This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.

This archived bug list includes all the bugs for the product or component specified, including bugs that have been resolved.

Mon Apr 1 2019 16:07:08 UTC
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20 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Opened Changed
17306 WebAppsW HISTORIC scott.w3bugzilla RESO FIXE The initial value of timestamp is not defined 2012-06-04 2013-03-22
17307 WebAppsW HISTORIC ted RESO FIXE Investigate if double[] should be used for axes and buttons 2012-06-04 2012-06-04
17308 WebAppsW HISTORIC ted RESO FIXE should be DOMString, not string 2012-06-04 2012-06-04
17309 WebAppsW HISTORIC ted RESO MOVE It is not defined what the value of Gamepad.index should be after disconnecting the gamepad 2012-06-04 2015-04-24
17310 WebAppsW HISTORIC ted RESO FIXE The target of gamepad(dis)connected events is not defined 2012-06-04 2013-03-22
17311 WebAppsW HISTORIC ted RESO FIXE The dictionary for GamepadEvent's ctor isn't defined 2012-06-04 2013-03-25
21320 WebAppsW HISTORIC ted RESO DUPL The spec doesn't define where the events should be dispatched 2013-03-18 2013-03-22
21321 WebAppsW HISTORIC ted RESO DUPL Add event constructor and *EventInit dictionary for GamePadEvent 2013-03-18 2013-03-22
21322 WebAppsW HISTORIC ted RESO FIXE The definition of timestamp is unclear 2013-03-18 2013-03-22
21323 WebAppsW HISTORIC ted RESO FIXE Gamepad should have a connected attribute 2013-03-18 2013-03-22
21386 WebAppsW HISTORIC ted RESO MOVE Should specify how to present d-pads/triggers as buttons 2013-03-25 2015-04-24
21387 WebAppsW HISTORIC ted RESO MOVE Need to spec better support for control mapping 2013-03-25 2015-04-24
21388 WebAppsW HISTORIC ted RESO FIXE handling of analog vs. digital buttons 2013-03-25 2013-10-11
21434 WebAppsW HISTORIC ted RESO MOVE Need to spec liveness of Gamepad objects 2013-03-29 2015-04-24
25202 WebAppsW HISTORIC ted RESO MOVE [gamepad] "id" property is unclear how its established 2014-03-29 2015-04-24
25203 WebAppsW HISTORIC ted RESO MOVE [gamepad] Connected Attribute appears to serve no purpose if the Gamepad object is a snapshot 2014-03-29 2015-04-24
26181 WebAppsW HISTORIC ted RESO FIXE Spec should specify the presentation of the array returned by navigator.getGamepads() w.r.t "holes" 2014-06-23 2015-02-09
26203 WebAppsW HISTORIC ted RESO MOVE Order in which index entries should be reused is unspecified 2014-06-25 2015-04-24
27444 WebAppsW HISTORIC ted RESO MOVE Gamepad objects should have a dictionary of attributes about the controller and data source 2014-11-26 2015-04-24
27986 WebAppsW HISTORIC ted RESO MOVE Specify exact length of array returned by Navigator.getGamepads() 2015-02-09 2015-04-24
20 bugs found.