Read Me for [.DAEMON.ETC]
See the CERN server documentation for detailed descriptions of the v2.16 httpd and explanations of how to use it.

To build the server, execute DESCRIP.MMS, BUILD_MULTINET.COM or BUILD_UCX.COM in [.LIBRARY.IMPLEMENTATION.VMS] to create the common object library (WWWLib.olb), then execute the corresponding file in [.DAEMON.IMPLEMENTATION.VMS] to build the server (HTTPD.exe), clickable image support (HTImage.exe), and authorization file utility (HTAdm.exe). If you do not yet have a W3 client, you can build the simple Line Mode Client (WWW.exe) with the MMS or appropriate command file in [.LINEMODE.IMPLEMENTATION.VMS] to check out the server.

Start by testing the server as a detached process on port 8001 with TRACE implemented, after reading all the headers and comments in the foo_HTTP8001.COM files, HTTP8001.CONF, and SPAWNINIT.COM.

Read the headers and comments of the other foo.COM and foo.PP files for information on what they do and how to use them.

If the server checks out OK on port 8001, install it on port 80, either:

  1. as a detached process by using SUBMIT_HTTP80.COM,
  2. under Inetd (MultNet's MULTINET_SERVER or UCX's AUX) with a system logical (HTTPD_CONFIG80) pointing to HTTP80.CONF, and after INSTALLing the image /SHAR/OPEN/HEAD to speed up initiation of multiple Inetd processes.