From Mon Mar 20 19:24 EST 1995 Date: Mon, 20 Mar 1995 17:18:25 -0500 Originator: From: Eric Schlachter To: Multiple recipients of list Subject: IP Issues on the Net Part 2 (Long) X-Listprocessor-Version: 6.0a -- ListProcessor by Anastasios Kotsikonas X-Comment: CNI Copyright and Intellectual Property Forum [this is the continuation of the posting entitled "Intellectual Property Protection Regimes in the Age of the Internet" by Eric Schlachter, Esq./ This also contains a bibliography on IP and Net issues.] (...) Bibliography. John Perry Barlow, "The Economy of Ideas: Selling Wine Without Bottles," Wired, March 1994. (available online at, in the Intellectual Property section, and at Dan Burk, "Transborder Intellectual Property Issues on the Electronic Frontier," 5 Stanford Journal of Law and Policy Review (1994) (Available online at gopher:// Brad Cox, "Superdistribution," Wired, September 1994 at 89 (available online at Esther Dyson, "Intellectual Property on the Net," Release 1.0, December 28, 1994. Jean Erhard, "Digital Rights," Internet World, November/December 1994 at 78. Gary N. Griswold, "A Method for Protecting Copyright on Networks," Summer 1994. (Available online at Information Infrastructure Task Force, Intellectual Property and the National Information Infrastructure (Green Paper), preliminary draft, July 1994. (available online at gopher and many other sites). Critiques: Lance Rose, "What Kind of Online Copyright System Do You Want? Tell the NII Task Force Today!," Boardwatch, September 1994 at 88. Pamela Samuelson, "Legally Speaking: The NII Intellectual Property Report," Communications of the ACM, December 1994 (Available online at Deborah Reilly, "The National Information Infrastructure and Copyright: Intersections and Tensions," Journal of Patent and Trademark Office Society, December 1994 at 903. Lance Rose, "Is Copyright Dead on the Net?," Wired, November 1993 at 112. (Available online at Lance Rose and Jonathan Wallace, SysLaw (2d Ed.) 1992 at 59-60. Lance Rose, "The Emperor's Clothes Still Fit Just Fine," Wired, February 1995 at 103 (available online at Pamela Samuelson, Randall Davis, Mitchell D. Kapor, and J. H. Reichman, "A Manifesto Concerning the Legal Protection of Computer Programs," Columbia Law Review (forthcoming). William S. Strong, "Copyright in the New World of Electronic Publishing," June 17, 1994 (Available online at David Voss, "Stop That Copy," Wired, August 1994 at 34 (available online at Jim Warren, "GovAccess.107," March 12, 1995. Also, check out articles at