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Class w3c.www.http.ContentLengthInputStream


public class ContentLengthInputStream
extends InputStream
The content length input stream is used internally to return entity bodies.

Variable Index

 o in
The original input stream.
 o length
The number of bytes readable from the above stream.
 o marklength
The place of a single pending mark.
 o observer
The stream observer, if any.

Constructor Index

 o ContentLengthInputStream(HttpStreamObserver, InputStream, int)
 o ContentLengthInputStream(InputStream, int)
Builds a new content-length input stream.

Method Index

 o available()
 o close()
 o finalize()
Make sure the stream is ultimately closed !
 o mark(int)
 o read()
 o read(byte[], int, int)
 o reset()
 o skip(long)


 o in
 protected InputStream in
The original input stream.

 o observer
 protected HttpStreamObserver observer
The stream observer, if any.

 o length
 protected int length
The number of bytes readable from the above stream.

 o marklength
 protected int marklength
The place of a single pending mark.


 o ContentLengthInputStream
 public ContentLengthInputStream(InputStream in,
                                 int length)
Builds a new content-length input stream. This stream acts as a normal stream except that it will return an end of file, after count bytes have been delivered.

 o ContentLengthInputStream
 public ContentLengthInputStream(HttpStreamObserver observer,
                                 InputStream in,
                                 int length)


 o mark
 public void mark(int readlimit)
mark in class InputStream
 o reset
 public void reset() throws IOException
reset in class InputStream
 o close
 public synchronized void close() throws IOException
close in class InputStream
 o read
 public int read() throws IOException
read in class InputStream
 o read
 public int read(byte b[],
                 int off,
                 int len) throws IOException
read in class InputStream
 o skip
 public long skip(long n) throws IOException
skip in class InputStream
 o available
 public int available() throws IOException
available in class InputStream
 o finalize
 public void finalize()
Make sure the stream is ultimately closed !

finalize in class Object

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