/* * These are the WWW - Midas Interface routines */ #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef VAX #define CADDR_T #define __TYPES_LOADED #include ctype #endif #include /* Motif Toolkit and MRM */ #include "midas.h" #include "SGMLHyper.h" #include "SGMLAnchorText.h" #include "SGMLCompositeText.h" #include #ifndef VAX #define socket_read(a,b,c) read(a,b,c) #define socket_write(a,b,c) write(a,b,c) #define socket_close(a) close(a) #endif /* * Structures */ #define HASHSIZE 337 #define DEADNODE ((WWWNode *) -1) typedef struct { XrmQuark protocol; XrmQuark node; int port; XrmQuark file; XrmQuark anchor; XrmQuark keyword; } WWWFile; static WWWFile WWWFileDefault; struct _WWWNode { struct _WWWNode *hashclash; struct _WWWNode *parent; struct _WWWNode *next; struct _WWWNode *prev; struct _WWWNode *up; struct _WWWNode *down; struct _WWWNode *chain; WWWFile *file; Boolean visited; WidgetList widgets; /* current list of widgets corresponding to this node */ int num_widgets; int alloc_widgets; }; typedef struct _WWWNode WWWNode; struct _WWWLink { WWWNode *from; WWWNode *to; }; typedef struct _WWWLink WWWLink; static WWWNode *HashTable[HASHSIZE]; static WWWFile *WWWGateway; static WWWNode *WWWToLink = NULL; static WWWNode *WWWFromLink = DEADNODE; /* Ugly static variable that keeps track of where we are in processing a document */ static int nextid; static WWWNode *lastnode; static WWWNode *parent; static XrmQuark localProtocol; static XrmQuark httpProtocol; typedef struct { int socket; int nleft; char *next; } DataSource; /* * Application resources * */ #define WWWINHERIT_FONT NULL #define WWWINHERIT_UNDERLINE -999 #define WWWINHERIT_OUTLINE 2 #define WWWINHERIT_UNDERLINEHEIGHT 999 #define WWWINHERIT_COLOR NULL #define WWWNvisitedFont "visitedFont" #define WWWNvisitedColor "visitedColor" #define WWWNvisitedUnderline "visitedUnderline" #define WWWNvisitedOutline "visitedOutline" #define WWWNvisitedUnderlineHeight "visitedUnderlineHeight" #define WWWNdefaultHTTPPort "defaultHTTPPort" #define WWWCPort "Port" #define WWWNhelp "help" #define WWWCHelp "Help" typedef struct { Pixel color; Boolean outline; int underline; Dimension underline_height; XFontStruct *font; int default_HTTP_port; String help; } WWWResources; static WWWResources appResources; #define Offset(field) XtOffsetOf(WWWResources,field) static XtResource resources[] = { {WWWNvisitedFont, SGMLCFont, XtRFontStruct, sizeof (XFontStruct *), Offset(font), XtRString, WWWINHERIT_FONT}, {WWWNvisitedColor, SGMLCColor, XtRPixel, sizeof (Pixel), Offset(color),XtRString, WWWINHERIT_COLOR}, {WWWNvisitedOutline,SGMLCOutline,XtRBoolean,sizeof(Boolean), Offset(outline),XtRImmediate,(XtPointer) WWWINHERIT_OUTLINE}, {WWWNvisitedUnderline,SGMLCUnderline,XtRInt,sizeof(int), Offset(underline),XtRImmediate,(XtPointer) WWWINHERIT_UNDERLINE}, {WWWNvisitedUnderlineHeight, SGMLCUnderlineHeight, XtRDimension, sizeof(Dimension), Offset(underline_height),XtRImmediate,(XtPointer) WWWINHERIT_UNDERLINEHEIGHT}, {WWWNdefaultHTTPPort, WWWCPort, XtRInt, sizeof(int), Offset(default_HTTP_port),XtRImmediate,(XtPointer) 80}, {WWWNhelp, WWWCHelp, XtRString, sizeof(char *), Offset(help),XtRString,(XtPointer) "http://slacvx.slac.stanford.edu:80/MidasWWW/v10/"}, }; #undef Offset /* * Calculates a hash id from a WWWFile * ----------------------------------- */ static int WWWHash(file) WWWFile *file; { return ((int) file->protocol + (int) file->node + (int) file->file + (int) file->anchor + file->port ) % HASHSIZE; } static void WWWAsciiFile(buffer,pfile) char *buffer; WWWFile *pfile; { sprintf(buffer,"%s:",XrmQuarkToString(pfile->protocol)); buffer += strlen(buffer); if (pfile->node) { sprintf(buffer,"//%s",XrmQuarkToString(pfile->node)); buffer += strlen(buffer); } if (pfile->port) { sprintf(buffer,":%d",pfile->port); buffer += strlen(buffer); } sprintf(buffer,"%s",XrmQuarkToString(pfile->file)); buffer += strlen(buffer); if (pfile->anchor) { sprintf(buffer,"#%s",XrmQuarkToString(pfile->anchor)); buffer += strlen(buffer); } } /* * Dump the hash table * ------------------- */ static void WWWHashDump() { int i; for (i=0; ihashclash) { WWWFile *pfile = a->file; WWWNode *a = HashTable[i]; char p[256]; WWWAsciiFile(p,pfile); printf("(%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d) %s\n",pfile->protocol,pfile->node,pfile->port, pfile->file,pfile->anchor,pfile->keyword,p); } } } /* * Called to mark an anchor as visited */ static void WWWBeenThere(w) Widget w; { Arg arglist[10]; int n=0; if (appResources.color!=WWWINHERIT_COLOR) { XtSetArg(arglist[n],SGMLNsensitiveColor,appResources.color); n++; } if (appResources.font!=WWWINHERIT_FONT) { XtSetArg(arglist[n],SGMLNsensitiveFont,appResources.font ); n++; } if (appResources.outline!=WWWINHERIT_OUTLINE) { XtSetArg(arglist[n],SGMLNsensitiveOutline,appResources.outline); n++; } if (appResources.underline!=WWWINHERIT_UNDERLINE) { XtSetArg(arglist[n],SGMLNsensitiveUnderline,appResources.underline); n++; } if (appResources.underline_height!=WWWINHERIT_UNDERLINEHEIGHT) { XtSetArg(arglist[n],SGMLNsensitiveUnderlineHeight,appResources.underline_height); n++; } if (n) XtSetValues(w,arglist,n); } /* * Delete a file structure * ----------------------- */ static void FreeFile(file) WWWFile *file; { XtFree((char *)file); } /* * Create a copy of a file structure * --------------------------------- */ static WWWFile *CopyFile(file) WWWFile *file; { WWWFile *new = XtNew(WWWFile); *new = *file; return new; } static int CompareFile(file1,file2) WWWFile *file1; WWWFile *file2; { return memcmp(file1,file2,sizeof(WWWFile)); } /* * Find (or create) a node * ----------------------- */ static WWWNode *WWWCreateNode(file,parent) WWWFile *file; WWWNode *parent; { int hashid = WWWHash(file); WWWNode *a = HashTable[hashid]; for (; a != NULL; a = a->hashclash) if (!CompareFile(a->file,file)) return a; a = XtNew(WWWNode); a->file = CopyFile(file); a->parent = parent ? parent : a; a->prev = NULL; a->next = NULL; a->up = NULL; a->down = NULL; a->chain= NULL; a->visited = FALSE; a->widgets = NULL; a->num_widgets = 0; a->alloc_widgets = 0; a->hashclash = HashTable[hashid]; HashTable[hashid] = a; return a; } /* * Find (or create) a node and if necessary its parent * --------------------------------------------------- */ static WWWNode *WWWCreateNodeAndParent(file) WWWFile *file; { WWWNode *parent; if (file->anchor) { XrmQuark temp = file->anchor; file->anchor = NULL; parent = WWWCreateNode(file,NULL); file->anchor = temp; } else parent = NULL; return WWWCreateNode(file,parent); } /* * Mark a node as visited * ---------------------- */ WWWVisitNode(node) WWWNode *node; { if (!node->visited) { WWWNode *src = node->up; for ( ; src != NULL; src = src->chain) { WidgetList w = src->widgets; int nw = src->num_widgets; for (; nw-- > 0; w++) WWWBeenThere(*w); } node->visited = TRUE; } } static void WWWDetachWidgetFromNode(w,node) Widget w; WWWNode *node; { int i; for (i=0 ; i < node->num_widgets; i++) if (node->widgets[i] == w) node->widgets[i] = node->widgets[--node->num_widgets]; } static void WWWAttachWidgetToNode(node,w) WWWNode *node; Widget w; { if (node->num_widgets == node->alloc_widgets) node->widgets = (Widget *) XtRealloc((char *) node->widgets, (node->alloc_widgets += 5) * sizeof(Widget)); node->widgets[node->num_widgets++] = w; XtAddCallback(w,XtNdestroyCallback,WWWDetachWidgetFromNode,(XtPointer)node); } /* * Provides buffering for the TCP/IP packets * ----------------------------------------- */ static char GetCharacter(data) DataSource *data; { static char response[1024]; if (data->nleft == 0) { data->nleft = socket_read(data->socket,response,sizeof(response)); data->next = response; } if (data->nleft-- > 0) return *(data->next++); return '\0'; } static char GetFileCharacter(f) FILE **f; { int n = getc(*f); return (n==EOF?0:(char)n); } /* * Fetch the local document * ------------------------ */ static Widget WWWFetchDocumentLOCAL(w,file) Widget w; WWWFile *file; { Widget result; char *name = XrmQuarkToString(file->file); FILE *f = fopen(name,"r"); if (f == NULL) { char command[256]; sprintf(command,"


Cannot open file %s

For more information see help.", name,appResources.help); return SGMLHyperSetText(w,command); } result = SGMLHyperLoadText(w,GetFileCharacter,&f); fclose(f); return result; } /* * Fetch the document using TCP/IP * ------------------------------- */ static Widget WWWFetchDocumentHTTP(w,file) Widget w; WWWFile *file; { struct sockaddr_in server; int n, s, status; char command[256]; char *node = XrmQuarkToString(file->node); struct hostent *hp; DataSource data; Widget result; hp = gethostbyname(node); if (hp == 0) { sprintf(command,"


Host %s unknown

For more information see help.", node,appResources.help); return SGMLHyperSetText(w,command); } server.sin_family = AF_INET; server.sin_port = htons(file->port?file->port:appResources.default_HTTP_port); bcopy(hp->h_addr,&server.sin_addr, hp->h_length); s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); status = connect(s,&server,sizeof(server)); if (status<0) { sprintf(command,"


Cannot connect to %s port %d

For more information see help.", node,file->port,appResources.help); socket_close(s); return SGMLHyperSetText(w,command); } strcpy(command,"GET "); strcat(command,XrmQuarkToString(file->file)); strcat(command, "\r\n"); socket_write(s,command,strlen(command)); data.socket = s; data.nleft = 0; result = SGMLHyperLoadText(w,GetCharacter,&data); socket_close(s); return result; } /* * Fetch the document using appropriate protocol * --------------------------------------------- */ static Widget WWWFetchDocument(w,file) Widget w; WWWFile *file; { if (file->protocol == httpProtocol ) return WWWFetchDocumentHTTP(w,file); else if (file->protocol == localProtocol) return WWWFetchDocumentLOCAL(w,file); else { WWWFile actual; char p[256]; *p = '/'; WWWAsciiFile(p+1,file); actual.protocol = WWWGateway->protocol; actual.node = WWWGateway->node; actual.port = WWWGateway->port; actual.file = XrmStringToQuark(p); actual.keyword = NULL; actual.anchor = NULL; return WWWFetchDocumentHTTP(w,&actual); } } static void WWWZapNode(w,node) Widget w; WWWNode *node; { int n=0; /* * Remove a cached document */ node = node->parent; for (n = 0; n < node->num_widgets; n++) { Widget t = node->widgets[n]; if (SGMLIsCompositeText(t) && XtParent(t) == w) { WWWDetachWidgetFromNode(t,node); XtDestroyWidget(t); break; } } } /* * Display a new node in a widget * ------------------------------ */ static void WWWDisplayNode(w,node) Widget w; WWWNode *node; { Widget new; int n=0; /* * The document may already be cached in the widget? */ for (n = 0; n < node->num_widgets; n++) { Widget t = node->widgets[n]; if (SGMLIsCompositeText(t) && XtParent(t) == w) { SGMLHyperManageChild(t); return; } } /* * Otherwise we have to fetch it. */ nextid = 0; lastnode = NULL; parent = node; new = WWWFetchDocument(w,node->file); WWWVisitNode(node); SGMLHyperManageChild(new); WWWAttachWidgetToNode(node,new); } /* * parse a character file specification to create a file structure * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ static WWWFile *ParseFile(infile,def) char *infile; WWWFile *def; { char *node, *oldfile, *newfile, *anchor, *protocol; char *directory, *port; WWWFile *result = CopyFile(def); char *file = XtNewString(infile); char *orig = file; result->anchor = NULL; /* NOT inherited from default */ node = strstr(file,"/"); protocol = strchr(file,':'); if (protocol && (protocol < node || node == 0)) { *protocol = '\0'; result->protocol = XrmStringToQuark(file); if (result->protocol != def->protocol) { result->node = NULL; result->port = 0; } file = protocol + 1; } else protocol = NULL; if (strncmp(file,"//",2)) { if (*file == '/' || protocol) { result->file = XrmStringToQuark(file); } else { Boolean absolute; oldfile = XtNewString(XrmQuarkToString(result->file)); absolute = (*oldfile == '/'); if (anchor = strchr(file,'#')) { *anchor++ = '\0'; result->anchor = XrmStringToQuark(anchor); } for (;*file;file += 3) { char *p = strrchr(oldfile,'/'); if (!p) p = oldfile; *p = '\0'; if (strncmp(file,"../",3)) break; } newfile = strcpy((char *) XtMalloc(strlen(oldfile) + strlen(file) + 2),oldfile); if ((absolute || *oldfile) && *file)strcat(newfile,"/"); strcat(newfile,file); result->file = XrmStringToQuark(newfile); XtFree(newfile); XtFree(oldfile); } } else { char *p; node = file + 2; directory = strchr(node,'/'); if (directory) *(directory) = '\0'; port = strchr(node,':'); if (port) { *(port++) = '\0'; result->port = atoi(port); } for (p=node; *p != '\0'; p++) if (isupper(*p)) *p = tolower(*p); result->node = XrmStringToQuark(node); if (directory) { *(directory) = '/'; if (anchor = strchr(directory,'#')) { *anchor++ = '\0'; result->anchor = XrmStringToQuark(anchor); } } result->file = XrmStringToQuark(directory); } XtFree(orig); return result; } static void WWWGet(ww,node) Widget ww; WWWNode *node; { WWWLink *link; WWWDisplayNode(ww,node->parent); WWWToLink = node; if (node != node->parent) { WidgetList w = node->widgets; int nw = node->num_widgets; for (; nw-- > 0; w++) { Widget p; for (p = *w; p != NULL; p = XtParent(p)) if (p == ww) { SGMLHyperShowObject(ww,*w); return; } } } else SGMLHyperShowObject(ww,NULL); } static void WWWDeleteHistory(list) List *list; { ListItem *item = MidasFindItemInListPos(list,0); if (item) MidasRemoveItemFromList(list,item); } static void WWWAddHistory(list,title) List *list; char *title; { ListItem *item; WWWLink *link = XtNew(WWWLink); link->from = (WWWFromLink == DEADNODE) ? NULL : WWWFromLink; link->to = WWWToLink; if (WWWFromLink == DEADNODE) MidasEmptyList(list); if (WWWFromLink) { item = MidasAddItemToListPos(list,title,0); item->Pointer = (XtPointer) link; } WWWFromLink = DEADNODE; WWWToLink = NULL; } static void WWWLinkHistory(node) WWWNode *node; { WWWFromLink = node; } static void WWWPut(w,stuff) Widget w; char *stuff; { Widget t = SGMLHyperSetText(w,stuff); SGMLHyperManageChild(t); } static void WWWDump(w,file) Widget w; char *file; { char *dump; FILE *out = fopen(file,"w"); if (out==NULL) MidasError("Could not open file %s",file); dump = SGMLHyperGetText(w,TRUE); fputs(dump,out); fclose(out); XtFree(dump); } /* * Called when a new anchor is created * ----------------------------------- */ static void WWWCreateAnchor(w,doc) Widget w; WWWFile *doc; { char *href, *name, buffer[12]; WWWNode *src = NULL; WWWNode *dest = NULL; WWWFile *here = CopyFile(doc); Arg arglist[10]; int n=0; XtSetArg(arglist[n],SGMLNhref,&href); n++; XtSetArg(arglist[n],SGMLNname,&name); n++; XtGetValues(w,arglist,n); /* * Create a source node, if the node has no name then make * one up. */ if (!name || !(*name)) { name = buffer; sprintf(buffer,"@@%d",nextid++); } here->anchor = XrmStringToQuark(name); src = WWWCreateNode(here,parent); FreeFile(here); if (lastnode) lastnode->next = src; src->prev = lastnode; lastnode = src; WWWAttachWidgetToNode(src,w); n=0; XtSetArg(arglist[n],SGMLNuserdata,(XtPointer) src); n++; XtSetValues(w,arglist,n); /* * If this node points somewhere then create a destination node */ if (href && *href) { WWWNode *p; here = ParseFile(href,doc); dest = WWWCreateNodeAndParent(here); FreeFile(here); src->down = dest; p = dest->up; for (; p != NULL; p = p->chain) if (p==src) break; if (p == NULL) { src->chain = dest->up; dest->up = src; } if (dest->visited) WWWBeenThere(w); } } /* * It should be possible to do this directly from MIDAS so this routine * should go away as soon as it actually is. */ static void WWWCopyBackgroundColor(src,dest) Widget src; Widget dest; { Pixel bg; Arg arglist[1]; XtSetArg(arglist[0],XmNbackground,&bg); XtGetValues(src,arglist,1); XtSetArg(arglist[0],XmNbackground,bg); XtSetValues(dest,arglist,1); } static MidasOperand WWWSource(w) Widget w; { MidasOperand Temp; char *dump = SGMLHyperGetText(w,TRUE); Temp.Value.P = dump; Temp.Dynamic = TRUE; Temp.Type = MString; return Temp; } static MidasOperand WWWBack(list) List *list; { MidasOperand Temp; ListItem *item = MidasFindItemInListPos(list,0); WWWLink *link = (WWWLink *) item?item->Pointer:NULL; Temp.Value.P = link ? (XtPointer) link->from : NULL; Temp.Dynamic = FALSE; Temp.Type = "WWWNode"; return Temp; } static MidasOperand WWWPrev(node) WWWNode *node; { MidasOperand Temp; Temp.Value.P = node ? (XtPointer) node->prev : NULL; Temp.Dynamic = FALSE; Temp.Type = "WWWNode"; return Temp; } static MidasOperand WWWNext(node) WWWNode *node; { MidasOperand Temp; Temp.Value.P = node ? (XtPointer) node->next : NULL; Temp.Dynamic = FALSE; Temp.Type = "WWWNode"; return Temp; } static MidasOperand WWWDest(node) WWWNode *node; { MidasOperand Temp; Temp.Value.P = node ? (XtPointer) node->down : NULL; Temp.Dynamic = FALSE; Temp.Type = "WWWNode"; return Temp; } static MidasOperand WWWGetNode(w) Widget w; { MidasOperand Temp; Arg arglist[10]; int n=0; XtSetArg(arglist[n],SGMLNuserdata,&Temp.Value.P); n++; XtGetValues(w,arglist,n); Temp.Dynamic = FALSE; Temp.Type = "WWWNode"; return Temp; } static MidasOperand WWWParse(file,def) char *file; WWWFile *def; { MidasOperand Temp; WWWFile *pfile = ParseFile(file,def); Temp.Value.P = (XtPointer) pfile; Temp.Dynamic = TRUE; Temp.Type = "WWWFile"; return Temp; } /* * Converters * ---------- */ static Boolean WWWConvertStringFile(In,Out) MidasOperand *In; MidasOperand *Out; { WWWFile *pfile = ParseFile(In->Value.P,&WWWFileDefault); Out->Value.P = (XtPointer) pfile; Out->Dynamic = TRUE; return TRUE; } static Boolean WWWConvertStringNode(In,Out) MidasOperand *In; MidasOperand *Out; { WWWFile *pfile = ParseFile(In->Value.P,&WWWFileDefault); WWWNode *node = WWWCreateNodeAndParent(pfile); FreeFile(pfile); Out->Value.P = (XtPointer) node; Out->Dynamic = FALSE; return TRUE; } static Boolean WWWConvertFileNode(In,Out) MidasOperand *In; MidasOperand *Out; { if (In->Value.P) { WWWNode *node = WWWCreateNodeAndParent((WWWFile *) In->Value.P); Out->Value.P = (XtPointer) node; } else Out->Value.P = NULL; Out->Dynamic = FALSE; return TRUE; } static Boolean WWWConvertNodeFile(In,Out) MidasOperand *In; MidasOperand *Out; { WWWNode *node = (WWWNode *) In->Value.P; Out->Value.P = node ? (XtPointer) node->file : NULL; Out->Dynamic = FALSE; return TRUE; } static Boolean WWWConvertFileString(In,Out) MidasOperand *In; MidasOperand *Out; { char *p = (char *) XtMalloc(256); /* BUG */ WWWFile *pfile = (WWWFile *) In->Value.P; WWWAsciiFile(p,pfile); Out->Value.P = (XtPointer) p; Out->Dynamic = TRUE; return TRUE; } static void WWWSetGateway(gateway) char *gateway; { WWWGateway = ParseFile(gateway,&WWWFileDefault); } static void WWWInit(shell) Widget shell; { XtGetApplicationResources(shell,(XtPointer) &appResources,resources,XtNumber(resources),NULL,0); } /* * Initialization */ void WWWMidasInit(argc,argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { int i; for (i=0; i < HASHSIZE; i++) HashTable[i] = NULL; localProtocol = XrmStringToQuark("local"); httpProtocol = XrmStringToQuark("http"); WWWFileDefault.protocol = httpProtocol; WWWFileDefault.port = 0; WWWFileDefault.node = NULL; WWWFileDefault.file = NULL; WWWFileDefault.anchor = NULL; /* * MIDAS BUG confusion between name and String */ MidasDeclareConverter("String","WWWFile", WWWConvertStringFile); MidasDeclareConverter("name","WWWFile", WWWConvertStringFile); MidasDeclareConverter("String","WWWNode", WWWConvertStringNode); MidasDeclareConverter("name","WWWNode", WWWConvertStringNode); MidasDeclareConverter("WWWFile","String", WWWConvertFileString); MidasDeclareConverter("WWWFile","name", WWWConvertFileString); MidasDeclareConverter("WWWFile","WWWNode",WWWConvertFileNode); MidasDeclareConverter("WWWNode","WWWFile",WWWConvertNodeFile); MidasDeclareVerb("WWW HASH DUMP" ,WWWHashDump); MidasDeclareVerb("WWW INIT Widget" ,WWWInit); MidasDeclareVerb("WWW SET GATEWAY name" ,WWWSetGateway); MidasDeclareVerb("WWW DUMP Widget name" ,WWWDump); MidasDeclareVerb("WWW ADD HISTORY list name" ,WWWAddHistory); MidasDeclareVerb("WWW DELETE HISTORY list" ,WWWDeleteHistory); MidasDeclareVerb("WWW GET Widget WWWNode" ,WWWGet); MidasDeclareVerb("WWW ZAP Widget WWWNode" ,WWWZapNode); MidasDeclareVerb("WWW LINK {WWWNode}" ,WWWLinkHistory); MidasDeclareVerb("WWW PUT Widget name" ,WWWPut); MidasDeclareVerb("WWW ANCHOR Widget WWWFile" ,WWWCreateAnchor); MidasDeclareVerb("WWW COPYB Widget Widget" ,WWWCopyBackgroundColor); MidasDeclareFunction("WWWPARSE(name,WWWFile)" ,WWWParse); MidasDeclareFunction("WWWSOURCE(Widget)" ,WWWSource); MidasDeclareFunction("WWWBACK(list)" ,WWWBack); MidasDeclareFunction("WWWPREV(WWWNode)" ,WWWPrev); MidasDeclareFunction("WWWNEXT(WWWNode)" ,WWWNext); MidasDeclareFunction("WWWDEST(WWWNode)" ,WWWDest); MidasDeclareFunction("WWWNODE(Widget)" ,WWWGetNode); } /* * Main routine for MidasWWW */ int main(argc,argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { MidasInitialize(argc,argv); WWWMidasInit(argc,argv); MidasMainLoop(); }