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1 General
W3C uses IRC and various bots for telephone conferences:
- RRSAgent for taking minutes
- Zakim for working with the telephone bridge
- tracker for tracking action items and relating these to issues and persons
- Useful IRC commands are summarized here http://www.irchelp.org/irchelp/new2irc.html#talking
Below is a short summary of what you need. More info is available at https://www.w3.org/Guide/
2 Join IRC
- Go to http://irc.w3.org/
- Enter your user name and a channel, e.g. #mlw-lt
3 Join the telephone call
- For dial-in info of the regular working group calls, see the separate page.
- The mailing list public-multilingualweb-lt contains call details in the agenda mails, with the subject Agenda: .... Watch out for these mails for the latest current dial-in info.
4 Starting a call
See http://dev.w3.org/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm#Quick_Start_Guide . This will be handled by the chairs.
5 Basic commands for scribing
See: http://dev.w3.org/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm#notes Also: http://www.w3.org/2008/04/scribe.html
The below are not meant to replace any W3C documentation on Scribe!
At the start of the call:
Call the bots: trackbot-ng, start telcon
Set the meeting title: Meeting: MLW-lT Phone call Day, Month, Year, Hour. TimeZone.
Set the scribe: scribe: <name> (You will not get confirmation of this command)
Set the chair: chair: <name> (You will not get confirmation of this command)
Set the agenda: agenda: <link to the agenda> (This should link to agenda on MLW-LT wiki page)
List the present participants: zakim, who's here ? (Automatically list who is present during roll call)
List any regrets manually: Regrets: Alice, Bob (Chair should identify regrets during roll call)
During the call:
Set the topic: TOPIC: review of action items (Chair should identify when topic changes)
Record the discussion - One comment: Mary: agrees with Bob on action 1.
Continuing comments: Mary: agrees with Bob on action 2
... but thinks that action 3 needs more work
... and action 4 is by no means compltes.
Fix spelling mistakes: s/compltes/complete/ (It can be helpful for other members (not scribing) to do this).
Record Actions: ACTION: <name> to <do something> (Date is set to one week ahead, MLW-LT co-chairs will adjust date accordingly).
After the call:
Dismiss zakim: zakim, bye
Generate minutes: rrsagent, generate minutes (will generate a http://... link for the minutes, copy this link for final task).
Make minutes public: rrsagent, make logs public
Dismiss rssagent: rrsagent, bye
Using Zakim & IRC:
"zakim, +1.7 is Arle"
Where the "+1.7" is the start of number you dialed in from (so for you it would be "+353." (followed by the start of your number)) and "Arle" (obviously) is my IRC handle. That aligns Zakim’s knowledge of the IRC and phone attendance.
Final Task: One the main page of the MLW-LT wiki in Section 6 (Meetings) move meeting from 'upcoming' to 'past' and include link to previously generated minutes.