This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.
This archived bug list includes all the bugs for the product or component specified, including bugs that have been resolved.
ID | Product | Comp | Assignee | Status | Resolution | Summary | Opened | Changed |
4301 | WS-Polic | Test Sui | fsasaki | RESO | FIXE | Test case for xml:id | 2007-02-06 | 2007-03-14 |
4304 | WS-Polic | Test Sui | fsasaki | RESO | FIXE | Test case for application/policy+xml media type | 2007-02-06 | 2007-03-14 |
4311 | WS-Polic | Test Sui | chrisfer | RESO | FIXE | test suite framework? | 2007-02-08 | 2007-03-13 |
4370 | WS-Polic | Test Sui | fsasaki | RESO | FIXE | Round 2 WSDL 1.1 input file contains invalid references | 2007-03-06 | 2007-03-13 |
4456 | WS-Polic | Test Sui | fsasaki | RESO | FIXE | Minor issues with Round 2 WSDL 11 test files | 2007-04-11 | 2007-04-11 |
4490 | WS-Polic | Test Sui | fsasaki | RESO | FIXE | Round4 negative tests | 2007-04-25 | 2007-04-25 |
4522 | WS-Polic | Test Sui | fsasaki | RESO | FIXE | Namespace problems in the WSDL 1.1 and WSDL 2.0 External Attachment Test Cases. | 2007-05-02 | 2007-05-23 |
4567 | WS-Polic | Test Sui | fsasaki | RESO | FIXE | Typo in wsdl2.0 attachment URIs | 2007-05-19 | 2007-05-23 |
4568 | WS-Polic | Test Sui | fsasaki | RESO | FIXE | Incorrect namespaces in testcases | 2007-05-19 | 2007-05-23 |
4571 | WS-Polic | Test Sui | fsasaki | RESO | FIXE | round2 wsdl2 needs QNames not NCNames | 2007-05-20 | 2007-05-23 |
4572 | WS-Polic | Test Sui | fsasaki | RESO | FIXE | Typo in wsp:URI in wsdl2.0 for round4 | 2007-05-21 | 2007-05-23 |
4575 | WS-Polic | Test Sui | fsasaki | RESO | FIXE | Minor Bugs in Round 2 WSDL 20 Test Cases from WSO2/Manjula | 2007-05-23 | 2007-05-23 |
4582 | WS-Polic | Test Sui | chrisfer | RESO | FIXE | test cases need coverage of nested policy for lax intersection | 2007-05-24 | 2007-07-11 |
5299 | WS-Polic | Test Sui | fsasaki | RESO | FIXE | Use final WS-SecurityPolicy 1.2 for interop tests | 2007-12-03 | 2007-12-05 |