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Class w3c.jigadm.editors.DateAttributeEditor


public class DateAttributeEditor
extends AttributeEditor

Constructor Index

 o DateAttributeEditor()

Method Index

 o clearChanged()
set the current value to be the original value, ie: changed must return false after a reset.
 o getComponent()
get the Component created by the editor.
 o getValue()
Get the current value of the edited value
 o hasChanged()
Tells if the edited value has changed
 o initialize(RemoteResourceWrapper, Attribute, Object, Properties)
Initialize the filter
 o resetChanges()
reset the changes (if any)
 o setValue(Object)
Add a Listener to this editor.
 o updateValue(int, boolean)
update the new date value, according to the field defined in the Calendar


 o DateAttributeEditor
 public DateAttributeEditor()


 o updateValue
 protected void updateValue(int field,
                            boolean plus)
update the new date value, according to the field defined in the Calendar

field - the field of the Calendar to be modified
plus - a boolean which determine the change sign
See Also:
 o hasChanged
 public boolean hasChanged()
Tells if the edited value has changed

true if the value changed.
hasChanged in class AttributeEditor
 o clearChanged
 public void clearChanged()
set the current value to be the original value, ie: changed must return false after a reset.

clearChanged in class AttributeEditor
 o resetChanges
 public void resetChanges()
reset the changes (if any)

resetChanges in class AttributeEditor
 o getValue
 public Object getValue()
Get the current value of the edited value

an object or null if the object was not initialized
getValue in class AttributeEditor
 o setValue
 public void setValue(Object o)
Add a Listener to this editor.

el - a listener
setValue in class AttributeEditor
 o getComponent
 public Component getComponent()
get the Component created by the editor.

a Component
getComponent in class AttributeEditor
 o initialize
 public void initialize(RemoteResourceWrapper w,
                        Attribute a,
                        Object o,
                        Properties p) throws RemoteAccessException
Initialize the filter

w - the ResourceWrapper father of the attribute
a - the Attribute we are editing
o - the value of the above attribute
p - some Properties, used to fine-tune the editor
initialize in class AttributeEditor

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