/* PROGRAM HTImage.c ** PROGRAM FOR HANDLING REQUESTS FROM ** ISMAP IMAGES FOR CERN SERVER. ** ** ENVIRONMENT: ** PATH_TRANSLATED physical (translated) config file. ** PATH_INFO contains URL path to image config file. ** ** The actual image config file is searched in the ** following order: ** ** IMAGE_DIR/PATH_INFO ** IMAGE_DIR/PATH_TRANSLATED ** PATH_TRANSLATED ** PATH_INFO ** ** QUERY_STRING contains coordinates as x,y ** Origin is in upper lefthand corner. ** Or: coordinates are given as x and y ** form field values: x=x&y=y ** ** AUTHORS: ** AL Ari Luotonen luotonen@dxcern.cern.ch ** ** HISTORY: ** 8 Nov 93 AL Written on a crisp Monday afternoon from scratch. ** 18 Jan 94 AL Ported to CGI/1.0. ** ** BUGS: ** */ #include #include "HTUtils.h" #include "HTString.h" #include "HTAlert.h" #include "HTAAUtil.h" /* ** Define IMAGE_DIR to the image mask directory under which ** you put all your image config files, if you don't want them ** to be directly translated by the rule file. */ #ifndef IMAGE_DIR #define IMAGE_DIR NULL #endif #define MAX_STR_LEN 256 PRIVATE char * path_info = NULL; PRIVATE char * path_translated = NULL; PRIVATE char * query_string = NULL; /* ** Types used to describe graphical areas. */ typedef struct { int x; int y; } HTCoord; typedef struct { HTCoord corner1; HTCoord corner2; } HTRect; typedef struct { HTCoord center; int radius; } HTCirc; typedef struct { HTList * coords; } HTPoly; typedef union { HTRect rect; HTCirc circ; HTPoly poly; } HTShape; typedef enum { HTRECT, HTCIRC, HTPOLY } HTShapeType; typedef struct { char * url; HTShapeType type; HTShape shape; } HTMapping; typedef struct { char * default_url; HTList * mappings; } HTPict; #ifdef VMS #include "HTStyle.h" PUBLIC char *HTAppName = "HTImage"; PUBLIC char *HTAppVersion = "unknown"; PUBLIC HTStyleSheet *styleSheet; #endif /* VMS */ /* PRIVATE fatal() ** WRITE OUT AN ERROR MESSAGE AND EXIT ** ON ENTRY: ** msg error message to print. ** ** ON EXIT: ** Program is dead. */ PRIVATE void fatal ARGS1(char *, msg) { printf("Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n"); printf("HTImage error\n\n"); printf("


\nError calling HTImage:


\n\n", msg); exit(0); } PRIVATE void bad_query_string NOARGS { char *msg = malloc(strlen(query_string) + 100); sprintf(msg, "Invalid QUERY_STRING: '%s' expecting either x,y or x=x&y=y", query_string); fatal(msg); } /* ** ****************************************************************** ** LEXICAL ANALYSOR ** ****************************************************************** */ typedef enum { LEX_NONE, /* Internally used */ LEX_EOF, /* End of file */ LEX_COMMA, /* Comma */ LEX_OPEN_PAREN, /* Opening parenthesis */ LEX_CLOSE_PAREN, /* Closing parenthesis */ LEX_STR, /* Alphanumeric string */ LEX_INT /* Integer value */ } LexItem; PRIVATE char lex_str[MAX_STR_LEN+1]; /* Read lexical string */ PRIVATE int lex_int; /* Read integer value */ PRIVATE int lex_line = 1; /* Line number in source file */ PRIVATE int lex_cnt; PRIVATE LexItem lex_pushed_back = LEX_NONE; /* PRIVATE isNumber() ** DOES A CHARACTER STRING REPRESENT A NUMBER */ PRIVATE BOOL isNumber ARGS1(CONST char *, s) { CONST char *cur = s; if (!s || !*s) return NO; if (*cur == '-') cur++; /* Allow initial minus sign in a number */ while (*cur) { if (*cur < '0' || *cur > '9') return NO; cur++; } return YES; } PRIVATE void unlex ARGS1(LexItem, lex_item) { lex_pushed_back = lex_item; } PRIVATE LexItem lex ARGS1(FILE *, fp) { int ch; if (lex_pushed_back != LEX_NONE) { LexItem ret = lex_pushed_back; lex_pushed_back = LEX_NONE; return ret; } lex_cnt = 0; for(;;) { switch (ch = getc(fp)) { case EOF: case ' ': case '\t': case '\r': case '\n': case '(': case ')': case ',': if (lex_cnt > 0) { if (ch != EOF) ungetc(ch,fp); if (isNumber(lex_str)) { lex_int = atoi(lex_str); return LEX_INT; } else return LEX_STR; } else switch(ch) { case EOF: return LEX_EOF; break; case '\n': lex_line++; break; case ',': return LEX_COMMA; break; case '(': return LEX_OPEN_PAREN; break; case ')': return LEX_CLOSE_PAREN; break; default: ; /* Leading white space ignored (SP,TAB,CR) */ } break; default: lex_str[lex_cnt++] = ch; lex_str[lex_cnt] = (char)0; } /* switch ch */ } /* forever */ } /* ** ****************************************************************** ** PICTURE CONFIGURATION FILE PARSER ** ****************************************************************** */ PRIVATE void syntax_error ARGS3(FILE *, fp, char *, message, LexItem, lex_item) { char buffer[41]; int cnt = 0; char ch; char msg[256]; char *item_name; switch (lex_item) { case LEX_NONE: item_name = "*InternalFlag*"; break; case LEX_EOF: item_name = "end of file"; break; case LEX_COMMA: item_name = "a comma"; break; case LEX_OPEN_PAREN: item_name = "opening parenthesis"; break; case LEX_CLOSE_PAREN: item_name = "closing parenthesis"; break; case LEX_STR: item_name = "an alphanumeric string"; break; case LEX_INT: item_name = "an integer value"; break; default: item_name = "*Bug*"; } while ((ch = getc(fp)) != EOF && ch != '\n') if (cnt < 40) buffer[cnt++] = ch; buffer[cnt] = (char)0; sprintf(msg, "%s %d\n%s (got %s)\n", "HTImage.c: Syntax error at line", lex_line, message, item_name); lex_line++; fatal(msg); } PRIVATE void rev_list ARGS1(HTList *, list) { if (list) { HTList *tmp = HTList_new(); HTList *cur = list; HTList *old = list->next; void *object; while (NULL != (object = HTList_nextObject(cur))) HTList_addObject(tmp, object); list->next = tmp->next; tmp->next = old; HTList_delete(tmp); } } PRIVATE HTCoord *parse_coord ARGS1(FILE *, fp) { LexItem lex_item; HTCoord *coord; int x; if (!fp) return NULL; if (LEX_OPEN_PAREN != (lex_item = lex(fp))) { unlex(lex_item); return NULL; } else { if (LEX_INT != (lex_item = lex(fp))) { syntax_error(fp, "expecting x coordinate", lex_item); return NULL; } else { x = lex_int; if (LEX_COMMA != (lex_item = lex(fp))) { syntax_error(fp,"expecting comma separating x and y",lex_item); return NULL; } else if (LEX_INT != (lex_item = lex(fp))) { syntax_error(fp, "expecting y coordinate", lex_item); return NULL; } else { if (!(coord = (HTCoord*)malloc(sizeof(HTCoord)))) outofmem(__FILE__, "parse_coord"); coord->x = x; coord->y = lex_int; if (LEX_CLOSE_PAREN != (lex_item = lex(fp))) syntax_error(fp,"expecting closing parenthesis",lex_item); return coord; } } } } PRIVATE HTMapping *parse_rectangle ARGS1(FILE *, fp) { HTMapping *mapping = NULL; HTCoord *coord = NULL; LexItem lex_item; if (!fp) return NULL; if (!(mapping = (HTMapping*)malloc(sizeof(HTMapping)))) outofmem(__FILE__, "parse_rectangle"); mapping->url = NULL; mapping->type = HTRECT; mapping->shape.rect.corner1.x = 0; mapping->shape.rect.corner1.y = 0; mapping->shape.rect.corner2.x = 0; mapping->shape.rect.corner2.y = 0; if (!(coord = parse_coord(fp))) { lex_item = lex(fp); syntax_error(fp, "expecting first coordinate pair", lex_item); } else { mapping->shape.rect.corner1.x = coord->x; mapping->shape.rect.corner1.y = coord->y; free(coord); if (!(coord = parse_coord(fp))) { lex_item = lex(fp); syntax_error(fp, "expecting second coordinate pair", lex_item); } else { mapping->shape.rect.corner2.x = coord->x; mapping->shape.rect.corner2.y = coord->y; free(coord); if (LEX_STR != (lex_item = lex(fp))) syntax_error(fp, "expecting URL", lex_item); else StrAllocCopy(mapping->url, lex_str); } } return mapping; } PRIVATE HTMapping *parse_circle ARGS1(FILE *, fp) { HTMapping *mapping = NULL; HTCoord *coord = NULL; LexItem lex_item; if (!fp) return NULL; if (!(mapping = (HTMapping*)malloc(sizeof(HTMapping)))) outofmem(__FILE__, "parse_circle"); mapping->url = NULL; mapping->type = HTCIRC; mapping->shape.circ.center.x = 0; mapping->shape.circ.center.y = 0; mapping->shape.circ.radius = 0; if (!(coord = parse_coord(fp))) { lex_item = lex(fp); syntax_error(fp, "expecting coordinate pair", lex_item); } else { mapping->shape.circ.center.x = coord->x; mapping->shape.circ.center.y = coord->y; free(coord); if (LEX_INT != (lex_item = lex(fp))) syntax_error(fp, "expecting radius", lex_item); else { mapping->shape.circ.radius = lex_int; if (LEX_STR != (lex_item = lex(fp))) syntax_error(fp, "expecting URL", lex_item); else StrAllocCopy(mapping->url, lex_str); } } return mapping; } PRIVATE HTMapping *parse_polygon ARGS1(FILE *, fp) { LexItem lex_item; HTMapping *mapping = NULL; HTCoord *first = NULL; HTCoord *prev = NULL; HTCoord *coord = NULL; if (!fp) return NULL; if (!(mapping = (HTMapping*)malloc(sizeof(HTMapping)))) outofmem(__FILE__, "parse_polygon"); mapping->url = NULL; mapping->type = HTPOLY; mapping->shape.poly.coords = HTList_new(); coord = first = parse_coord(fp); while (coord) { HTList_addObject(mapping->shape.poly.coords, (void*)coord); prev = coord; coord = NULL; do { /* Ignore if same coordinate pair appears multiply */ if (coord) free(coord); coord = parse_coord(fp); } while (coord && coord->x == prev->x && coord->y == prev->y); } /* ** Add the first coordinate pair also to be the last so ** that we have a closed path (if the user has already ** given a closed path then do nothing more. */ if (prev && (first->x != prev->x || first->y != prev->y)) HTList_addObject(mapping->shape.poly.coords, (void*)first); if (LEX_STR != (lex_item = lex(fp))) syntax_error(fp, "expecting URL", lex_item); else StrAllocCopy(mapping->url, lex_str); return mapping; } PRIVATE HTPict *parse_picture ARGS1(FILE *, fp) { LexItem lex_item; HTPict *picture; if (!fp) return NULL; if (!(picture = (HTPict*)malloc(sizeof(HTPict)))) outofmem(__FILE__, "parse_picture"); picture->default_url = NULL; picture->mappings = HTList_new(); while (LEX_EOF != (lex_item = lex(fp))) { if (lex_item == LEX_STR) { if (0==strncasecomp(lex_str, "default", 3)) { if (LEX_STR != (lex_item = lex(fp))) syntax_error(fp, "expecting default URL", lex_item); else StrAllocCopy(picture->default_url, lex_str); } else if (0==strncasecomp(lex_str, "rectangle", 4)) HTList_addObject(picture->mappings, parse_rectangle(fp)); else if (0==strncasecomp(lex_str, "circle", 4)) HTList_addObject(picture->mappings, parse_circle(fp)); else if (0==strncasecomp(lex_str, "polygon", 4)) HTList_addObject(picture->mappings, parse_polygon(fp)); else { char msg[100]; sprintf(msg, "Bad field name, expecting %s", "'default', 'rectangle', 'circle' or 'polygon'"); syntax_error(fp, msg, lex_item); } } else syntax_error(fp, "expecting field name", lex_item); } rev_list(picture->mappings); /* Because HTList_addObject() */ /* adds to the start. */ return picture; } /* ** ****************************************************************** ** ROUTINES FOR POINT INSIDE/OUTSIDE RESOLUTION ** ****************************************************************** */ #define SQR(x) ((x) * (x)) PRIVATE BOOL inside_rect ARGS3(HTRect *, rect, int, x, int, y) { if (rect && HTMIN(rect->corner1.x, rect->corner2.x) <= x && HTMAX(rect->corner1.x, rect->corner2.x) >= x && HTMIN(rect->corner1.y, rect->corner2.y) <= y && HTMAX(rect->corner1.y, rect->corner2.y) >= y) return YES; else return NO; } PRIVATE BOOL inside_circ ARGS3(HTCirc *, circ, int, x, int, y) { if (circ && SQR(circ->center.x - x) + SQR(circ->center.y - y) <= SQR(circ->radius)) return YES; else return NO; } PRIVATE BOOL inside_poly ARGS3(HTPoly *, poly, int, x, int, y) { if (!poly || !poly->coords) return NO; else { HTList *cur = poly->coords; HTCoord *a = (HTCoord*)HTList_nextObject(cur); HTCoord *b = (HTCoord*)HTList_nextObject(cur); HTCoord *first = a; HTCoord *check_previous = NULL; double cross_x; int crossings = 0; while (a && b) { if (x == a->x && y == a->y) { /* Point is a vertex, so it's inside */ return YES; } else if (a->y == b->y) { /* Horizontal line */ if (y == a->y && ((a->x <= x && x <= b->x) || (a->x >= x && x >= b->x))) { /* Line horizontal and point is on that line */ return YES; } } else if (check_previous) { if ((check_previous->y < a->y && a->y < b->y) || (check_previous->y > a->y && a->y > b->y)) { /* Lines from vertex go to different sides -- crossing */ crossings++; } /* Else lines from vertex go to same side -- no crossing */ check_previous = NULL; } else if (y >= HTMIN(a->y, b->y) && y <= HTMAX(a->y, b->y) && x <= HTMAX(a->x, b->x)) { /* If crossing is possible */ if (a->x == b->x) { /* Vertical line */ if (a->x == x) { /* Point is on an edge -- inside */ return YES; } else if (a->x > x) { crossings++; } } else { /* At this point we know that lines cross -- the */ /* question is which side of the point they cross. */ cross_x = (float)a->x + (float)((y - a->y) * (b->x - a->x)) / (float)(b->y - a->y); if (cross_x == b->x) { /* Crosses exactly at the ending vertex */ /* -- handled on the next round. */ check_previous = a; } else if (cross_x == x) { /* Point is on an edge -- inside */ return YES; } else if (cross_x > x) { crossings++; } } } /* Else crossing is not possible */ a = b; b = (HTCoord*)HTList_nextObject(cur); } if (check_previous) { if ((check_previous->y < a->y && a->y < first->y) || (check_previous->y > a->y && a->y > first->y)) { /* Lines from vertex go to different sides -- crossing */ crossings++; } } if (crossings % 2 == 1) return YES; else return NO; } } PRIVATE char *get_url ARGS3(HTPict *, pict, int, x, int, y) { if (!pict) return NULL; else { HTList *cur = pict->mappings; HTMapping *mapping; while (NULL != (mapping = (HTMapping*)HTList_nextObject(cur))) { if ((mapping->type == HTRECT && inside_rect(&mapping->shape.rect,x,y)) || (mapping->type == HTCIRC && inside_circ(&mapping->shape.circ,x,y)) || (mapping->type == HTPOLY && inside_poly(&mapping->shape.poly,x,y))) return mapping->url; } return pict->default_url; } } /* MAIN PROGRAM FOR htimage main() ** */ PUBLIC int main ARGS2(int, argc, char **, argv) { char *config_file1 = NULL; char *config_file2 = NULL; char *coords = NULL; char *p; int x = -1; int y = -1; HTPict *pict = NULL; FILE *fp = NULL; char *url; #ifdef VMS query_string = getenv("WWW_QUERY_STRING"); path_info = getenv("WWW_PATH_INFO"); path_translated = getenv("WWW_PATH_TRANSLATED"); #else /* non VMS */ query_string = getenv("QUERY_STRING"); path_info = getenv("PATH_INFO"); path_translated = getenv("PATH_TRANSLATED"); #endif /* non VMS */ if (!path_info && !path_translated) fatal("Neither PATH_INFO nor PATH_TRANSLATED env.variable not set"); if (!query_string) fatal("QUERY_STRING environment variable not set"); StrAllocCopy(coords, query_string); if (strchr(coords, '=')) { char *cur; for(cur=coords; cur; ) { char *end1 = strchr(cur, '='); char *end2 = (end1 ? strchr(end1, '&') : NULL); if (end1) { *(end1++) = 0; if (end2) *(end2++) = 0; if (!strcmp(cur, "x")) x = atoi(end1); else if (!strcmp(cur, "y")) y = atoi(end1); } cur = end2; } if (x == -1 || y == -1) bad_query_string(); } else if (!(p = strchr(coords, ','))) { bad_query_string(); } else { *(p++) = (char)0; x = atoi(coords); y = atoi(p); } /* ** Get config file */ if (path_info && IMAGE_DIR) { config_file1 = (char*)malloc(strlen(IMAGE_DIR) + strlen(path_info) + 2); if (!config_file1) outofmem(__FILE__, "config_file1-malloc"); strcpy(config_file1, IMAGE_DIR); if (path_info[0] != '/') strcat(config_file1, "/"); strcat(config_file1, path_info); fp = fopen(config_file1, "r"); } if (!fp && path_translated && IMAGE_DIR) { config_file2 = (char*)malloc(strlen(IMAGE_DIR) + strlen(path_translated) + 2); if (!config_file2) outofmem(__FILE__, "config_file2-malloc"); strcpy(config_file2, IMAGE_DIR); if (path_translated[0] != '/') strcat(config_file2, "/"); strcat(config_file2, path_translated); fp = fopen(config_file2, "r"); } if (!fp && path_translated) fp = fopen(path_translated, "r"); if (!fp && path_info) fp = fopen(path_info, "r"); if (!fp) { char msg[1024]; sprintf(msg, "Picture config file not found, tried the following:

\n"); fatal(msg); } pict = parse_picture(fp); fclose(fp); if (!pict) fatal("Error parsing picture config file"); if (!(url = get_url(pict, x, y))) fatal("No URL returned, not even default set for the picture."); printf("Location: %s\r\n\r\n", url); return(0); /* For gcc */ }