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Class w3c.jigsaw.admin.PlainRemoteResource


public class PlainRemoteResource
extends Object
implements RemoteResource

Variable Index

 o admin
The client side admin context
 o attributes
The remote resource set of attributes.
 o classes
The remote resource class hierarchy.
 o filters
Set of attached filters.
 o identifier
The name of that resource (ie it's identifier attribute).
 o iscontainer
Is that resource a container resource ?
 o isfiltered
Is that resource a filtered resource ?
 o parent
The name of the parent of that resource, as an URL.
 o url
The admin URL for the wrapped resource.
 o values
The remote resource attribute values.

Method Index

 o createRequest()
 o delete()
Delete that resource, and detach it from its container.
 o dump(PrintStream)
Dump that resource to the given output stream.
 o enumerateResourceIdentifiers()
 o getAttributes()
Get the target resource list of attributes.
 o getClassHierarchy()
Get the target resource class hierarchy.
 o getFilters()
Get the filters attached to that resource.
 o getValue(String)
 o getValues(String[])
 o isContainer()
 o isFiltered()
Is this resource a filtered resource ?
 o loadResource(String)
 o lookupAttribute(String)
 o registerFilter(String, String)
Attach a new filter to that resource.
 o registerResource(String, String)
Register a new resource within this container.
 o setFilters(RemoteResource[])
 o setValue(String, Object)
 o setValues(String[], Object[])
Set a set of attribute values in one shot.
 o unregisterFilter(RemoteResource)
Unregister a given filter from that resource.


 o admin
 protected AdminContext admin
The client side admin context

 o classes
 protected String classes[]
The remote resource class hierarchy.

 o attributes
 protected Attribute attributes[]
The remote resource set of attributes.

 o values
 protected Object values[]
The remote resource attribute values.

 o iscontainer
 protected boolean iscontainer
Is that resource a container resource ?

 o isfiltered
 protected boolean isfiltered
Is that resource a filtered resource ?

 o identifier
 protected String identifier
The name of that resource (ie it's identifier attribute).

 o parent
 protected URL parent
The name of the parent of that resource, as an URL.

 o url
 protected URL url
The admin URL for the wrapped resource.

 o filters
 protected RemoteResource filters[]
Set of attached filters.


 o createRequest
 protected Request createRequest()
 o lookupAttribute
 protected int lookupAttribute(String attr) throws RemoteAccessException
 o setFilters
 protected void setFilters(RemoteResource filters[])
 o getClassHierarchy
 public String[] getClassHierarchy() throws RemoteAccessException
Get the target resource class hierarchy. This method will return the class hierarchy as an array of String. The first string in the array is the name of the resource class itself, the last string will always be java.lang.Object.

A String array givimg the target resource's class description.
Throws: RemoteAccessException
If somenetwork failure occured.
 o delete
 public void delete() throws RemoteAccessException
Delete that resource, and detach it from its container.

Throws: RemoteAccessException
If somenetwork failure occured.
 o getAttributes
 public synchronized Attribute[] getAttributes() throws RemoteAccessException
Get the target resource list of attributes. This method returns the target resource attributes description. The resulting array contains instances of the Attribute class, one item per described attributes.

Even though this returns all the attribute resources, only the ones that are advertized as being editable can be set through this interface.

An array of Attribute.
Throws: RemoteAccessException
If somenetwork failure occured.
 o getValue
 public Object getValue(String attr) throws RemoteAccessException
name - The attribute whose value is to be fetched, encoded as its name.
Throws: RemoteAccessException
If somenetwork failure occured.
 o getValues
 public Object[] getValues(String attrs[]) throws RemoteAccessException
attrs - The (ordered) set of attributes whose value is to be fetched.
An (ordered) set of values, one per queried attribute.
Throws: RemoteAccessException
If somenetwork failure occured.
 o setValue
 public void setValue(String attr,
                      Object value) throws RemoteAccessException
attr - The attribute to set, encoded as it's name.
value - The new value for that attribute.
Throws: RemoteAccessException
If somenetwork failure occured.
 o setValues
 public void setValues(String names[],
                       Object values[]) throws RemoteAccessException
Set a set of attribute values in one shot. This method guarantees that either all setting is done, or none of them are.

attrs - The (ordered) list of attribute to set, encoded as their names.
values - The (ordered) list of values, for each of the above attributes.
Throws: RemoteAccessException
If somenetwork failure occured.
 o isContainer
 public boolean isContainer() throws RemoteAccessException
Throws: RemoteAccessException
If somenetwork failure occured.
 o enumerateResourceIdentifiers
 public String[] enumerateResourceIdentifiers() throws RemoteAccessException
Throws: RemoteAccessException
If somenetwork failure occured.
 o loadResource
 public RemoteResource loadResource(String identifier) throws RemoteAccessException
Throws: RemoteAccessException
If somenetwork failure occured.
 o registerResource
 public RemoteResource registerResource(String id,
                                        String classname) throws RemoteAccessException
Register a new resource within this container.

id - The identifier of the resource to be created.
classname - The name of the class of the resource to be added.
 o isFiltered
 public boolean isFiltered() throws RemoteAccessException
Is this resource a filtered resource ?

A boolean, true if the resource is filtered and it currently has some filters attached, false otherwise.
 o getFilters
 public RemoteResource[] getFilters() throws RemoteAccessException
Get the filters attached to that resource. Each filter is itself a resource, so it is returned as an instance of a remote resource.

A (posssibly null) array of filters attached to that resource.
 o unregisterFilter
 public void unregisterFilter(RemoteResource filter) throws RemoteAccessException
Unregister a given filter from that resource.

filter - The filter to unregister.
 o registerFilter
 public RemoteResource registerFilter(String id,
                                      String classname) throws RemoteAccessException
Attach a new filter to that resource.

identifier - The name for this filter (if any).
clsname - The name of the filter's class.
A remote handle to the (remotely) created filter instance.
 o dump
 public void dump(PrintStream prt) throws RemoteAccessException
Dump that resource to the given output stream.

prt - A print stream to dump to.

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