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Class w3c.www.protocol.http.HttpMuxServer


public class HttpMuxServer
extends HttpServer

Variable Index

 o conn
 o host
 o manager
 o port
 o timeout

Constructor Index

 o HttpMuxServer()

Method Index

 o acquireConnection()
 o deleteConnection(HttpConnection)
 o getMajorVersion()
Get this server's major version number.
 o getMinorVersion()
Get this server's minor version number.
 o getProtocol()
Get this servers' protocol.
 o initialize(HttpManager, HttpServerState, String, int, int)
Initialize this server instance for the given target location.
 o interruptRequest(Request)
Interrupt given request (that we launched).
 o isTwoStage(Request)
Is this request a two stage request.
 o notifyObserver(RequestObserver, Request, int)
 o notifyObserver(RequestObserver, RequestEvent)
 o releaseConnection()
 o runRequest(Request)
HTTP manager interface - Handle this request in sync mode.
 o setTimeout(int)
Set the new timeout for this server


 o conn
 protected HttpMuxConnection conn
 o manager
 protected HttpManager manager
 o host
 protected String host
 o port
 protected int port
 o timeout
 protected int timeout


 o HttpMuxServer
 public HttpMuxServer()


 o acquireConnection
 protected synchronized void acquireConnection() throws IOException
 o releaseConnection
 protected synchronized void releaseConnection()
 o getProtocol
 public String getProtocol()
Get this servers' protocol.

getProtocol in class HttpServer
 o getMajorVersion
 public short getMajorVersion()
Get this server's major version number.

getMajorVersion in class HttpServer
 o getMinorVersion
 public short getMinorVersion()
Get this server's minor version number.

getMinorVersion in class HttpServer
 o setTimeout
 public synchronized void setTimeout(int timeout)
Set the new timeout for this server

setTimeout in class HttpServer
 o isTwoStage
 protected boolean isTwoStage(Request requset)
Is this request a two stage request.

A boolean, true if the request is two stage, false otherwise.
 o notifyObserver
 protected void notifyObserver(RequestObserver obs,
                               Request request,
                               int code)
 o notifyObserver
 protected void notifyObserver(RequestObserver obs,
                               RequestEvent evt)
 o runRequest
 public Reply runRequest(Request req) throws HttpException
HTTP manager interface - Handle this request in sync mode.

runRequest in class HttpServer
 o interruptRequest
 protected void interruptRequest(Request request)
Interrupt given request (that we launched). THIS METHID IS NOT IMPLEMENTED !

request - The request to interrupt.
interruptRequest in class HttpServer
 o deleteConnection
 public synchronized void deleteConnection(HttpConnection conn)
 o initialize
 public void initialize(HttpManager manager,
                        HttpServerState state,
                        String host,
                        int port,
                        int timeout)
Initialize this server instance for the given target location.

manager - The central HTTP protocol manager.
state - The manager's state for that server.
host - The target server's FQDN.
port - The target server's port number.
timeout - The socket's timeout in millisec
Throws: HttpException
If host coulnd't be resolved.
initialize in class HttpServer

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