Main Module for Line Mode Browser

**	(c) COPYRIGHT MIT 1995.
**	Please first read the full copyright statement in the file COPYRIGH.
This module defines the global variables etc. for the Line Mode Browser. The module is implemented by HTBrowse.c, and it is a part of the Line Mode Browser.

#ifndef HTBROWSE_H
#define HTBROWSE_H

extern int	HTScreenWidth;
extern int	HTScreenHeight;

/* Anchor specific information */
extern BOOL	display_anchors;		    /* Show anchors in text? */
extern char *	start_reference;		  /* Format for start anchor */
extern char *	end_reference;				   /* for end anchor */
extern char *	reference_mark;			      /* for reference lists */
extern char *	end_mark;		   	  /* Format string for [End] */

typedef struct _LineMode LineMode;
typedef struct _HTView HTView;

extern int OutputData(HTView * pView, const char  * fmt, ...);
#endif /* HTBROWSE_H */

/* for access to windows app's windows procedures */
typedef int InputParser_t (char* buf, SOCKET s, HTRequest * req, HTEventType type);
extern InputParser_t * PInputParser;
PUBLIC int bufferInput (char* buf, int len, SOCKET s, HTRequest * req, HTEventType type);
extern LineMode * Context_getLineMode(HTRequest * request);
extern HTRequest * LineMode_getConsole(LineMode * pLm);
extern HTView * LineMode_getView(LineMode * pLm);
extern HTView * HTView_create(char* name, int rows, int cols, LineMode * pLm);
extern BOOL HTView_destroy(HTView * pView);
End of HTBrowse Declaration