This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.

This archived bug list includes all the bugs for the product or component specified, including bugs that have been resolved.

Mon Apr 1 2019 08:34:22 UTC
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26 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Opened Changed
78 Validato Document ot RESO FIXE We should have documentation describing HOWTO install on various platforms. 2002-11-23 2006-10-31
79 Validato Document link RESO FIXE Document HOWTO install on UNIX platforms. 2002-11-23 2004-09-06
80 Validato Document ville.skytta RESO FIXE Document HOWTO install on Red Hat systems. 2002-11-23 2004-09-16
81 Validato Document link RESO FIXE Document HOWTO install on Debian systems. 2002-11-23 2004-09-15
82 Validato Document link RESO LATE Document HOWTO install on Mac OS X systems. 2002-11-23 2005-04-08
83 Validato Document link RESO FIXE Document HOWTO install on Windows systems. 2002-11-23 2005-08-05
195 Validato Document link RESO WONT Find replacements for Metasyntactic Variables "Foo", "Bar", etc. 2003-04-18 2004-09-01
198 Validato Document link RESO FIXE Better Explanation of the SHORTTAGS Mess Needed. 2003-04-19 2004-03-23
199 Validato Document link RESO WORK Validator "API" Needs Sample Code. 2003-04-19 2007-08-06
932 Validato Document ot RESO FIXE Special error message for 500 Bad Hostname 2004-10-30 2004-11-12
1819 Validato Document ot RESO FIXE Missing error reason for URL of DOCTYPE missing 2005-07-26 2008-12-01
2573 Validato Document ot RESO DUPL The validator is giving the wrong example. 2005-12-09 2005-12-09
3732 Validato Document ot RESO FIXE about.html hardcodes Debian 2006-09-15 2006-10-18
4882 Validato Document dave.null RESO INVA ampersand detection 2007-07-25 2008-01-17
4883 Validato Document dave.null RESO DUPL ampersand detection 2007-07-25 2007-07-25
5576 Validato Document dave.null RESO INVA Firefox bug not to be fixed tricks people into breaking markup files 2008-03-15 2008-03-17
5681 Validato Document dave.null RESO FIXE typo in error explanation 2008-05-08 2008-07-02
11422 Validato Document dave.null NEW --- A LABEL can be associated with EXACTLY ONE form element 2010-11-28 2010-11-28
14673 Validato Document dave.null NEW --- API documentation 2011-11-02 2011-11-02
24212 Validato Document dave.null NEW --- HTML 5 is no longer draft 2014-01-06 2015-05-10
29783 Validato Document djl12016gk NEW --- audio 2016-08-19 2016-08-19
29881 Validato Document dave.null NEW --- Typo in href link for "valid" Icon -- link is broken 2016-09-29 2016-09-29
30066 Validato Document dave.null NEW --- 2017-02-18 2017-02-18
30198 Validato Document dave.null NEW --- <center> 2017-11-17 2017-11-17
30226 Validato Document dave.null NEW --- Validator raises a warning if HTTPS DOCTYPE is used 2018-02-26 2018-02-26
30256 Validato Document dave.null NEW --- THE VALIDATER says &#158 &#159 &#142 &#154 &#135 are control codes 2018-05-17 2018-05-17
26 bugs found.