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Back to bug 14925

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mike 2011-11-25 10:13:11 UTC CC cmarrin, dino, eoconnor, smfr
Component HTML5 spec (editor: Ian Hickson) CSS 2D Transforms
Assignee ian smfr
Summary I would love to see a way to rotate background images with CSS3. As an artist this would save large amounts of time. When creating a high-end seamless tiling background, it takes skill and time. If you want to have it on an angle it's very difficult and I would love to see a way to rotate background images with CSS3. As an artist this would save large amounts of time. When creating a high-end seamless tiling background, it takes skill and time. If you want to have it on an angle, it's very difficult and
QA Contact public-html-bugzilla dave.null
smfr 2011-11-25 15:46:20 UTC Component CSS 2D Transforms General
Assignee smfr dave.null
Summary I would love to see a way to rotate background images with CSS3. As an artist this would save large amounts of time. When creating a high-end seamless tiling background, it takes skill and time. If you want to have it on an angle, it's very difficult and Add a way to rotate background images with CSS

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