SVG 1.2 Tiny test suite
Below are the list of tests in the SVG 1.2 Tiny test suite. Each test
has a link to different versions as well as navigation.
- animate-elem-02-t
- animate-elem-03-t
- animate-elem-04-t
- animate-elem-05-t
- animate-elem-06-t
- animate-elem-07-t
- animate-elem-08-t
- animate-elem-09-t
- animate-elem-10-t
- animate-elem-11-t
- animate-elem-12-t
- animate-elem-13-t
- animate-elem-14-t
- animate-elem-15-t
- animate-elem-17-t
- animate-elem-19-t
- animate-elem-20-t
- animate-elem-201-t
- animate-elem-202-t
- animate-elem-203-t
- animate-elem-205-t
- animate-elem-206-t
- animate-elem-207-t
- animate-elem-209-t
- animate-elem-21-t
- animate-elem-210-t
- animate-elem-211-t
- animate-elem-212-t
- animate-elem-213-t
- animate-elem-214-t
- animate-elem-215-t
- animate-elem-216-t
- animate-elem-217-t
- animate-elem-218-t
- animate-elem-219-t
- animate-elem-22-t
- animate-elem-221-t
- animate-elem-222-t
- animate-elem-225-t
- animate-elem-226-t
- animate-elem-227-t
- animate-elem-23-t
- animate-elem-24-t
- animate-elem-25-t
- animate-elem-26-t
- animate-elem-27-t
- animate-elem-28-t
- animate-elem-29-t
- animate-elem-30-t
- animate-elem-31-t
- animate-elem-32-t
- animate-elem-33-t
- animate-elem-34-t
- animate-elem-35-t
- animate-elem-36-t
- animate-elem-37-t
- animate-elem-38-t
- animate-elem-39-t
- animate-elem-40-t
- animate-elem-41-t
- animate-elem-44-t
- animate-elem-46-t
- animate-elem-52-t
- animate-elem-53-t
- animate-elem-61-t
- animate-elem-64-t
- animate-elem-65-t
- animate-elem-66-t
- animate-elem-67-t
- animate-elem-68-t
- animate-elem-69-t
- animate-elem-70-t
- animate-elem-77-t
- animate-elem-78-t
- animate-elem-80-t
- animate-elem-81-t
- animate-elem-82-t
- animate-elem-83-t
- animate-elem-84-t
- animate-elem-85-t
- animate-elem-86-t
- conf-reader-201-t
- coords-constr-201-t
- coords-constr-202-t
- coords-constr-203-t
- coords-constr-204-t
- coords-coord-01-t
- coords-pAR-201-t
- coords-trans-01-t
- coords-trans-02-t
- coords-trans-03-t
- coords-trans-04-t
- coords-trans-05-t
- coords-trans-06-t
- coords-trans-07-t
- coords-trans-08-t
- coords-trans-09-t
- coords-units-01-t
- coords-viewattr-05-t
- extend-namespace-02-t
- fonts-desc-02-t
- fonts-elem-01-t
- fonts-elem-02-t
- fonts-elem-03-t
- fonts-elem-06-t
- fonts-glyph-02-t
- fonts-glyph-03-t
- fonts-glyph-04-t
- fonts-glyph-201-t
- fonts-glyph-202-t
- fonts-glyph-203-t
- fonts-kern-01-t
- fonts-overview-201-t
- interact-dom-02-t
- interact-event-201-t
- interact-event-202-t
- interact-event-203-t
- interact-focus-201-t
- interact-focus-202-t
- interact-focus-203-t
- interact-focus-204-t
- interact-focus-205-t
- interact-focus-206-t
- interact-focus-207-t
- interact-focus-208-t
- interact-focus-209-t
- interact-focus-210-t
- interact-focus-211-t
- interact-focus-212-t
- interact-order-04-t
- interact-order-05-t
- interact-order-06-t
- interact-pevents-02-t
- interact-pevents-05-t
- interact-pevents-06-t
- interact-pevents-07-t
- interact-pevents-08-t
- interact-zoom-01-t
- interact-zoom-02-t
- interact-zoom-03-t
- intro-compat-201-t
- jpeg-required-201-t
- jpeg-required-202-t
- jpeg-required-203-t
- jpeg-required-204-t
- jpeg-required-205-t
- jpeg-required-206-t
- jpeg-required-207-t
- jpeg-required-208-t
- jpeg-required-209-t
- linking-a-03-t
- linking-a-08-t
- linking-a-201-t
- linking-frag-201-t
- linking-frag-202-t
- linking-frag-203-t
- linking-frag-204-t
- linking-refs-201-t
- linking-refs-202-t
- linking-refs-203-t
- linking-refs-204-t
- linking-refs-205-t
- linking-refs-206-t
- linking-uri-03-t
- media-alevel-201-t
- media-alevel-202-t
- media-alevel-203-t
- media-alevel-204-t
- media-alevel-205-t
- media-alevel-206-t
- media-alevel-207-t
- media-alevel-208-t
- media-anim-201-t
- media-anim-202-t
- media-anim-203-t
- media-anim-204-t
- media-anim-205-t
- media-anim-206-t
- media-anim-207-t
- media-anim-208-t
- media-anim-209-t
- media-anim-210-t
- media-anim-211-t
- media-anim-212-t
- media-anim-213-t
- media-audio-201-t
- media-audio-202-t
- media-audio-203-t
- media-audio-204-t
- media-audio-205-t
- media-audio-206-t
- media-audio-207-t
- media-audio-208-t
- media-audio-209-t
- media-audio-210-t
- media-audio-211-t
- media-audio-212-t
- media-audio-213-t
- media-audio-214-t
- media-audio-215-t
- media-video-201-t
- media-video-202-t
- media-video-203-t
- media-video-204-t
- media-video-205-t
- media-video-206-t
- media-video-207-t
- media-video-208-t
- media-video-209-t
- media-video-210-t
- media-video-211-t
- media-video-212-t
- media-video-213-t
- media-video-214-t
- media-video-215-t
- media-video-216-t
- media-video-218-t
- media-video-219-t
- media-video-220-t
- media-video-221-t
- media-video-222-t
- metadata-example-01-t
- paint-color-01-t
- paint-color-03-t
- paint-color-04-t
- paint-color-05-t
- paint-color-201-t
- paint-fill-01-t
- paint-fill-02-t
- paint-fill-03-t
- paint-fill-04-t
- paint-fill-05-t
- paint-grad-04-t
- paint-grad-05-t
- paint-grad-07-t
- paint-grad-08-t
- paint-grad-09-t
- paint-grad-11-t
- paint-grad-12-t
- paint-grad-15-t
- paint-grad-16-t
- paint-grad-17-t
- paint-grad-18-t
- paint-grad-19-t
- paint-grad-201-t
- paint-grad-202-t
- paint-grad-203-t
- paint-grad-204-t
- paint-grad-205-t
- paint-nsstroke-201-t
- paint-nsstroke-203-t
- paint-other-201-t
- paint-other-203-t
- paint-stroke-01-t
- paint-stroke-02-t
- paint-stroke-03-t
- paint-stroke-04-t
- paint-stroke-05-t
- paint-stroke-06-t
- paint-stroke-07-t
- paint-stroke-08-t
- paint-stroke-201-t
- paint-stroke-202-t
- paint-stroke-204-t
- paint-stroke-205-t
- paint-stroke-207-t
- paint-vfill-201-t
- paint-vfill-202-t
- paint-vfill-203-t
- paint-vfill-204-t
- paint-vfill-205-t
- paint-vfill-206-t
- paths-data-01-t
- paths-data-02-t
- paths-data-04-t
- paths-data-05-t
- paths-data-06-t
- paths-data-07-t
- paths-data-08-t
- paths-data-09-t
- paths-data-10-t
- paths-data-12-t
- paths-data-13-t
- paths-data-14-t
- paths-data-15-t
- render-elems-01-t
- render-elems-02-t
- render-elems-03-t
- render-elems-06-t
- render-elems-07-t
- render-elems-08-t
- render-groups-01-t
- render-groups-03-t
- script-element-201-t
- script-element-202-t
- script-element-203-t
- script-handle-05-t
- script-handle-06-t
- script-handle-07-t
- script-handle-08-t
- script-handle-201-t
- script-handle-202-t
- script-listener-201-t
- script-listener-202-t
- script-listener-203-t
- script-listener-204-t
- shapes-circle-01-t
- shapes-circle-02-t
- shapes-circle-03-t
- shapes-ellipse-01-t
- shapes-ellipse-02-t
- shapes-ellipse-03-t
- shapes-intro-01-t
- shapes-line-01-t
- shapes-line-02-t
- shapes-polygon-01-t
- shapes-polygon-02-t
- shapes-polyline-01-t
- shapes-polyline-02-t
- shapes-rect-01-t
- shapes-rect-02-t
- shapes-rect-03-t
- struct-class-201-t
- struct-common-201-t
- struct-cond-01-t
- struct-cond-02-t
- struct-cond-03-t
- struct-cond-204-t
- struct-cond-205-t
- struct-cond-209-t
- struct-cond-210-t
- struct-defs-01-t
- struct-defs-201-t
- struct-discard-201-t
- struct-discard-204-t
- struct-discard-205-t
- struct-discard-206-t
- struct-discard-207-t
- struct-frag-02-t
- struct-frag-03-t
- struct-frag-04-t
- struct-frag-05-t
- struct-frag-06-t
- struct-group-01-t
- struct-group-03-t
- struct-image-01-t
- struct-image-03-t
- struct-image-04-t
- struct-image-06-t
- struct-image-07-t
- struct-image-08-t
- struct-image-09-t
- struct-image-10-t
- struct-progressive-201-t
- struct-progressive-202-t
- struct-progressive-203-t
- struct-progressive-204-t
- struct-svg-201-t
- struct-svg-202-t
- struct-svg-203-t
- struct-svg-204-t
- struct-use-01-t
- struct-use-03-t
- struct-use-09-t
- struct-use-201-t
- struct-use-202-t
- struct-use-203-t
- struct-use-204-t
- struct-use-205-t
- struct-use-206-t
- struct-use-207-t
- struct-use-208-t
- struct-use-209-t
- struct-use-recursion-01-t
- struct-use-recursion-02-t
- struct-use-recursion-03-t
- styling-inherit-01-t
- styling-inherit-02-t
- styling-inherit-03-t
- styling-pres-01-t
- text-align-01-t
- text-align-07-t
- text-align-08-t
- text-align-201-t
- text-align-202-t
- text-area-201-t
- text-area-202-t
- text-area-203-t
- text-area-204-t
- text-area-205-t
- text-area-206-t
- text-area-207-t
- text-area-208-t
- text-area-209-t
- text-area-210-t
- text-area-211-t
- text-area-213-t
- text-area-220-t
- text-area-221-t
- text-area-222-t
- text-edit-201-t
- text-fonts-01-t
- text-fonts-02-t
- text-fonts-03-t
- text-fonts-04-t
- text-fonts-202-t
- text-intro-01-t
- text-intro-04-t
- text-intro-05-t
- text-intro-06-t
- text-intro-201-t
- text-text-04-t
- text-text-06-t
- text-text-07-t
- text-text-08-t
- text-text-09-t
- text-tselect-03-t
- text-ws-01-t
- text-ws-02-t
- udom-conform-201-t
- udom-dom-201-t
- udom-dom-202-t
- udom-dom-203-t
- udom-dom-204-t
- udom-dom-206-t
- udom-dom-207-t
- udom-dom-209-t
- udom-dom-210-t
- udom-dom-211-t
- udom-dom-213-t
- udom-event-201-t
- udom-event-202-t
- udom-event-203-t
- udom-event-204-t
- udom-event-205-t
- udom-event-207-t
- udom-event-208-t
- udom-event-209-t
- udom-event-210-t
- udom-glob-201-t
- udom-glob-202-t
- udom-glob-203-t
- udom-glob-204-t
- udom-node-201-t
- udom-node-202-t
- udom-node-204-t
- udom-over-01-t
- udom-smil-201-t
- udom-smil-202-t
- udom-smil-203-t
- udom-svg-201-t
- udom-svg-202-t
- udom-svg-204-t
- udom-svg-205-t
- udom-svg-206-t
- udom-svg-208-t
- udom-svg-209-t
- udom-svg-210-t
- udom-svg-211-t
- udom-svg-213-t
- udom-svg-216-t
- udom-svg-218-t
- udom-svg-220-t
- udom-svg-224-t
- udom-svg-225-t
- udom-svg-226-t
- udom-svg-227-t
- udom-svg-228-t
- udom-svg-231-t
- udom-svg-232-t
- udom-svg-233-t
- udom-svg-236-t
- udom-svg-237-t
- udom-svgcolor-201-t
- udom-svglocatable-201-t
- udom-svglocatable-202-t
- udom-svglocatable-203-t
- udom-svgmatrix-201-t
- udom-svgmatrix-202-t
- udom-svgmatrix-203-t
- udom-svgmatrix-204-t
- udom-svgmatrix-205-t
- udom-svgmatrix-206-t
- udom-svgpath-201-t
- udom-svgpath-202-t
- udom-svgpoint-201-t
- udom-svgrect-201-t
- udom-textcontent-201-t
- udom-textcontent-202-t
- udom-traitaccess-201-t
- udom-traitaccess-202-t
- udom-traitaccess-203-t
- udom-traitaccess-204-t
- udom-traitaccess-205-t
- udom-traitaccess-206-t
- udom-traitaccess-207-t