Tracker summary for Simon Fraser

CSS-SVG Task Force Tracker

Open Actions

There are 10 open actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-4 (edit) open Draft examples for transitions of css images on a wiki Simon Fraser 2010-05-10
ACTION-8 (edit) open Add explanatory material about row and column major options to spec Simon Fraser 2010-05-10
ACTION-11 (edit) open Reply to Dr. Olaf's email. Simon Fraser 2010-05-24
ACTION-12 (edit) open Make changes suggested in Dean's email. Simon Fraser 2010-05-24
ACTION-19 (edit) open Coordinate back to CSS working group our method for delivering CSS-Transforms Specification as a singluar specification and fix up links Simon Fraser 2010-11-01
ACTION-20 (edit) open Create initial draft of unified interfaces including data types across SVG and CSS Simon Fraser 2010-11-01
ACTION-49 (edit) open Look at dbaron's draft and see if it matches what they have implemented and determine if its an issue or not. Simon Fraser 2011-08-02
ACTION-80 (edit) open Sift through comments in transforms spec, turn into issues or delete as appropriate Simon Fraser 2012-05-16
ACTION-81 (edit) open Make a list of snapshotting properties for animations Simon Fraser 2012-05-16
ACTION-97 (edit) open Figure out issue 40 / gh #483 edits. Simon Fraser 2017-01-19

Open Issues

There are 0 open issues listed in the system.

Tracker: documentation, , originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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