPLUS [ <!-- DTD for HTML+ Markup minimisation should be avoided, otherwise the default <!SGML> declaration is fine. Browsers should be forgiving of markup errors. Common Attributes: id the id attribute allows authors to name elements such as headers and paragraphs as potential destinations for links. Note that links don't specify points, but rather extended objects. index allows authors to specify how given headers etc should be indexed as primary or secondary keys, where "/" separates primary from secondary keys, ";" separates multiple entries --> <!-- ENTITY DECLARATIONS <!ENTITY % foo "X | Y | Z"> is a macro definition for parameters and in subsequent statements, the string "%foo;" is expanded to "X | Y | Z" Various classes of SGML text types: #CDATA text which doesn't include markup or entity references #RCDATA text with entity references but no markup #PCDATA text occurring in a context in which markup and entity references may occur. --> <!ENTITY % URL "CDATA" -- a URL or URN designating a hypertext node --> <!ENTITY % emph1 "I|B|U|S|SUP|SUB|TT"> <!ENTITY % emph2 "Q|CITE|PERSON|ACRONYM|ABBREV|EM|STRONG"> <!ENTITY % emph3 "CMD|ARG|KBD|VAR|DFN|CODE|SAMP|REMOVED|ADDED"> <!ENTITY % emph "%emph1;|%emph2;|%emph3;"> <!ENTITY % misc "RENDER|FOOTNOTE|MARGIN|INPUT|TEXTAREA|SELECT"> <!ENTITY % text "#PCDATA|A|IMG|IMAGE|%emph;|%misc;|BR|CHANGED"> <!ENTITY % paras "P|PRE|LIT|FIG"> <!ENTITY % lists "UL|OL|DL|MENU|DIR"> <!ENTITY % block "TABLE|FORM|MATH|NOTE|QUOTE|ABSTRACT|BYLINE|HR"> <!ENTITY % heading "H1|H2|H3|H4|H5|H6"> <!ENTITY % table "%text;|P|%heading;|%lists;"> <!ENTITY % math "BOX|%text;"> <!ENTITY % main "%heading;|%block;|%lists;|%paras;|%text;"> <!ENTITY % setup "(TITLE? & ISINDEX? & NEXTID? & LINK* & BASE?)"> <!-- Basic types of elements: <!ELEMENT tagname - - CONTENT> elements needing end tags <!ELEMENT tagname - O CONTENT> elements with optional end tags <!ELEMENT tagname - O EMPTY> elements without content or end tags The content definition is: - an entity definition as defined above - a tagname - (brackets enclosing the above) These may be combined with the operators: A* A occurs zero or more times A+ A occurs one or more times A|B implies either A or B A? A occurs zero or one times A,B implies first A then B A&B either or both A and B (in either order) --> <!ELEMENT HTMLPLUS O O ((HEAD, BODY) | ((%setup;), (%main;)*))> <!ATTLIST HTMLPLUS version CDATA #IMPLIED -- the HTML+ version number -- forms (on|off) on -- used to disable form filling --> <!ELEMENT HEAD - - (%setup;) -- delimits document wide properties --> <!ELEMENT BODY - - (%main;)* -- delimits the document's body --> <!-- Document title --> <!ELEMENT TITLE - - (#PCDATA | %emph;)+> <!ATTLIST TITLE id ID #IMPLIED -- link destination -- lang CDATA #IMPLIED -- ISO language abbreviation -- index CDATA #IMPLIED -- entries for index compilation --> <!-- Document headers --> <!ELEMENT (%heading;) - - (#PCDATA | %emph;)+> <!ATTLIST (%heading;) id ID #IMPLIED -- defines link destination -- lang CDATA #IMPLIED -- ISO language abbreviation -- index CDATA #IMPLIED -- entries for index compilation --> <!-- character emphasis --> <!ELEMENT (%emph;) - - (%text;)*> <!ATTLIST (%emph;) id ID #IMPLIED -- link destination -- lang CDATA #IMPLIED -- ISO language abbreviation -- index CDATA #IMPLIED -- entries for index compilation --> <!ELEMENT (FOOTNOTE|MARGIN) - - (%text;)* -(FOOTNOTE|MARGIN)> <!ATTLIST (FOOTNOTE|MARGIN) id ID #IMPLIED -- link destination -- lang CDATA #IMPLIED -- ISO language abbreviation -- index CDATA #IMPLIED -- entries for index compilation --> <!ELEMENT RENDER -O (EMPTY) -- how to render unknown elements --> <!ATTLIST RENDER tag CDATA #IMPLIED -- tag name -- style CDATA #IMPLIED -- comma separated list of styles --> <!-- Paragraphs which act as containers for the following text --> <!ELEMENT P - O (L|%text;)+> <!ATTLIST P id ID #IMPLIED -- link destination -- align (left|indent|center|right|justify) left lang CDATA #IMPLIED -- ISO language abbreviation -- index CDATA #IMPLIED -- entries for index compilation --> <!ELEMENT L - O (%text;)+> <!ATTLIST L id ID #IMPLIED -- link destination -- align (left|indent|center|right|justify) left lang CDATA #IMPLIED -- ISO language abbreviation -- index CDATA #IMPLIED -- entries for index compilation --> <!ELEMENT HR - O EMPTY -- Horizontal Rule --> <!ELEMENT BR - O EMPTY -- line break in normal text--> <!ELEMENT PRE - - (TAB|%text;)+ -- preformatted fixed pitch text --> <!ATTLIST PRE id ID #IMPLIED -- link destination -- lang CDATA #IMPLIED -- ISO language abbreviation -- index CDATA #IMPLIED -- entries for index compilation --> <!ELEMENT LIT - - (TAB|%text;)+ -- literal variable pitch text --> <!ATTLIST LIT id ID #IMPLIED -- link destination -- lang CDATA #IMPLIED -- ISO language abbreviation -- index CDATA #IMPLIED -- entries for index compilation --> <!ELEMENT TAB - O EMPTY -- tabs for imported text --> <!ATTLIST TAB at NUMBER #IMPLIED -- measured in widths of a capital M -- align (left|center|right|decimal) left -- tab alignment --> <!ELEMENT QUOTE - - (P|%text;)* -- block quote --> <!ATTLIST QUOTE id ID #IMPLIED -- link destination -- lang CDATA #IMPLIED -- ISO language abbreviation -- index CDATA #IMPLIED -- entries for index compilation --> <!ELEMENT ABSTRACT - - (P|%text;)* -- document summary --> <!ATTLIST ABSTRACT id ID #IMPLIED -- link destination -- lang CDATA #IMPLIED -- ISO language abbreviation -- index CDATA #IMPLIED -- entries for index compilation --> <!ELEMENT BYLINE - - (P|%text;)* -- info on author --> <!ATTLIST BYLINE id ID #IMPLIED -- link destination -- lang CDATA #IMPLIED -- ISO language abbreviation -- index CDATA #IMPLIED -- entries for index compilation --> <!ELEMENT NOTE - - (P|%text;)* -- admonishment --> <!ATTLIST NOTE id ID #IMPLIED -- link destination -- role CDATA #IMPLIED -- e.g. Tip, Note, Warning, or Error -- lang CDATA #IMPLIED -- ISO language abbreviation -- index CDATA #IMPLIED -- entries for index compilation --> <!ELEMENT (ADDRESS|BLOCKQUOTE) - - (%text;|P)* --compatibility with HTML--> <!-- Lists which can be nested --> <!ELEMENT OL - - (LI | UL | OL)+ -- ordered list --> <!ATTLIST OL id ID #IMPLIED compact (compact) #IMPLIED lang CDATA #IMPLIED -- ISO language abbreviation -- index CDATA #IMPLIED -- entries for index compilation --> <!ELEMENT UL - - (LI | UL | OL)+ -- unordered list --> <!ATTLIST UL id ID #IMPLIED -- link destination -- compact (compact) #IMPLIED -- reduced interitem spacing -- plain (plain) #IMPLIED -- suppress bullets -- wrap (vert|horiz) vert -- multicolumn list wrap style -- lang CDATA #IMPLIED -- ISO language abbreviation -- index CDATA #IMPLIED -- entries for index compilation --> <!-- List items for UL and OL lists --> <!ELEMENT LI - O (DL|P|%text;)+> <!ATTLIST LI id ID #IMPLIED src %URL; #IMPLIED -- icon for use in place of bullet -- lang CDATA #IMPLIED -- ISO language abbreviation -- index CDATA #IMPLIED -- entries for index compilation --> <!ELEMENT MENU - - (LI)* -- plain single column list --> <!ATTLIST MENU id ID #IMPLIED lang CDATA #IMPLIED -- ISO language abbreviation -- index CDATA #IMPLIED -- entries for index compilation --> <!ELEMENT DIR - - (LI)* -- plain multi column list --> <!ATTLIST DIR id ID #IMPLIED lang CDATA #IMPLIED -- ISO language abbreviation -- index CDATA #IMPLIED -- entries for index compilation --> <!-- Definition Lists (terms + definitions) --> <!ELEMENT DL - - (DT+,DD)+> <!ATTLIST DL id ID #IMPLIED compact (compact) #IMPLIED lang CDATA #IMPLIED -- ISO language abbreviation -- index CDATA #IMPLIED -- entries for index compilation --> <!ELEMENT DT - O (%text;)+ -- term text -- > <!ELEMENT DD - O (P|UL|OL|DL|%text;)+ -- definition text -- > <!ATTLIST (DT|DD) id ID #IMPLIED lang CDATA #IMPLIED -- ISO language abbreviation -- index CDATA #IMPLIED -- entries for index compilation --> <!ELEMENT CAPTION - - (%text;)+ -- table or figure caption --> <!ATTLIST CAPTION id ID #IMPLIED lang CDATA #IMPLIED -- ISO language abbreviation -- index CDATA #IMPLIED -- entries for index compilation --> <!ELEMENT TABLE - - (CAPTION?, (TH|TD|TR)*) -- mixed headers and data --> <!ATTLIST TABLE id ID #IMPLIED border (border) #IMPLIED -- draw borders -- lang CDATA #IMPLIED -- ISO language abbreviation -- index CDATA #IMPLIED -- entries for index compilation --> <!ELEMENT TH - O (%table;)* -- a header cell --> <!ATTLIST TH colspan NUMBER 1 -- columns spanned -- rowspan NUMBER 1 --. rows spanned -- align (left|center|right) center -- alignment in cell -- lang CDATA #IMPLIED -- ISO language abbreviation --> <!ELEMENT TD - O (%table;)* -- a data cell --> <!ATTLIST TD colspan NUMBER 1 -- columns spanned -- rowspan NUMBER 1 --. rows spanned -- align (left|center|right) center -- alignment in cell -- lang CDATA #IMPLIED -- ISO language abbreviation --> <!ELEMENT TR - O (EMPTY) -- row separator --> <!ATTLIST TR id ID #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT FORM - - (MH, (%main;)*) -(FORM) -- forms can't be nested --> <!ATTLIST FORM id ID #IMPLIED action %URL; #IMPLIED -- defaults for URL for current doc -- method CDATA #IMPLIED -- PUT, POST, DELETE etc. -- lang CDATA #IMPLIED -- ISO language abbreviation -- index CDATA #IMPLIED -- entries for index compilation --> <!ELEMENT MH - - CDATA -- one or more RFC 822 header fields --> <!ATTLIST MH hidden (hidden) #IMPLIED -- hide the mail headers from view --> <!ELEMENT INPUT - O EMPTY> <!ATTLIST INPUT name CDATA #IMPLIED -- attribute name (may not be unique) -- type CDATA #IMPLIED -- a wide variety of field types -- size CDATA #IMPLIED -- visible size of text fields -- min NUMBER #IMPLIED -- for range controls -- max NUMBER #IMPLIED -- for range controls or text fields -- value CDATA #IMPLIED -- attribute value (altered by user) -- checked (checked) #IMPLIED -- for check boxes and radio buttons -- disabled (disabled) #IMPLIED -- if grayed out -- error (error) #IMPLIED -- if in error -- src %URL; #IMPLIED -- for certain fields e.g. IMAGEs -- align (top|middle|bottom) top -- for IMAGE fields only -- lang CDATA #IMPLIED -- ISO language abbreviation --> <!ELEMENT TEXTAREA - - CDATA -- multi-line text fields --> <!ATTLIST TEXTAREA name CDATA #IMPLIED -- attribute name (may not be unique) -- cols NUMBER #IMPLIED -- visible width in characters -- rows NUMBER #IMPLIED -- visible height in characters -- disabled (disabled) #IMPLIED -- if grayed out -- error (error) #IMPLIED -- if in error -- lang CDATA #IMPLIED -- ISO language abbreviation --> <!ELEMENT SELECT - - (OPTION+) -- combo style selection lists --> <!ATTLIST SELECT name CDATA #IMPLIED -- attribute name (may not be unique) -- several (several) #IMPLIED -- permits multiple selections -- error (error) #IMPLIED -- if in error -- lang CDATA #IMPLIED -- ISO language abbreviation --> <!ELEMENT OPTION - - CDATA> <!ATTLIST OPTION selected (selected) #IMPLIED -- if initially selected -- disabled (disabled) #IMPLIED -- if grayed out -- lang CDATA #IMPLIED -- ISO language abbreviation --> <!ELEMENT FIG - - (CAPTION?,(%text;)*)> <!ATTLIST FIG id ID #IMPLIED align (left|center|right|float) float -- position -- ismap (ismap) #IMPLIED -- server can handle mouse clicks/drags -- src %URL; #IMPLIED -- link to image data -- index CDATA #IMPLIED -- entries for index compilation -- lang CDATA #IMPLIED -- ISO language abbreviation --> <!ELEMENT IMG - O EMPTY> <!ATTLIST IMG src %URL; #REQUIRED -- where to get image data -- align (top|middle|bottom) top -- top, middle or bottom -- seethru CDATA #IMPLIED -- for chromakey -- alt CDATA #IMPLIED -- description for text-only displays -- ismap (ismap) #IMPLIED -- send mouse clicks/drags to server --> <!ELEMENT IMAGE - - (A|%text;)*> <!ATTLIST IMAGE src %URL; #REQUIRED -- where to get image data -- align (top|middle|bottom) top -- top, middle or bottom -- seethru CDATA #IMPLIED -- for transparency -- ismap (ismap) #IMPLIED -- send mouse clicks/drags to server -- lang CDATA #IMPLIED -- ISO language abbreviation --> <!-- proposal for representing formulae --> <!ELEMENT MATH - - (%math;)*> <!ATTLIST MATH id ID #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT BOX - - ((%math;)*, OVER?, (%math;)*)> <!ELEMENT OVER - O EMPTY> <!ELEMENT CHANGED - O EMPTY -- for change bars --> <!ATTLIST CHANGED -- one of id and idref is always required -- id ID #IMPLIED -- signals start of changes -- idref IDREF #IMPLIED -- signals end of changes --> <!-- Hypertext Links from points within document nodes --> <!ELEMENT A - - (#PCDATA | IMG | EM | EMBED)*> <!ATTLIST A id ID #IMPLIED -- as target of link -- name CDATA #IMPLIED -- for backwards compatibility with HTML-- shape CDATA #IMPLIED -- list of points for shaped buttons -- href %URL; #IMPLIED -- destination node -- rel CDATA #IMPLIED -- forward relationship type -- rev CDATA #IMPLIED -- reverse relationship type -- methods CDATA #IMPLIED -- supported public methods -- effect CDATA #IMPLIED -- replace/new/overlay/embed -- print CDATA #IMPLIED -- reference/footnote/section -- title CDATA #IMPLIED -- when otherwise unavailable -- type CDATA #IMPLIED -- for presentation cues -- size NAMES #IMPLIED -- for progress cues -- lang CDATA #IMPLIED -- ISO language abbreviation --> <!-- Other kinds of relationships between documents --> <!ELEMENT LINK - O EMPTY> <!ATTLIST LINK idref IDREF #IMPLIED -- starting point -- href %URL; #IMPLIED -- destination node -- rel CDATA #IMPLIED -- forward relationship type -- rev CDATA #IMPLIED -- reverse relationship type -- methods CDATA #IMPLIED -- supported public methods --> <!-- Original document URL for resolving relative URLs --> <!ELEMENT BASE - O EMPTY> <!ATTLIST BASE HREF %URL; #IMPLIED> <!-- Signifies the document's URL accepts queries --> <!ELEMENT ISINDEX - O (EMPTY)> <!ATTLIST ISINDEX href %URL; #IMPLIED -- defaults to document's URL --> <!-- For use with autonumbering editors - don't reuse ids, allocate next one starting from this one --> <!ELEMENT NEXTID - O (EMPTY)> <!ATTLIST NEXTID N NAME #REQUIRED> <!-- Mnemonic character entities for 8 bit ANSI Latin-1 ignore when using other character sets --> <!ENTITY iexcl "¡" -- inverted exclamation mark --> <!ENTITY cent "¡" -- cent sign --> <!ENTITY pound "£" -- pound sign --> <!ENTITY yen "¥" -- yen sign --> <!ENTITY brvbar "¦" -- broken vertical bar --> <!ENTITY sect "§" -- section sign --> <!ENTITY copy "©" -- copyright sign --> <!ENTITY laquo "«" -- angle quotation mark, left --> <!ENTITY raquo "»" -- angle quotation mark, right --> <!ENTITY not "¬" -- negation sign --> <!ENTITY reg "®" -- circled R registered sign --> <!ENTITY deg "°" -- degree sign --> <!ENTITY plusmn "±" -- plus or minus sign --> <!ENTITY sup2 "²" -- superscript 2 --> <!ENTITY sup3 "³" -- superscript 3 --> <!ENTITY micro "µ" -- micro sign --> <!ENTITY para "¶" -- paragraph sign --> <!ENTITY sup1 "¹" -- superscript 1 --> <!ENTITY middot "·" -- center dot --> <!ENTITY frac14 "¼" -- fraction 1/4 --> <!ENTITY frac12 "½" -- fraction 1/2 --> <!ENTITY iquest "¿" -- inverted question mark --> <!ENTITY frac34 "¾" -- fraction 3/4 --> <!ENTITY AElig "Æ" -- capital AE diphthong (ligature) --> <!ENTITY Aacute "Á" -- capital A, acute accent --> <!ENTITY Acirc "Â" -- capital A, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY Agrave "À" -- capital A, grave accent --> <!ENTITY Aring "Å" -- capital A, ring --> <!ENTITY Atilde "Ã" -- capital A, tilde --> <!ENTITY Auml "Ä" -- capital A, dieresis or umlaut mark --> <!ENTITY Ccedil "Ç" -- capital C, cedilla --> <!ENTITY ETH "Ð" -- capital Eth, Icelandic --> <!ENTITY Eacute "É" -- capital E, acute accent --> <!ENTITY Ecirc "Ê" -- capital E, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY Egrave "È" -- capital E, grave accent --> <!ENTITY Euml "Ë" -- capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark --> <!ENTITY Iacute "Í" -- capital I, acute accent --> <!ENTITY Icirc "Î" -- capital I, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY Igrave "Ì" -- capital I, grave accent --> <!ENTITY Iuml "Ï" -- capital I, dieresis or umlaut mark --> <!ENTITY Ntilde "Ñ" -- capital N, tilde --> <!ENTITY Oacute "Ó" -- capital O, acute accent --> <!ENTITY Ocirc "Ô" -- capital O, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY Ograve "Ò" -- capital O, grave accent --> <!ENTITY Oslash "Ø" -- capital O, slash --> <!ENTITY Otilde "Õ" -- capital O, tilde --> <!ENTITY Ouml "Ö" -- capital O, dieresis or umlaut mark --> <!ENTITY THORN "Þ" -- capital THORN, Icelandic --> <!ENTITY Uacute "Ú" -- capital U, acute accent --> <!ENTITY Ucirc "Û" -- capital U, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY Ugrave "Ù" -- capital U, grave accent --> <!ENTITY Uuml "Ü" -- capital U, dieresis or umlaut mark --> <!ENTITY Yacute "Ý" -- capital Y, acute accent --> <!ENTITY aacute "á" -- small a, acute accent --> <!ENTITY acirc "â" -- small a, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY aelig "æ" -- small ae diphthong (ligature) --> <!ENTITY agrave "à" -- small a, grave accent --> <!ENTITY amp "&" -- ampersand --> <!ENTITY aring "å" -- small a, ring --> <!ENTITY atilde "ã" -- small a, tilde --> <!ENTITY auml "ä" -- small a, dieresis or umlaut mark --> <!ENTITY ccedil "ç" -- small c, cedilla --> <!ENTITY eacute "é" -- small e, acute accent --> <!ENTITY ecirc "ê" -- small e, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY egrave "è" -- small e, grave accent --> <!ENTITY eth "ð" -- small eth, Icelandic --> <!ENTITY euml "ë" -- small e, dieresis or umlaut mark --> <!ENTITY gt ">" -- greater than --> <!ENTITY iacute "í" -- small i, acute accent --> <!ENTITY icirc "î" -- small i, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY igrave "ì" -- small i, grave accent --> <!ENTITY iuml "ï" -- small i, dieresis or umlaut mark --> <!ENTITY lt "<" -- less than --> <!ENTITY ntilde "ñ" -- small n, tilde --> <!ENTITY oacute "ó" -- small o, acute accent --> <!ENTITY ocirc "ô" -- small o, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY ograve "ò" -- small o, grave accent --> <!ENTITY oslash "ø" -- small o, slash --> <!ENTITY otilde "õ" -- small o, tilde --> <!ENTITY ouml "ö" -- small o, dieresis or umlaut mark --> <!ENTITY szlig "ß" -- small sharp s, German (sz ligature) --> <!ENTITY thorn "þ" -- small thorn, Icelandic --> <!ENTITY uacute "ú" -- small u, acute accent --> <!ENTITY ucirc "û" -- small u, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY ugrave "ù" -- small u, grave accent --> <!ENTITY uuml "ü" -- small u, dieresis or umlaut mark --> <!ENTITY yacute "ý" -- small y, acute accent --> <!ENTITY yuml "ÿ" -- small y, dieresis or umlaut mark --> <!-- The END --> ]>