Fifth International World Wide Web Conference

May 6-10, Paris, France

Tutorial Submission Template

This is an example of a filled-in tutorial submission template. Full instructions for this template are in the Tutorial Submission page.

Example answers are in Roman, explanations in italic.

Name of presenter(s)

John B. Presenter
Joan C. Presenter (Separate additional presenters with <BR> tags.)

Proposed Tutorial Title

Tutorial Proposals for WWWF95 (A short name for the tutorial, 30 characters or less.)
How to Submit Tutorial Proposals for the Fall 1995 Web Conference (The full title of the tutorial, 80 characters or less; may be identical to the short name.)

Contact information

One contact per proposal only, please.
E-mail address
Mailing address
Organization Corp.
314159 Half Circle
Euler, PA 27183
Phone number
+ 1 235 813 2144
Fax number
+ 1 235 813 2144

Curriculum vitæ

Whatever background information you would like us to consider in reviewing the proposal, including work experience, teaching experience, published papers, etc. (10-40 lines)

Description of Tutorial

What are the goals of the presentation? (100 words)


A preliminary outline (using <UL> lists) of the content. (10-30 lines)


How long is your presentation: a quarter day, a half day, or a full day? Would you consider other possibilities?

Tutorial notes

What additional information will you provide in the tutorial notes?

Book chapter

Do you plan to prepare a book chapter based on the tutorial? If so, how will it differ from the tutorial outline above, if at all?

Target audience

Who should attend? What will they learn? What background should they have? (100 words)