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Class w3c.jigsaw.formedit.FormFieldRegistry


public class FormFieldRegistry
extends Object

Constructor Index

 o FormFieldRegistry()

Method Index

 o getField(Resource, Attribute)
Get a suitable form field to edit the given attribute of the target.
 o getTargetField(ResourceShadower, Attribute)
Get a form field to edit a shadow attribute of target.
 o registerField(Class, Class)
Register a form field to edit the givan class of attributes.
 o registerField(String, String)
Register a form field to edit the givan class of attributes.


 o FormFieldRegistry
 public FormFieldRegistry()


 o registerField
 public static synchronized void registerField(Class acls,
                                               Class fcls)
Register a form field to edit the givan class of attributes.

acls - The class of the editable attribute.
fcls - The class of the form field to use.
 o registerField
 public static synchronized void registerField(String aclsname,
                                               String fclsname)
Register a form field to edit the givan class of attributes.

aclsname - The name of the class of the editable attribute.
fclsname - The name of the class of the form field to use.
Throws: RuntimeException
If the class names can't be resolved.
 o getField
 public static synchronized FormFieldInterface getField(Resource target,
                                                        Attribute a)
Get a suitable form field to edit the given attribute of the target.

target - The target resource to edit.
a - What attribute of the target needs edits.
An instance conforming to the FormFieldInterface, or null if no such form field was registered.
 o getTargetField
 public static synchronized FormFieldInterface getTargetField(ResourceShadower target,
                                                              Attribute a)
Get a form field to edit a shadow attribute of target.

target - The shadower resource.
a - The attribute to edit.
An instance conforming to the FormFieldInterface, or null if no such form field was registered.

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