ITS Implementation in XQuery

Currently, the data categories "tanslatability" and "directionality" are supported.

  1. xmlspec-its.dtd: xmlspec DTD which uses its.dtd
  2. xmlspec1-input.xml: small test file with ITS markup
  3. xmlspec2-input.xml: larger test file with ITS markup
  4. its2xquery.xq: creating an XQuery file from a file with ITS markup:
    1. xmlspec1.xq: query from xmlspec1-input.xml
    2. xmlspec2.xq: query from xmlspec2-input.xml
    3. xmlspec1-output.xml: output from xmlspec1.xq
    4. xmlspec2-output.xml: output from xmlspec2.xq

$Id: its2xquery.html,v 1.5 2006/06/17 01:15:28 fsasaki Exp $