This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.

This archived bug list includes all the bugs for the product or component specified, including bugs that have been resolved.

Mon Apr 1 2019 16:18:30 UTC
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70 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Opened Changed
6814 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO NEED return undefined for nonexistent keys rather than null 2009-04-15 2010-05-06
7104 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO WONT Disagreement on handling of null value for localStorage.setItem() 2009-07-14 2009-08-09
7938 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO WONT SECURITY_ERR when disallowing Database open is inconsistent with QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR for disallowing setItem 2009-10-17 2009-10-21
8358 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO WONT [WA] Fix for the localStorage mutex problem - release for *any* API operation except localStorage itself 2009-11-23 2009-11-25
8536 WebAppsW Web Stor plh RESO FIXE navigator.storageEnabled property 2009-12-22 2010-02-12
11419 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO WONT Local Storage Data Not Retained Between Sessions When Running Browser Locally 2010-11-28 2011-01-10
11589 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO FIXE It is said that "Values can be any data type supported by the structured clone algorithm", but the algorithm is not described. In fact is it deeply buried in the HTML5 specification, open to fuzzy interpretations. Values are a fundamental part of any data 2010-12-22 2011-01-11
11606 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO WONT wanted: awareness of non-persistent web storage 2010-12-26 2011-01-11
11615 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO WORK save text from an editor in a file system 2010-12-29 2011-01-23
11630 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO INVA is. That's more important than the solution, in fact. 2011-01-01 2011-01-10
11740 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO INVA vbvbcb dcbd fhfdh h hfgh fg h fgh hfg hfghfg hf 2011-01-12 2011-01-12
11911 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO INVA fully indicating the title of the section for which you are submitting feedback, quoting the text that's wrong today if appropriate. If you're suggesting a new feature, it's really importa 2011-01-28 2011-01-28
12032 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO INVA <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>zzz</title> <script src="modernizr.min.js"></script> </head> <body> <script> function supports_canvas() { return !!document.createElement('canvas').getCantext; } </script> </body> </html> 2011-02-11 2011-02-11
12090 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO NEED WEB STORAGE It would be nice to have one Storage object that you could place wherever you want. You could simply set a parameter "local" or define it as "shared" and set path to the server (e.g. "http://www.mysite/shared_storage"). Cheers, Cam camoken@gm 2011-02-15 2011-06-01
12111 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO FIXE spec for Storage object getItem(key) method does not match implementation behavior 2011-02-17 2011-08-04
12272 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO FIXE Improve section on DNS spoofing attacks to address user attacks 2011-03-09 2011-06-01
12620 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO INVA 5MB isn't enough 2011-05-06 2011-06-01
12628 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO FIXE Web Storage feedback form doesn't work 2011-05-06 2011-06-01
13020 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO FIXE No user agent will implement the storage mutex so this passage does not reflect reality 2011-06-22 2011-08-04
13264 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO NEED please more pics to visually understand. too much reading. 2011-07-14 2011-08-05
13690 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO LATE method setItem(key, value) Why don't you fix a third optional parameter to set the "duration" of the key/value pair. If it is not set the key/value pair will not expire otherwise it will expire as it is set in the 'duration' parameter. 2011-08-06 2011-08-08
13691 WebAppsW Web Stor ian VERI DUPL method setItem(key, value) Why don't you fix a third optional parameter to set the "duration" of the key/value pair. If it is not set the key/value pair will not expire otherwise it will expire as it is set in the 'duration' parameter. 2011-08-06 2011-08-06
13817 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO INVA Storage is definately persistent. Annoyingly so. As the client, I can't get rid of it. Maybe I'm missing something? Thanks. 2011-08-18 2011-08-18
13949 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO WORK Fantastic reference in the section on Cross-directory attacks! 2011-08-29 2011-08-30
13972 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO NEED var bgPage = chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage(); function saveTabData(tab, data) { if (tab.incognito) { bgPage[tab.url] = data; // Persist data ONLY in memory } else { localStorage[tab.url] = data; // OK to store data } 2011-08-30 2011-10-11
14084 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO WONT Hi! Returning a null from getItem() if the key does not exist is downright semantically wrong. null is a full-fledged value which can be serialized (JSONed), and is NOT the value we get if we do: var x = myObject.someUnknownProperty; In that case we get t 2011-09-08 2011-10-12
14323 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO NEED This API could easily be used by XForms implementations if protocols such as "localstorage://" could also be specified. Thanks! Alain Couthures agenceXML Invited Expert in Forms Work Group 2011-09-28 2011-10-04
14406 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO INVA ывавып ав ыав р р 2011-10-07 2011-10-07
14480 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO WONT How the data is stored at client side? Is it in some kind of file in temp folder or something. Can you please clarify. 2011-10-17 2011-10-18
14564 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO INVA mlnbdv bdg gk fgbjkgjfbjgfml vl bnkl ghl 2011-10-25 2011-10-25
14695 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO INVA How do I clear browsing history automatically? Is there a setting in Google Chrome, like I.E. to clear cookies and websites visited, etc. to clear everything automatically upon exiting Chrome? I cannot find one, always have to go to tools, history to dele 2011-11-04 2011-11-04
15059 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO INVA Hi this the first test of my html5. 2011-12-05 2011-12-05
15096 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO INVA 1.function supports_html5_storage() { 2. try { 3. return 'localStorage' in window && window['localStorage'] !== null; 4. } catch (e) { 5. return false; 6. } 7.} 2011-12-07 2011-12-07
15097 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO INVA function supports_html5_storage() { try { return 'localStorage' in window && window['localStorage'] !== null; } catch (e) { return false; } } 2011-12-07 2011-12-07
15127 WebAppsW Web Stor ian CLOS INVA Please don't use section numbers as these tend to change rapidly and make your feedback harder to understand. 2011-12-09 2011-12-09
15456 WebAppsW Web Stor ian VERI INVA my name:-arindam sarkar,address-koblaschoolpara,purbasthali,kalna,vidyanagar,burdwan,741316,india,westbengal. my mobile-09475921257 , my MY PAN/GIR-BUBPS9425D , SO MY REQUEST PLEASE HELP ME. 2012-01-08 2018-12-01
15563 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO INVA I need my deleted web history 2012-01-15 2012-01-15
15578 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO NEED hi all, po polsku to będzie trudniejsze do zrozumienia, prawda? 2012-01-15 2012-01-16
15699 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO INVA My phone does nt save when i download 2012-01-24 2012-01-24
15719 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO FIXE Under section "Disk Space", there seems to be a word missing in the sentence (see part in parens): "User agents should guard against sites storing data (under the origins other affiliated sites)" Should it have said "under the origins _of_ other affiliate 2012-01-26 2012-07-10
15794 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO INVA apa yang kamu lakukan terhadapku ? 2012-01-30 2012-01-30
15810 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO INVA i m testing <><F>S<>D>DS>D<>S><DS>D<S>D<>SD<>D><>D>SD<><>DS<>D<D>S<D>SD<LDKKSDH JHDGSD GJDGJHDGSJ DJ <><F>S<>D>DS>D<>S><DS>D<S>D<>SD<>D><>D>SD<><>DS<>D<D>S<D>SD<LDKKSDH JHDGSD GJDGJHDGSJ DJ <><F>S<>D>DS>D<>S><DS>D<S>D<>SD<>D><>D>SD<><>DS<>D<D>S<D>SD<LDKKS 2012-01-31 2012-01-31
15872 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO INVA dear sir/mam, i inform for some malfunction of your item furchasing to your item mall was not found in item bank.please take it action.thanks 2012-02-03 2012-02-03
15898 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO INVA XTech 2000 ( is around the corner, and members of W3C team will be there, including Eric Prud'hommeaux, Michael Sperberg-McQueen, Henry Thompson, and Daniel Veillard. If you're going (or not), you may 2012-02-05 2012-02-05
16010 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO INVA It's great that you post all this stuff up here... but perhaps writing it in proper English, rather than techobabble, would be a good idea. One example of this is: "When the setItem(), removeItem(), and clear() methods are called on a Storage object x tha 2012-02-17 2012-02-17
16025 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO NEED Re: Web Storage Editor's Draft 28 November 2011 "The use of the storage mutex to avoid race conditions is currently considered by certain implementors to be too high a performance burden, to the point where allowing data corruption is considered preferabl 2012-02-18 2012-07-25
16132 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO INVA fd gds fd d dds d sdg sdfg 2012-02-27 2012-02-27
16146 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO INVA mportant than the solution, in fact. 2012-02-28 2012-02-28
16172 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO INVA el shaddal dwxi 23 years celebations of faith love unity august 18::: 19 2007 2012-03-01 2012-03-01
16236 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO INVA Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit Internet Explorer v. 9.0.8112.16421 FreeYouTubeToMP3Converter 3.10.14 VideoFileToIPOD.dll - Ok DVSiTunes.dll - Ok 2012-03-06 2012-03-06
16307 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO INVA you are fucking riddiculas (google the right spellings from google) okay so i was saying that your documentation is way too pathetic to read and understand ... note whatever shit you want to store for me, I am stating the truth! 2012-03-10 2012-03-10
16387 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO INVA this was posted by Ray Fullerton an evil person and I want it removed at once 2012-03-15 2012-03-15
16388 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO INVA this was posted by Ray Fullerton an evil person and I want it removed at once 2012-03-15 2012-03-15
16469 WebAppsW Web Stor ian CLOS FIXE storage event for clear() is defined to have |key| set to null, but |key| is not nullable 2012-03-21 2012-04-03
16639 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO INVA tr hrt hrt rth rt trr tr rt 2012-04-05 2012-04-05
16840 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO INVA i vear shiad but lagbar mypassword 2012-04-24 2012-04-24
16931 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO INVA In a good manner, sir/madaam, i am very disapointed that for how many months always asking my self what can i do my computer, and how to fixed it, shortly im not expert of computer.. my technician and my freind partners in crime.. my account was hacked si 2012-05-04 2012-05-04
16932 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO INVA In a good manner, sir/madaam, i am very disapointed that for how many months always asking my self what can i do my computer, and how to fixed it, shortly im not expert of computer.. my technician and my freind partners in crime.. my account was hacked si 2012-05-04 2012-05-04
16933 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO INVA In a good manner, sir/madaam, i am very disapointed that for how many months always asking my self what can i do my computer, and how to fixed it, shortly im not expert of computer.. my technician and my freind partners in crime.. my account was hacked si 2012-05-04 2012-05-04
16934 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO INVA In a good manner, sir/madaam, i am very disapointed that for how many months always asking my self what can i do my computer, and how to fixed it, shortly im not expert of computer.. my technician and my freind partners in crime.. my account was hacked si 2012-05-04 2012-05-04
17192 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO INVA Trying to find the music i downloaded 2012-05-25 2012-05-25
17321 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO INVA Implementors should be aware that this specification is not stable. Implementors who are not taking part in the discussions are likely to find the specification changing out from under them in incompatible ways. Vendors interested in implementing this spe 2012-06-05 2012-06-05
17732 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO NEED please provide how to connect the url and how retrieve the json web service please prove one sample code ,my mail id is 2012-07-10 2012-07-10
17733 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO DUPL please provide how to connect the url and how retrieve the json web service please prove one sample code ,my mail id is 2012-07-10 2012-07-10
17734 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO DUPL please provide how to connect the url and how retrieve the json web service please prove one sample code ,my mail id is 2012-07-10 2012-07-10
18080 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO DUPL "This specification introduces two related mechanisms, similar to HTTP session cookies, for storing structured data on the client side." - structured data is no longer supported 2012-07-18 2012-10-19
18221 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO WORK the word 'using' is repeated in the last line following 'Shared Blacklists' (This information can then be shared with other sites, using using visitors' IP) 2012-07-18 2012-09-28
18866 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO FIXE Make it clear that localStorage can be cleared by UA at will 2012-09-13 2012-11-25
19540 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO FIXE Firing WebStorage storage event 2012-10-15 2016-02-05
24844 WebAppsW Web Stor ian RESO WORK Spec is missing <body> and <head> tags 2014-02-27 2014-03-12
70 bugs found.