Summarized test results:
HTML5 accesskey

Intended audience: users, HTML coders, script developers, CSS coders, Web project managers, and anyone who wants to know how browsers support accesskey in HTML.

These tests check how user agents apply the accesskey attribute in the HTML5 spec. These are simple, user-oriented tests, designed to check basic functionality, rather than test all edge cases and implementation details.

Some test results may vary depending on the keyboard used, for example on the Mac the ABC Extended keyboard produces different results than the British keyboard, even though the keys tested are in the same location. Also, the tests are sometimes affected by the modifier keys that must be pressed in addition to the accelerator key in order to make the shortcut work – for example, the Shift key is part of the accelerator sequence for Firefox on Windows, so shortcuts that rely on the Shift key to access a particular character won't work.

Because of the platform differences, there are two sets of results for these tests – one using the Mac convention of Alt-Cmnd+key, the other using the Windows convention of Alt+Key (with Shift also for Firefox).

To see the test, click on the link in the left-most column. To see detailed results for a single test, click on a row and look just above the table. The detailed results show the date(s) the test result was recorded, and the version of the browser tested.

Any dependencies are shown in notes above the table, and notes below the table will usually provide any additional useful information, including an explanation of why a result was marked as 'partially successful'.


pass fail partially successful

Alt+CTRL+key systems

These test results are for platforms that use ALT+CTRL as accelerator keys.

Simple selections


  1. accesskey-001: For Firefox the test worked on the Mac when using the British keyboard, but not when using the ABC Extended keyboard.
  2. accesskey-015: Firefox matched 'a', rather than the Greek character!

Case-insensitive selections


  1. accesskey-004: Safari matched 'Ñ'.

Shifted selections

Multiple-character selections

Alt+key systems

These test results are for platforms that use ALT(+Shift) as accelerator key.

Simple selections


  1. accesskey-001: For Firefox the test worked on the Mac when using the British keyboard, but not when using the ABC Extended keyboard.
  2. accesskey-004: Safari matched 'Ñ'.
  3. accesskey-015: Firefox matched 'a', rather than the Greek character!

Case-insensitive selections

Shifted selections

Multiple-character selections