================================================================================ Note 2.16 Updates to the RPC software 16 of 17 VXCERN::TIMBL "Tim Berners-Lee CERN/CN" 32 lines 22-JAN-1991 14:32 -< Version 3.1 released >- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 3.0 of the RPC system was given only to individuals who specificlly asked for it. It has now been in use for many months. Version 3.1 is a minor upgrade on version 3.0 and is now available generally. The files are in save set VXCERN::DISK$D1:[RPC.DISTRIBUTION_KIT]RPC_VMS031.BCK Note the extension of .BCK rather than .A, emphasising that these files should be unwrapped with $BACKUP but NOT with $INSTAL. The major change between version 2.x and version 3.x is that the RPC system no longer limits the size of paramters to be transferred. Code to check buffer limits is inserted by the RPC compiler only in the case when it calculates that the buffer may not be big enough. This change has affected the interface between the stubs and the runtime support, so version 3 stubs must be used with version 3 libraries and vice-versa. However, a version 3 program (stubs and library) may interwork with an existing version 2 program over the network. In this case, of course, parameter sizes remain limited by the version 2 program. Further information is available in the release notes which are in the save set mentioned above and are appended to this note. Tim Berners-Lee _______________________________________________________________________________ ================================================================================ Note 2.17 Updates to the RPC software 17 of 17 VXCERN::TIMBL "Tim Berners-Lee CERN/CN" 177 lines 22-JAN-1991 14:35 -< Release Notes >- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release 3.1 of CERN/DD's Remote Procedure Call system 1 Jan 91 ----------------------------------------------------- These release notes accompany a VMS distribution of the RPC system from CERN/DD Online Group. This release covers the RPC compiler (RPCC) and the run time support system for VAX/VMS. The run time support systems for other environments, and the utilities provided for managing distributed systems, are available separately. Installation ------------ To install this software, DO NOT USE VMS/INSTAL. Just make a suitable directory ([XXX.RPC] below) and unwrap the files with BACKUP: $ CREATE/DIR [XXX.RPC] $ BACKUP VXCRNB::DISK$D1:[RPC.DISTRIBUTION_KIT]RPC_VMS031.A/SAV [XXX.RPC] The file SETUP.COM should be run at login time. It may be run from the system or the user login command file: $ @[XXX.RPC]SETUP When you install this software, please mail VXCERN::RPC with your name and institute so that we can inform you of updates. Changes ------- Version 3.1 is a minor upgrade over version 3.0 with complete back- compatibility. Use Version 3.1 instead of version 3.0. Version 3.0 is an upgrade over version 2.0 to 2.5. with LIMITED back- compatibility. Note that o A version 2.x client/server CAN talk to a version 3.x server/client. o Version 2.x stubs CANNOT be used with a version 3 library. Stubs MUST be recompiled. A summary of the principal changes follows. (Differences between version 2.4 and earlier versions are listed in the VAX/NOTES scheme VXCERN::RPC, topics 2.*). _______________________________________________________________________________ Differences of Version 3.1 from version 3.0 ------------------------------------------- There have been various bug fixes in the compiler, mainly in the case of the marshalling, unmarshalling and allocation of pointers (ACCESS data types). Thanks to Christian Boissat/ECP-DS for his contributions. There has been a slight change in the multiclient decnet handling so that when a single server is handling many clients, they are handled in rotation rather than a priority order. Thanks to Gian Gopal/Delphi for pointing out the problems which the previous scheme caused.