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Minutes of today's call: https://www.w3.org/2012/01/26-mlw-lt-minutes.html

1 Action items

  1. Felix to ping LT-Web participants to respond to Call for Review: Internationalization Activity Proposal - MultilingualWeb-LT Working Group Charter. Ongoing. Due: before 7 February
  2. Felix to ping external participants from W3C members to respond to the MultilingualWeb-LT Call for Review. Status: see Working Group Call list. On my radar: Michael Smith (W3C), W3C Japan folks, libraries, publishing area, Oxygen folks
  3. Felix to talk to Ian Jacobs (W3C communications team) about press release for new working group. Due date: 7 February. Need as many participants for the working grou as possible before.
  4. Felix to ask Ian Jacobs to send a reminder for Call for review to Ian Jacobs. Due: 10 February.
  5. Felix to discuss charter W3C internally, in Interaction Domain. Due: 31 January.
  6. Felix to ping Richard about contact at google. Due: 27 January.
  7. Felix to coordinate with Richard about blog post for new group. Due: coordinate with announcement of group, end of February.
  8. Felix to prepare home page, based on http://www.w3.org/International/core/ . Due: coordinate with announcement of group, end of February.
  9. Logo task force (Richard, Arle, Declan, Alex, Milan) to come up with a logo. Due: 27 January.
  10. Felix to wrap up Berlin face-to-face meeting: minutes, action items, upload of contributions, next actions. Due: 27 January.
  11. Felix to put upcoming events into wiki and remind participants about their commitment. Due: 30 January.
  12. Felix to setup missing W3C infrastructure for LT-Web: mailing list and action item tracker. Due: 27 January.
  13. Felix to clean up wiki, e.g. differentiate LT-Web vs. MultilingualWeb-LT clearly. Due: 26 January.
  14. Felix to prepare a factsheet for the cordis homepage. Due: 30 January.
  15. Felix to make sure that every LT-Web participant is in the relevant W3C group. Due: 3 February.
  16. Felix to come up with first draft of "shadow charter". Due: 2 February
  17. Felix to create an overview of RDFa / microdata approach. Due: 7 February
  18. Felix to set up subgroups. Due: 30 January

2 Subgroups

Objective: determine subgroups that can move forward independently, schedule face-to-face meetings. Felix will participate in the subgroups face-to-face meetings. Others might participate too, but don't have to.

Proposal, including mandatory participants in face-to-face meetings:

  1. MGMT (WP1)
    1. Mandatory: UL, TCD, DFKI.
  2. Standardization (WP2)
    1. Mandatory: TCD, DFKI.
    2. Desired: Cocomore, Linguaserve, VistaTEC, UL, UEP, MS, Enlaso, Lucy.
  3. Localization Chain Integration (WP3)
    1. Mandatory: Cocomore, Linguaserve, VistaTEC.
    2. Desired: UEP, Enlaso, JSI, UL, Moravia.
  4. Online MT Systems (WP4)
    1. Mandatory: Linguaserve, Lucy, DCU
    2. Desired: TCD, Moravia, Enlaso, UL
  5. MT training (WP5)
    1. Mandatory: Cocomore, DCU
    2. Desired: Moravia, UEP, UL
  6. Community building (WP6)
    1. Mandatory: DFKI,
    2. Desired: everybody else :)

3 Press release speaking points

  • Need some general text bits
  • Participants might create specific ones
  • Dave und Felix come up with text bits by 2 February

4 Upcoming deliverables

  • D.1.2. Report on Internal and External Communication Tools. Due: March 2012. Responsible: DFKI.