/* MODULE HTRequest.c ** HTTP REQUEST PARSE AND TRANSLATION ** ** AUTHORS: ** AL Ari Luotonen luotonen@dxcern.cern.ch ** MD Mark Donszelmann duns@vxdeop.cern.ch ** ** HISTORY: ** 11 Dec 93 AL Written based on the old HTHandle(). ** 8 Jul 94 FM Insulate free() from _free structure element. ** Replaced free() with FREE() is some places where ** the pointer might already have been freed. */ #include #include #include #include "HTUtils.h" #include "HTAccess.h" /* HTRequest */ #include "HTParse.h" /* HTStrip() */ #include "tcp.h" #include "HTRequest.h" /* Implemented here */ #include "HTDaemon.h" #include "HTConfig.h" #include "HTTCP.h" /* HTHostName() */ #include "HTAuth.h" #define HTTP_VERSION "1.0" extern char * HTAppName; extern char * HTAppVersion; extern char * HTClientProtocol; extern char * HTServerProtocol; extern char * HTClientHost; PRIVATE HTList * hbuf_head = NULL; PRIVATE HTList * hbuf_tail = NULL; PRIVATE int hbuf_total_len = 0; typedef struct _HT_hbuf { char * line; BOOL proxy_header; BOOL cgi_header; } HT_hbuf; #define SPACE(c) ((c==' ')||(c=='\t')||(c=='\n')||(c=='\r')) /* DMX */ PRIVATE void hbuf_append ARGS1(char *, line) { if (line && *line) { HT_hbuf * node = (HT_hbuf*)calloc(1,sizeof(HT_hbuf)); if (!node) outofmem(__FILE__, "hbuf_append"); StrAllocCopy(node->line, line); node->proxy_header = YES; node->cgi_header = YES; if (!hbuf_head) { hbuf_tail = hbuf_head = HTList_new(); hbuf_total_len = 0; } hbuf_tail->next = (HTList*)malloc(sizeof(HTList)); hbuf_tail = hbuf_tail->next; hbuf_tail->object = (void*)node; hbuf_tail->next = NULL; hbuf_total_len += strlen(line) + 3; } } PRIVATE void hbuf_proxy_cancel_last NOARGS { if (hbuf_tail) { HT_hbuf * node = (HT_hbuf*)(hbuf_tail->object); if (node) node->proxy_header = NO; } } PRIVATE void hbuf_cgi_cancel_last NOARGS { if (hbuf_tail) { HT_hbuf * node = (HT_hbuf*)(hbuf_tail->object); if (node) node->cgi_header = NO; } } PUBLIC char * hbuf_proxy_headers ARGS1(HTRequest *, req) { char * ret; char * p; HT_hbuf * node; HTList * cur = hbuf_head; int extra = 0; #if 0 if (!hbuf_head || !hbuf_total_len) return NULL; #endif if (req && HTUserAgent) extra = strlen(HTUserAgent); if (req && HTIfModifiedSince) extra += 60; p = ret = (char*)malloc(hbuf_total_len + extra + 100); if (HTIfModifiedSince) { sprintf(p,"If-Modified-Since: %s%c%c", http_time(&HTIfModifiedSince),CR,LF); p += strlen(p); } while ((node = (HT_hbuf*)HTList_nextObject(cur))) { if (node->line && node->proxy_header) { char * line = node->line; while (*line) *p++ = *line++; *p++ = CR; *p++ = LF; } } *p = 0; #if 0 sprintf(p, "User-Agent: %s%s%s/%s libwww/%s%c%c", HTUserAgent ? HTUserAgent : "", HTUserAgent ? " via proxy gateway " : "Proxy gateway ", HTAppName ? HTAppName : "UnKnown", HTAppVersion ? HTAppVersion : "0.0", HTLibraryVersion ? HTLibraryVersion : "0.0", CR, LF); #else sprintf(p, "User-Agent: %s%c%cVia: %s %s (%s/%s)%c%c", HTUserAgent ? HTUserAgent : "", CR, LF, HTTP_VERSION, "Nobody", HTAppName ? HTAppName : "UnKnown", HTAppVersion ? HTAppVersion : "0.0", CR, LF); #endif return ret; } PRIVATE char * do_it_all ARGS4(char *, env_name, HTList *, parts, int, len, char **, cur) { char * result = NULL; if (parts && parts->next) { int mylen = 0; char * p = (char*)parts->next->object; p = strchr(p,':'); if (p) { p++; while (*p && WHITE(*p)) p++; mylen = strlen(p); len += 2 + mylen; } result = do_it_all(env_name, parts->next, len, cur); if (p) { strcpy(*cur,p); *cur += mylen; if (parts->object) { strcpy(*cur, ", "); *cur += 2; } } } else if (parts) { result = (char*)malloc(len + 20); if (!result) outofmem(__FILE__, "do_it_all"); strcpy(result, env_name); *cur = result + strlen(env_name); } return result; } PUBLIC HTList * hbuf_http_env_vars ARGS1(HTRequest *, req) { HTList * result = HTList_new(); HTList * cur1; if (!hbuf_head || !hbuf_head->next) return result; cur1 = hbuf_head->next; while (cur1) { HT_hbuf * node1 = (HT_hbuf*)cur1->object; char * colon; if (node1 && node1->cgi_header && node1->line && (colon = strchr(node1->line,':'))) { HTList * parts = HTList_new(); char * name = NULL; int len; /* get header field name */ *colon = 0; StrAllocCopy(name, node1->line); StrAllocCat(name, ":"); len = strlen(name); *colon = ':'; { /* collect all the fields that have the same name */ HTList * cur2 = cur1; while (cur2) { HT_hbuf * node2 = (HT_hbuf*)cur2->object; if (node2->cgi_header && !strncasecomp(node2->line,name,len)) { node2->cgi_header = NO; HTList_addObject(parts, (void*)node2->line); } cur2 = cur2->next; } } { /* make environment variable name */ char * cur = name; char * envname = NULL; while (*cur && *cur!=':') { if (*cur=='-') *cur = '_'; else *cur = TOUPPER(*cur); cur++; } if (*cur) *cur = '='; StrAllocCopy(envname, "HTTP_"); StrAllocCat(envname, name); free(name); name = envname; } { /* collapse headers creating a commaseparated list */ /* which is an env.var.declaration at the same time */ char * foo = NULL; char * envvar = do_it_all(name, parts, strlen(name), &foo); if (HTUser && HTUser->username && !strncmp(envvar,"HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=",19)) { CTRACE(stderr, "Not......... propagating HTTP_AUTHORIZATION to child\n"); FREE(envvar); } else { HTList_addObject(result, envvar); } free(name); HTList_delete(parts); } } cur1 = cur1->next; } return result; } PRIVATE void hbuf_free NOARGS { HT_hbuf * node; HTList * killme; HTList * cur = hbuf_head; while (cur) { node = (HT_hbuf*)cur->object; if (node) { FREE(node->line); free(node); } killme = cur; cur = cur->next; free(killme); } hbuf_head = NULL; hbuf_tail = NULL; hbuf_total_len = 0; } PRIVATE BOOL fix_meta_field ARGS1(char *, buf) { char * cur = buf; BOOL content = NO; if (!buf) return NO; while (*cur && *cur!='\r' && *cur!='\n') { if (!content && *cur!=' ' && *cur!='\t') content = YES; cur++; } if (!content) return NO; *cur++ = '\r'; *cur++ = '\n'; *cur = 0; return YES; } PUBLIC char *HTReplyHeaders ARGS1(HTRequest *, req) { return HTReplyHeadersWith(req, NULL, 0); } PUBLIC char *HTReplyHeadersWith ARGS3(HTRequest *, req, char **, extras, int, extra_cnt) { char *headers; FILE * meta_file = NULL; int len; out.http_header_sent = YES; if (!out.status_code) out.status_code = 500; if (!HTReasonLine) HTReasonLine = "Internal error"; len = strlen(HTReasonLine) + 1024 + (HTLocation ? strlen(HTLocation) : 0) + (HTWWWAuthenticate ? strlen(HTWWWAuthenticate) : 0); if (extras) { int i; for (i=0; icontent_language) { strcat(headers, "\r\nContent-Language: "); strcat(headers, HTAtom_name(req->content_language)); } if (req->content_encoding) { char * name = HTAtom_name(req->content_encoding); if (name && strcmp(name,"7bit") && strcmp(name,"8bit") && strcmp(name,"binary")) { strcat(headers, "\r\nContent-Encoding: "); strcat(headers, name); } } if (req->content_type) { strcat(headers, "\r\nContent-Type: "); strcat(headers, HTAtom_name(req->content_type)); } if (out.content_length > 0) { char content_len[30]; sprintf(content_len, "\r\nContent-Length: %d", out.content_length); strcat(headers, content_len); } if (HTLastModified) { strcat(headers, "\r\nLast-Modified: "); strcat(headers, HTLastModified); } if (HTExpires) { strcat(headers, "\r\nExpires: "); strcat(headers, HTExpires); } /* Filter out keep-alive and connection headers */ if (extras) { int i; for (i=0; i 0 && HTServerPort != 80) sprintf(portstr, ":%d", HTServerPort); else *portstr = 0; result = (char*)malloc(strlen(sc.hostname)+strlen(url)+20); if (!result) outofmem(__FILE__, "HTFullSelfReference"); sprintf(result, "http://%s%s%s", sc.hostname, portstr, url); } return result; } /* * Produce a redirection message document for browsers without * redirection support. */ PUBLIC char * HTRedirectionMsg ARGS1(char *, url) { char * body = (char*)malloc(strlen(url) + 500); if (!body) outofmem(__FILE__, "HTRedirectionMsg"); /* * Arrgh... ugly! */ sprintf(body, "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s %s%s", "\n\nRedirection\n\n\n", "


\nThis document can be found\nelsewhere.

\nYou see this message because your browser ", "doesn't support automatic\nredirection handeling.


\n", "
", HTAppName, HTAppVersion, "
\n\n\n"); return body; } PUBLIC int HTLoadRedirection ARGS1(HTRequest *, req) { if (req && HTLocation && (HTReason == HTAA_OK_REDIRECT || HTReason == HTAA_OK_MOVED) && req->output_stream) { char * body = NULL; { char * full = HTFullSelfReference(HTLocation); if (full) { free(HTLocation); HTLocation = full; } } body = HTRedirectionMsg(HTLocation); req->content_type = HTAtom_for("text/html"); out.content_length = strlen(body); if (HTClientProtocol) { char * headers = HTReplyHeaders(req); if (headers) { HTLoadStrToStream(req->output_stream, headers); free(headers); } } if (req->method != METHOD_HEAD) HTLoadStrToStream(req->output_stream, body); free(body); HTCloseStream(req->output_stream); return HT_LOADED; } return HT_INTERNAL; } /* * MIME output with content-length calculation * * This stream also buffers the result to find out the content length. * If a maximum buffer limit is reached Content-Length is calculated * for logs but it is not sent to the client -- rather the buffer is * flushed right away. */ #define DEFAULT_CNT_BUF_SIZE 8096 typedef struct _HTBufItem { int len; char * buf; struct _HTBufItem * next; } HTBufItem; struct _HTStream { HTStreamClass * isa; HTRequest * req; int content_count; int last_verbose; BOOL give_up; char * tmp_buf; int tmp_ind; int tmp_max; HTBufItem * head; HTBufItem * tail; HTStream * sink; char ** extra_hdrs; int extra_cnt; }; PRIVATE void buf_free_bufs ARGS1(HTStream *, me) { HTBufItem * cur = me->head; HTBufItem * killme; while (cur) { killme = cur; cur = cur->next; FREE(killme->buf); free(killme); } me->head = me->tail = NULL; } PRIVATE void buf_append_buf ARGS1(HTStream *, me) { HTBufItem * b = (HTBufItem*)calloc(1,sizeof(HTBufItem)); if (!b) outofmem(__FILE__, "buf_append_buf"); b->len = me->tmp_ind; b->buf = me->tmp_buf; me->tmp_ind = 0; me->tmp_max = 0; me->tmp_buf = 0; if (me->tail) me->tail->next = b; else me->head = b; me->tail = b; } PRIVATE void buf_flush ARGS1(HTStream *, me) { char * headers = HTReplyHeadersWith(me->req,me->extra_hdrs,me->extra_cnt); HTBufItem * cur; if (headers) { (*me->sink->isa->put_string)(me->sink, headers); free(headers); } if (me->tmp_buf) buf_append_buf(me); cur = me->head; while (cur) { (*me->sink->isa->put_block)(me->sink, cur->buf, cur->len); cur = cur->next; } buf_free_bufs(me); } PRIVATE BOOL buf_alloc_new ARGS2(HTStream *, me, int, size) { if (me->content_count >= sc.max_content_len_buf) { CTRACE(stderr, "\nGiving up... buffering to find out content-length [limit %d bytes]\n", sc.max_content_len_buf); out.content_length = 0; buf_flush(me); return NO; } else { me->tmp_ind = 0; me->tmp_max = size; me->tmp_buf = (char *)malloc(size); if (!me->tmp_buf) outofmem(__FILE__, "buf_put_char"); return YES; } } PRIVATE void buf_put_char ARGS2(HTStream *, me, char, c) { me->content_count++; if (!me->give_up) { if (me->tmp_ind >= me->tmp_max) buf_append_buf(me); if (!me->tmp_buf && !buf_alloc_new(me, DEFAULT_CNT_BUF_SIZE)) me->give_up = YES; } if (me->give_up) (*me->sink->isa->put_character)(me->sink,c); else me->tmp_buf[me->tmp_ind++] = c; } PRIVATE void buf_put_block ARGS3(HTStream *, me, CONST char *, b, int, l) { me->content_count += l; if (TRACE && me->content_count > me->last_verbose + DEFAULT_CNT_BUF_SIZE) { me->last_verbose = me->content_count; fprintf(stderr, " [%dK]", me->content_count/1024); } if (!me->give_up) { if (me->tmp_buf && me->tmp_max - me->tmp_ind <= l) { /* Still room */ memcpy(me->tmp_buf + me->tmp_ind, b, l); me->tmp_ind += l; return; } else { if (me->tmp_buf) buf_append_buf(me); if (!buf_alloc_new(me,l)) me->give_up = YES; else { memcpy(me->tmp_buf, b, l); me->tmp_ind = l; buf_append_buf(me); } } } if (me->give_up) (*me->sink->isa->put_block)(me->sink,b,l); } PRIVATE void buf_put_string ARGS2(HTStream *, me, CONST char *, s) { if (s) { int len = strlen(s); buf_put_block(me,s,len); } } PRIVATE void buf_free ARGS1(HTStream *, me) { out.content_length = me->content_count; CTRACE(stderr,"\nCalculated.. content-length: %d\n", out.content_length); if (!me->give_up) buf_flush(me); (*me->sink->isa->_free)(me->sink); FREE(me); } PRIVATE void buf_abort ARGS2(HTStream *, me, HTError, e) { if (!me->give_up) buf_free_bufs(me); (*me->sink->isa->abort)(me->sink,e); FREE(me); } HTStreamClass HTContentCounterClass = { "ContentCounter", buf_free, buf_abort, buf_put_char, buf_put_string, buf_put_block }; PRIVATE HTStream * HTContentCounter ARGS4(HTRequest *, req, HTStream *, sink, char **, extra_hdrs, int, extra_cnt) { HTStream * me = (HTStream*)calloc(1,sizeof(HTStream)); if (!me) outofmem(__FILE__, "HTContentCounter"); CTRACE(stderr, "Calculating. content-length on the fly\n"); me->isa = &HTContentCounterClass; me->req = req; me->sink = sink; me->extra_hdrs = extra_hdrs; me->extra_cnt = extra_cnt; return me; } /* * Wrap document into MIME * * If out.content_length is set just writes HTTP response * headers to sink and returns the same sink. * * Otherwise returns a new stream that buffers the input, * calculates content-length, and only after that sends * the entire reply down to sink. */ PUBLIC HTStream * HTMIMEWrapper ARGS5(HTRequest *, req, void *, param, HTFormat, input_format, HTFormat, output_format, HTStream *, sink) { CTRACE(stderr, "Ok.......... Content-type %s\n", HTAtom_name(input_format)); req->content_type = input_format; if (HTClientProtocol) { if (out.content_length > 0) { char *headers = HTReplyHeaders(req); if (headers) { (*sink->isa->put_string)(sink, headers); free(headers); } CTRACE(stderr, "Already..... known content-length: %d\n", out.content_length); } else return HTContentCounter(req,sink,NULL,0); } else { /* Old protocol */ if (input_format == WWW_PLAINTEXT) (*sink->isa->put_string)(sink, "\r\n"); } return sink; } PUBLIC HTStream * HTScriptWrapper ARGS4(HTRequest *, req, char **, extra_headers, int, extra_count, HTStream *, sink) { if (!req->content_type) { req->content_type = HTAtom_for("text/plain"); CTRACE(stderr, "Default..... content-type text/plain\n"); } else { CTRACE(stderr, "Ok.......... script result content-type %s\n", HTAtom_name(req->content_type)); } if (HTClientProtocol) { if (out.content_length > 0) { char *headers = HTReplyHeadersWith(req,extra_headers,extra_count); if (headers) { (*sink->isa->put_string)(sink, headers); free(headers); } CTRACE(stderr, "Already..... known content-length: %d\n", out.content_length); } else return HTContentCounter(req,sink,extra_headers,extra_count); } else { /* Old protocol */ if (req->content_type == WWW_PLAINTEXT) (*sink->isa->put_string)(sink, "<PLAINTEXT>\r\n"); } return sink; } PUBLIC HTStream * HTHackWrapper ARGS5(HTRequest *, req, void *, param, HTFormat, input_format, HTFormat, output_format, HTStream *, sink) { CTRACE(stderr, "Hack........ Sending to client even there was no corresponding Accept\n"); CTRACE(stderr, "Ok.......... Content-type %s\n", HTAtom_name(input_format)); req->content_type = input_format; if (HTClientProtocol) { char * extras[2]; char * headers; extras[0] = "X-httpd-warning: Your broser didn't send the Accept header line for this"; extras[1] = NULL; headers = HTReplyHeadersWith(req, extras, 1); if (headers) { (*sink->isa->put_string)(sink, headers); free(headers); } } else { /* Old protocol */ if (input_format == WWW_PLAINTEXT) { (*sink->isa->put_string)(sink, "<PLAINTEXT>\r\n"); } } return sink; } PRIVATE char * get_part ARGS2(char **, source, char *, separator) { char * word; char * p; char * q; if (!source || !*source) return NULL; word = *source; while (*word && (*word==' ' || *word=='\t')) word++; for (p=word; *p && *p != ';' && *p != ','; p++) { if (*p == ' ') { /* @@@ HACK TO UNDERSTAND OLD Accept: FORMAT */ *p = 0; /* @@@ REMOVE THESE 4 LINES ONCE OLD */ break; /* @@@ BROWSERS DISAPPEAR (besides, this */ } /* @@@ is VERY WRONG). */ } *separator = *p; if (*p) { *source = p+1; *p = 0; } else *source = p; for (q=p-1; q>word; q--) { if (*q==' ' || *q=='\t') *q = 0; else break; } return word; } PRIVATE char * get_word ARGS1(char **, source) { char * word; char * p; if (!source || !*source) return NULL; word = *source; while (*word && (*word==' ' || *word=='\t')) word++; for (p=word; *p && *p != ' ' && *p != '\t'; p++); while (*p && (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t')) *p++ = 0; *source = p; return word; } PRIVATE char * parse_entry ARGS5(char **, source, char **, accept_x, float *, q, float *, mxs, float *, mxb) { char sep; if (!source || !*source || !accept_x || !q || !mxs || !mxb) return NULL; *q = 1.0; *mxb = 0.0; *mxs = 0.0; *accept_x = get_part(source, &sep); if (!*accept_x || !**accept_x) return NULL; while (sep == ';') { float value; char *part = get_part(source, &sep); char *equals = part ? strchr(part, '=') : NULL; if (!equals) continue; /* bad syntax -- forget it! */ *equals++ = 0; /* Split at equals */ if (sscanf(equals, "%f", &value)) { char * attrib = HTStrip(part); if (!strcasecomp(attrib, "q")) *q = value; else if (!strcasecomp(attrib, "mxb")) *mxb = value; else if (!strcasecomp(attrib, "mxs")) *mxs = value; } } /* scan attributes */ return *accept_x; } /* PUBLIC HTParseRequest() ** READ REQUEST FROM HTInputSocket OBJECT ** AND PARSE IT INTO A HTRequest STRUCTURE ** ON ENTRY: ** isoc input socket structure. ** ** ON EXIT: ** returns a newly allocated HTRequest object describing ** parsed request. ** NULL if something fails badly. ** isoc is read until the end of header section (empty ** line is last thing read), so isoc input pointer ** points to the beginning of message body. */ PUBLIC HTRequest * HTParseRequest ARGS1(HTInputSocket *, isoc) { HTRequest *req; char *line; char *p, *p1, *p2, *p3; BOOL text_html = NO; BOOL text_plain = NO; if (!isoc) return NULL; req = HTRequest_new(); HTReason = HTAA_OK; HTClientProtocol = NULL; /* Assume HTTP0 */ /* ** Parse first line of request */ p = line = HTInputSocket_getLine(isoc); if (line) { VTRACE(stderr, "Client sez.. %s\n", line); StrAllocCopy(HTReqLine, line); p1 = get_word(&p); p2 = get_word(&p); p3 = get_word(&p); if (p1) req->method = HTMethod_enum(p1); if (p2) StrAllocCopy(HTReqArg, p2); if (p3) StrAllocCopy(HTClientProtocol, p3); free(line); /* Leak fixed AL 6 Feb 94 */ } /* ** Check that the third argument actually is a valid ** client protocol specifier (if it is not we might wait ** for an eternity for the rest of an HTTP1 request when it ** will never come, becuase it's actually an HTTP0 request. */ if (HTClientProtocol && 0 != strncasecomp(HTClientProtocol, "HTTP/", 5)) { free(HTClientProtocol); HTClientProtocol = NULL; } #ifndef NOCONVERT if (!req->conversions) req->conversions = HTList_new(); if (sc.do_accept_hack) HTSetConversion(req->conversions, "*/*", "www/present", HTHackWrapper, 0.00001, 0.0, 0.0); #endif hbuf_free(); /* From previous call */ if (HTClientProtocol) { while ((line = HTInputSocket_getUnfoldedLine(isoc))) { /* Don't include keep-alive and connection */ if (strncasecomp(line, "keep-alive", 10) && strncasecomp(line, "connection", 10)) { hbuf_append(line); } if (!*line) { free(line); /* Leak fixed AL 6 Feb 1994 */ break; /* Empty line terminating header section */ } VTRACE(stderr, "Client sez.. %s\n", line); p = strchr(line, ':'); if (!p) continue; /* Bad format -- junk line */ *p++ = 0; /* Overwrite colon */ for ( ; *p==' ' || *p=='\t'; p++); /* Skip whitespace */ if (!strcasecomp(line, "Accept") || !strcasecomp(line, "Accept-Encoding") || !strcasecomp(line, "Accept-Language")) { char *name = NULL; float quality; float maxbytes; float maxsecs; while (parse_entry(&p,&name,&quality,&maxbytes,&maxsecs)) { if (!strcasecomp(line, "Accept")) { #ifdef VMS /* In Unix we do this in the general HTTP_XXX way */ hbuf_cgi_cancel_last(); #endif VTRACE(stderr, "Accept...... %s (q=%.2f,mxb=%.1f,mxs=%.1f)\n", name, quality, maxbytes, maxsecs); #ifndef NOCONVERT if (!strcasecomp(name, "text/html")) text_html = YES; else if (!strcasecomp(name, "text/plain")) text_plain = YES; if (!strcmp(name, "www/source")) HTSetConversion(req->conversions, "*/*", "www/present", HTMIMEWrapper, quality, maxbytes, maxsecs); else HTSetConversion(req->conversions, name, "www/present", HTMIMEWrapper, quality, maxbytes, maxsecs); #endif } else if (!strcasecomp(line, "Accept-Encoding")) { CTRACE(stderr, "Encoding.... %s (q=%.2f)\n", name, quality); if (!req->encodings) req->encodings = HTList_new(); HTAcceptEncoding(req->encodings, name, quality); } else { CTRACE(stderr, "Language.... %s (q=%.2f)\n", name, quality); if (!req->languages) req->languages = HTList_new(); HTAcceptLanguage(req->languages, name, quality); } } } else if (0==strncasecomp(line, "Content-Type", 12)) { hbuf_cgi_cancel_last(); p1 = get_word(&p); if (p1) { req->content_type = HTAtom_for(p1); CTRACE(stderr, "Content-Type %s\n", p1); } } else if (0==strncasecomp(line, "Content-Length", 14)) { hbuf_cgi_cancel_last(); p1 = get_word(&p); if (p1) { req->content_length = atoi(p1); CTRACE(stderr, "Content-Length %d\n", req->content_length); } } else if (0==strncasecomp(line, "Authorization", 13)) { StrAllocCopy(req->authorization, p); p1 = get_word(&p); p2 = get_word(&p); CTRACE(stderr, "Authorization scheme \"%s\" params \"%s\"\n", (p1 ? p1 : "-null-"), (p2 ? p2 : "-null-")); if (p1 && p2) { req->scheme = HTAAScheme_enum(p1); StrAllocCopy(HTAuthString, p2); } else CTRACE(stderr, "Invalid..... Authorization: field\n"); } else if (0==strncasecomp(line, "From", 4)) { StrAllocCopy(req->from, HTStrip(p)); CTRACE(stderr, "From........ %s\n", req->from); } else if (0==strncasecomp(line, "User-Agent", 10)) { hbuf_proxy_cancel_last(); StrAllocCopy(HTUserAgent, HTStrip(p)); CTRACE(stderr, "User-Agent.. %s\n", HTUserAgent); } else if (0==strncasecomp(line, "Referer", 7)) { StrAllocCopy(HTReferer, HTStrip(p)); CTRACE(stderr, "Referer..... %s\n", HTReferer); } else if (0==strncasecomp(line, "If-Modified-Since", 17)) { hbuf_proxy_cancel_last(); HTIfModifiedSince = parse_http_time(HTStrip(p)); CTRACE(stderr, "Give only... if modified since (localtime) %s", ctime(&HTIfModifiedSince)); } else if (0==strncasecomp(line, "Pragma", 6)) { char * name = NULL; float junk1, junk2, junk3; /* * Pragmas will be passed to the remote server too by proxy * (so not doing hbuf_proxy_cancel_last()). */ while (parse_entry(&p,&name,&junk1,&junk2,&junk3)) { if (!strcasecomp(name,"no-cache")) { in.no_cache_pragma = YES; CTRACE(stderr, "Pragma...... no-cache (force refresh)\n"); } else { CTRACE(stderr, "Unknown..... pragma ignored: %s\n",name); } } } else if (0==strncasecomp(line, "Charge-To", 9)) { /* Add code here */ } /* else invalid */ free(line); /* Leak fixed AL 6 Feb 94 */ } /* scan lines */ } /* if HTTP1 protocol */ #ifndef NOCONVERT else { /* ** Old protocol browsers have to be assumed to allow binary and ** plain old source. This is for XMosaic 1.x, and we don't have ** to support it.. soon. ** This is risky & more trouble. */ HTSetConversion(req->conversions, "application/octet-stream","www/present",HTMIMEWrapper, 0.7, 0.0, 0.0); HTSetConversion(req->conversions, "www/source", "www/present", HTMIMEWrapper, 0.7, 0.0, 0.0); } #endif #ifndef NOCONVERT if (!text_html) HTSetConversion(req->conversions, "text/html", "www/present", HTMIMEWrapper, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0); if (!text_plain) HTSetConversion(req->conversions, "text/plain", "www/present", HTMIMEWrapper, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0); #endif compute_server_env(); return req; }