1 text dirLTR ubOverride

Assertion: direction(ltr)+unicode-bidi(override) on a block element will cause the text to be left-aligned, and all text to be displayed in backing-store order from left to right.

Only the text element has directional markup.

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2 text dirRTL ubOverride

Assertion: direction(rtl)+unicode-bidi(override) on a block element will cause the text to be right-aligned, and all text to be displayed in backing-store order from right to left.

Only the text element has directional markup.

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3 g dirLTR ubOverride

Assertion: When direction(ltr)+unicode-bidi(override) is set on a block element, the override will not be inherited by a child block element, but the direction will.

Only the g element has directional markup.

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4 g dirRTL ubOverride

Assertion: When direction(rtl)+unicode-bidi(override) is set on a block element, the override will not be inherited by a child block element, but the direction will..

Only the g element has directional markup.

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Version: $Id: test-direction-unicode-bidi-4.html,v 1.2 2008/11/07 17:29:28 rishida Exp $