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Class w3c.www.protocol.http.cache.VaryResource


public class VaryResource
extends CachedResource

Variable Index

Attribute index - The location of the variants.
Attribute index - The dimension on which this resource varies.
 o variants
The loaded list of cached variants.

Constructor Index

 o VaryResource()

Method Index

 o addVariant(CachedResource)
 o delete()
Delete this cached entry from the cache.
 o getVariant(HttpEntityTag)
 o getVariantLocations()
Get this varying resource cached variant locations.
 o getVariants()
 o getVariantsETag()
 o getVary()
Get the dimension on which this resource varies.
 o isValid(Request)
Is the currently cached version usable to answer the given request ?
 o setRequestValidation(Request)
Update an original request for a revalidation.
 o updateVariant(Request, Reply)
 o validate(Request, Reply)
Given an HTTP transaction, validate that cached entry.


 protected static int ATTR_VARIANT_LOCATIONS
Attribute index - The location of the variants.

 protected static int ATTR_VARY
Attribute index - The dimension on which this resource varies.

 o variants
 protected CachedResource variants[]
The loaded list of cached variants.


 o VaryResource
 public VaryResource()


 o getVariantLocations
 public synchronized String[] getVariantLocations()
Get this varying resource cached variant locations.

A array of URL encoded as String a String array, or null if no variants have been cached yet.
 o getVary
 public String[] getVary()
Get the dimension on which this resource varies.

A list of HTTP header field names. This method will never return null since this would prevent it from being cached.
 o addVariant
 public synchronized void addVariant(CachedResource v)
 o getVariants
 public synchronized CachedResource[] getVariants()
 o getVariantsETag
 public synchronized HttpEntityTag[] getVariantsETag()
 o getVariant
 public synchronized CachedResource getVariant(HttpEntityTag etag)
 o updateVariant
 public Reply updateVariant(Request request,
                            Reply reply) throws IOException
 o setRequestValidation
 public void setRequestValidation(Request request)
Update an original request for a revalidation.

setRequestValidation in class CachedResource
 o isValid
 public boolean isValid(Request request)
Is the currently cached version usable to answer the given request ?

isValid in class CachedResource
 o validate
 public synchronized Reply validate(Request request,
                                    Reply reply) throws IOException
Given an HTTP transaction, validate that cached entry.

validate in class CachedResource
 o delete
 public synchronized void delete()
Delete this cached entry from the cache.

delete in class CachedResource

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