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Section 2.1, Extensions to the Processing Model, carries the following definition. [Definition: A pending update list is an unordered collection of update primitives, which represent node state changes that have not yet been applied.] The term <<unordered>> is unnecessary and could misled that a predisposed processing model is preferred. To preserve XQuery implementation independence, I would like to propose that the term <<unordered>> be dropped from the definition.
Tan, The Query working group considered your comment on Aug. 1, 2006. We believe that the issue you raise has been addressed in the XQuery Update Facility working draft published by W3C on July 11, 2006. A pending update list is still defined as an unordered collection of update primitives. However, the upd:applyUpdates routine, in Section 3.2.2, specifies the order in which these update primitives are applied. This is a partial ordering (for example, replaceNode and rename can be done in any order, but must be done before insertBefore and insertAsFirst.) The partial ordering is defined by upd:applyUpdates, not by treating the whole pending update list as an ordered object. Based on the above analysis, the Query Working Group has assigned a code of "WONTFIX" to this Bugzilla item. If you are satisfied with this resolution, please close the Bugzilla item. Regards, Don Chamberlin (for the Query working group)
This bug has been marked RESOLVED WONTFIX for nine months without objection. Consequently, we are marking it CLOSED.