XForms Features from 18-January-2002 Last Call WD.

Note: For completeness, this listing attempts 100% coverage of the specification, even when a "feature" is trivial to implement. This would make a good checklist with one column for each implementation (as in the SMIL report). Please send comments to the list.

F = Full only 
* = Basic & Full

3 Document Structure

* Support for namespace http://www.3.org/2002/01/xforms
* Processor accepts <model>, <instance>, <schema>, <submitInfo>, <privacy>, <action>, and <extension>, <bind>, including attributes

4 Processing Model

* 4.2.1 xforms:modelConstruct
  (includes loading local or xlink:href Schema)
* 4.2.2 xforms:modelInitialize
  (includes loading local or xlink:href instance data)
* 4.2.3 xforms:initializeDone
* 4.2.4 xforms:UIInitialize
* 4.2.5 xforms:formControlInitialize
* 4.3.1 DOM Mutation Events
* 4.3.2 xforms:next and xforms:previous
  (inlcudes implementing Navigation sequence)
* 4.3.3 xforms:focus and xforms:blur
* 4.3.4 xforms:activate
* 4.3.5 xforms:valueChanging
* 4.3.6 xforms:valueChanged
* 4.3.7 xforms:scrollFirst
* 4.3.8 xforms:scrollLast
* 4.3.9 xforms:insert and xforms:delete
* 4.3.10 xforms:select and xforms:deselect
* 4.3.11 xforms:help and xforms:hint
* 4.3.12 xforms:alert
* 4.3.13 xforms:valid
* 4.3.14 xforms:invalid
* 4.3.15 xforms:refresh
* 4.3.16 xforms:revalidate
* 4.3.17 xforms:recalculate
* 4.3.18 xforms:reset
* 4.4.1 xforms:submit
  (includes processing of POST and GET)
* 4.5.1 xforms:schemaConstraintsError
* 4.5.2 xforms:traversalError
* 4.5.3 xforms:invalidDatatypeError
* 4.4.2 application/x-www-form-urlencoded serialization
* 4.4.3 multipart/form-data serialization
* 4.4.4 text/xml serialization

5 Datatypes

* Basic XSD datatypes
F Full XSD datatypes
* User-defined (derived) datatypes
* XForms datatype: listItem
* XForms datatype: listIitems

6 Constraints

* XForms Constraint (XFC) 'type'
* XFC 'readOnly'
* XFC 'required'
* XFC 'relevant'
* XFC 'calculate'
* XFC 'isValid'
* XFC 'maxOccurs'
* XFC 'minOccurs'
* 6.2.1 resolution of Schema datatype
(includes xsi:type processing) * Support for <bind> element * 6.4.2 Rules For Binding Expressions
* 6.4.3 Binding References
* Attaching xforms:ref to other namespaces

7 XPath Expressions

* XPath Context resolution (including context node)
* Function: boolean-from-string
* Function: if()
* Function: avg()
* Function: min() & max()
* Function: count-non-empty()
* Function: cursor()
* Function: property()
* Function: now()
* Extension function error reporting

8 Form Controls

* Form Control (FC) 'input'
* FC 'textArea'
* FC 'secret'
* FC 'output'
* FC 'upload'
* FC 'range'
* FC 'button'
* FC 'submit'
* FC 'selectOne'
* FC 'selectMany'
* Common markup: item and choices
* Common markukp: itemset
* Common markup: attributes xml:lang, class, navIndex, accessKey implemented on all form controls
* Common markup: binding attributes
* Common markup: <caption> (local or xlink:href), required on all form controls
* Common markup: <action> and <extension> allowed

9 XForms User Interface

* <group>
* <switch> & <case>
* <repeat>

10 XForms Actions

* XForms Action (XFA) dispatch
* XFA refresh
* XFA recalculate
* XFA revalidate
* XFA setFocus
* XFA loadURI
* XFA setValue
* XFA submitInstance
* XFA resetInstance
* XFA setRepeatCursor
* XFA insert
* XFA delete
* XFA scroll
* XFA toggle
* XFA script
* XFA message ('ephemeral', 'modeless', and 'modal')
* <action>

Appendix A

* Schema validation of XForms sections

Appendix D

* Input modes supported