This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details.

This archived bug list includes all the bugs for the product or component specified, including bugs that have been resolved.

Sat Mar 30 2019 21:50:34 UTC
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49 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Opened Changed
3313 CSSValid CSS 2.1 dave.null RESO FIXE Validator does not accept comments between tokens 2006-06-05 2008-03-20
3649 CSSValid CSS 2.1 ot RESO INVA attempt to find a semi-colon before the property name. add it 2006-09-04 2006-09-06
4090 CSSValid CSS 2.1 dave.null RESO FIXE change links to properties definitions to the CSS2.1 spec 2006-12-18 2012-09-21
4092 CSSValid CSS 2.1 dave.null RESO FIXE font-size-adjust error is incorrect 2006-12-18 2008-03-12
4258 CSSValid CSS 2.1 dave.null RESO DUPL CSS Validator appears to validate against CSS2 when CSS 2.1 is selected (file upload option only) 2007-01-18 2007-01-18
4259 CSSValid CSS 2.1 ot RESO FIXE CSS Validator appears to validate against CSS2 when CSS 2.1 is selected (file upload option only) 2007-01-18 2007-01-29
4267 CSSValid CSS 2.1 dave.null RESO INVA Warns about something not found in my style sheet, gives no real info 2007-01-22 2007-12-28
4349 CSSValid CSS 2.1 dave.null RESO DUPL lexical error exception 2007-02-24 2007-02-26
4870 CSSValid CSS 2.1 dave.null RESO FIXE Comment inside selector, with whitespace before and after 2007-07-19 2009-02-06
4981 CSSValid CSS 2.1 dave.null RESO FIXE Question Mark in CSS rules throw exception:javax.servlet.ServletException: Timed out 2007-08-23 2008-03-11
4999 CSSValid CSS 2.1 dave.null RESO FIXE Validator fails to detect and report id selector starting with hyphen followed by a digit 2007-09-01 2009-02-10
5090 CSSValid CSS 2.1 dave.null RESO DUPL Invalid clip links to specification that says it is actually valid 2007-09-29 2007-09-30
5307 CSSValid CSS 2.1 dave.null RESO INVA Shorthand background property colour set to inherit raises error 2007-12-07 2008-03-25
5473 CSSValid CSS 2.1 dave.null RESO FIXE different uri= parameter encoding at and 2008-02-11 2012-09-21
5581 CSSValid CSS 2.1 dave.null RESO FIXE Several invalid forms of @charset syntax reported as valid in explicit css2.1 grammar - part II 2008-03-20 2008-04-03
5586 CSSValid CSS 2.1 dave.null RESO FIXE Comment in selector before > operator - [regression!] - in development snapshot only 2008-03-23 2009-02-17
5592 CSSValid CSS 2.1 dave.null RESO FIXE PRE - difference in colour between the two colours is not sufficient 2008-03-27 2012-09-21
5622 CSSValid CSS 2.1 dave.null RESO FIXE Selector with attribute test; whitespace before ] reported as invalid 2008-04-03 2009-02-18
5662 CSSValid CSS 2.1 dave.null RESO DUPL Error Message refers to blank line and therefore will not validate 2008-04-25 2011-07-23
5683 CSSValid CSS 2.1 dave.null RESO FIXE multiple attributes warning 2008-05-12 2009-02-06
5718 CSSValid CSS 2.1 dave.null RESO FIXE Problem validating CSS files with UTF-8 characters 2008-05-27 2009-02-17
5770 CSSValid CSS 2.1 dave.null RESO FIXE Unescaped input (URI, selector) causes ill-formed SOAP output 2008-06-18 2012-09-21
5999 CSSValid CSS 2.1 dave.null RESO WORK css validates by URI but validation request from live site reports file not found 2008-08-29 2009-01-21
6203 CSSValid CSS 2.1 dave.null RESO INVA Escape of new line inside a string with backslash 2008-11-02 2008-11-05
6229 CSSValid CSS 2.1 dave.null RESO FIXE Error message prints badly when validating CSS property font-text-adjust. 2008-11-16 2012-09-21
6333 CSSValid CSS 2.1 dave.null RESO FIXE Misspelled word 2008-12-24 2008-12-25
6602 CSSValid CSS 2.1 dave.null RESO FIXE unable to CSS validate a valid MathML document 2009-02-20 2009-02-26
6851 CSSValid CSS 2.1 dave.null RESO FIXE Misspelled Word "Developper" 2009-04-28 2009-07-07
6913 CSSValid CSS 2.1 dave.null RESO FIXE CSS validator fails for https sites 2009-05-18 2011-08-22
6935 CSSValid CSS 2.1 dave.null RESO FIXE rgb(0%, 50%, 0%) declaration unexpectedly get modified in validation report 2009-05-20 2009-07-07
7099 CSSValid CSS 2.1 dave.null RESO WONT No background color set 2009-07-13 2012-09-21
7742 CSSValid CSS 2.1 dave.null RESO FIXE CSS Test 2009-09-28 2009-09-28
8237 CSSValid CSS 2.1 dave.null RESO FIXE Background with image fails when ommited one position 2009-11-07 2012-09-21
8442 CSSValid CSS 2.1 dave.null RESO FIXE background property shorthand parse problem 2009-12-04 2012-09-21
8529 CSSValid CSS 2.1 dave.null RESO INVA A system font value cannot mix with another subproperty value when declaring a font shorthand 2009-12-21 2010-10-15
8867 CSSValid CSS 2.1 dave.null ASSI --- Unnecessary warning "You have no color set" 2010-02-02 2012-09-21
9107 CSSValid CSS 2.1 dave.null NEW --- Incorrectly reports validity for various illegal pseudo-element usages 2010-02-21 2012-09-21
9171 CSSValid CSS 2.1 dave.null RESO DUPL CSS Validator Java 2010-02-28 2011-08-22
10124 CSSValid CSS 2.1 dave.null NEW --- Invalid @charset declaration may return weird error messages 2010-07-09 2012-09-21
11306 CSSValid CSS 2.1 dave.null RESO FIXE Selector grouping triggers buggy color warnings 2010-11-11 2012-09-21
12428 CSSValid CSS 2.1 dave.null RESO FIXE Unquoted font-family name Hawaii 5-0 is reported valid by validator and not parsed+reported as invalid 2011-04-05 2012-09-21
12660 CSSValid CSS 2.1 dave.null RESO WORK list-style: inside none square; is reported as invalid 2011-05-16 2015-02-03
13061 CSSValid CSS 2.1 dave.null RESO FIXE outline-style: hidden should be reported as invalid CSS property value or invalid declaration 2011-06-25 2012-10-19
15224 CSSValid CSS 2.1 dave.null RESO DUPL A class name can not be appended to a pseudo-element: p:first-line.some_class_name should be parsed (and reported) as INVALID CSS code 2011-12-16 2012-09-21
16848 CSSValid CSS 2.1 dave.null RESO FIXE {font-family: inherit foo;} is parsed and reported as invalid 2012-04-25 2012-08-29
17083 CSSValid CSS 2.1 dave.null RESO FIXE / is not a font family value 2012-05-16 2012-08-29
21503 CSSValid CSS 2.1 plam ASSI --- 2013-04-02 2015-02-16
29076 CSSValid CSS 2.1 dave.null NEW --- :after selector does not accept content attr(attribute) 2015-08-23 2015-10-26
29531 CSSValid CSS 2.1 dave.null NEW --- States -moz-read-only is unknown 2016-03-15 2016-03-15
49 bugs found.