13:26:15 RRSAgent has joined #ixml 13:26:20 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/04/30-ixml-irc 13:26:25 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:26:48 scribe: cmsmcq 13:26:59 Meeting: Invisible XML Community Group 13:27:21 Previous meeting: https://www.w3.org/2024/04/16-ixml-minutes 13:27:59 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ixml/2024Apr/0011.html 13:29:50 RRSAgent, please make minutes 13:29:51 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/04/30-ixml-minutes.html cmsmcq 13:31:32 Scribe: Michael Sperberg-McQueen 13:31:39 ScribeNick: cmsmcq 13:31:47 RRSAgent, please make minutes 13:31:48 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/04/30-ixml-minutes.html cmsmcq 13:33:42 scribe-: cmsmcq 13:33:44 RRSAgent, please make minutes 13:33:45 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/04/30-ixml-minutes.html cmsmcq 13:34:22 scribe- cmsmcq 13:34:24 RRSAgent, please make minutes 13:34:26 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/04/30-ixml-minutes.html cmsmcq 13:35:33 scribe: cmsmcq / Michael Sperberg-McQueen 13:36:04 scribe: cmsmcq / Michael Sperberg-McQueen 13:36:07 RRSAgent, please make minutes 13:36:08 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/04/30-ixml-minutes.html cmsmcq 13:54:37 Steven has joined #ixml 13:55:28 rrsagent, here 13:55:28 See https://www.w3.org/2024/04/30-ixml-irc#T13-55-28 13:56:41 norm has joined #ixml 13:59:20 Present: John Lumley, Steven Pemberton, Michael Sperberg-McQueen, Bethan Tovey-Walsh, Norm Tovey-Walsh 14:01:39 Action 2023-01-10-f continues. 14:01:52 john has joined #ixml 14:02:16 Action 2024-03-05-c shows progress - using ssh is better, for github, than using http. 14:02:40 Action 2024-03-19-a is awaiting work by Norm. 14:02:57 Action 2024-04-16-a continues. 14:03:20 Action 2024-04-16-d is done. 14:03:43 Action 2024-04-16-e is done. 14:03:49 Other actions are continuing. 14:04:12 Topic: Status of implementations 14:04:14 Nothing to report. 14:04:31 Topic: Round-tripping 14:05:06 John asks for info from Steven's paper on round-tripping for Prague, to mention it in his round-tripping paper for Balisage. 14:05:35 Topic: Status of testing and test suites 14:05:38 Nothing to report. 14:06:08 Topic: Version numbers 14:06:44 https://invisiblexml.org/pr/243/index.html#L3041 14:06:48 Pull request #243 is Norm's attempt to improve the situation, although it does not attempt to resolve all issues. 14:07:40 https://invisiblexml.org/pr/243/autodiff.html#L3041 14:08:50 John: so the upshot is that under these rules, a processor supporting renaming is no longer required to require a version 1.1 declaration. 14:08:54 Norm: yes. 14:09:38 Norm proposes to take another action to work on ixml:state. 14:10:19 At the least, 'version-mismatch' is a clumsy term. Perhaps you need to say which version you actually used. 14:11:00 John: no good to say "we ran it under some other version" without telling you what you ran it under. 14:11:25 Bethan: and the name ixml:state is not a great match for this meaning. 14:11:38 Steven: yes, it started simple and we have put a lot more into it. 14:11:57 Norm muses on a possible separate attribute like, say, ixml:version to say what version was used. 14:14:37 ACTION: Norm to propose wording for possible changes to status reporting. 14:15:51 Discussion over whether the presence of an ixml:* attribute is always / still an indicator that something did not run cleanly. 14:16:26 MSM thinks reporting which version was used for an unlabeled grammar is not a sign that something didn't run cleanly. 14:16:44 Norm suggests that perhaps it's just the presence of ixml:state that indicates something a bit off. 14:16:57 I think that if you don't specify a number, you don't care, and so shouldn;t get an "error" 14:17:05 s/;/'/ 14:17:34 RESOLVED: to merge PR #243. 14:18:04 Issue #237 can now be closed. 14:18:39 Issue #238 can now be closed. 14:20:46 Topic: Issue #236 When must version numbers change? 14:21:53 Steven suggests that when new syntax is allowed, no version number change is needed. A down-version processor will reject the new syntax on purely syntactic grounds. 14:28:03 Discussion of what "no version number is needed" means. 14:28:33 Steven is considering the question "when does a grammar need to declare its version number?" 14:29:05 He is not proposing that we not use a new version number on the specification. 14:31:02 John suggests thinking about what language(s) a grammar is a sentence in. 14:32:04 To take a concrete example, a grammar that uses renaming will be a member of L(1.1) but not of L(1.0). 14:32:20 A grammar that does not use renaming will be a member of both. 14:37:21 MSM attempts to summarize our consensus: 14:37:46 ... If the set of strings accepted by the specification grammar does not change, 14:38:02 ... and the XML structures to which they are mapped do not change, 14:38:12 ... and the meaning of those structures does not change, 14:38:25 ... then a revision of the spec need not carry a new version number. 14:38:42 If any of those things change, the spec requires a new version number. 14:38:56 No version number is required on the input grammar. 14:39:32 Including it will assist clarification / diagnosis of problems. 14:40:06 Omitting a version number in the input grammar will lead the processor to process the grammar using some version. If the string is accepted, 14:41:21 ... and the meaning has not changed, the user will be happy. 14:41:32 If the meaning has changed, the user may or may not be happy. 14:41:59 ACTION: Bethan to open an issue on whether to distinguish 'major' from 'minor' versions. 14:43:10 rrsagent, please make minutes 14:43:11 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/04/30-ixml-minutes.html cmsmcq 14:44:29 RESOLVED: close issue #236 on the basis indicated. 14:45:04 (Steven points out that this resolution is not about what he thought #236 was about in the first place, but is willing to close #236.) 14:45:31 Topic: Any other business 14:45:51 Norm and Steven are going to Prague, but no one else is planning to be there. 14:46:21 Steven reports that John Chelsom's City EHR health records system is being rolled out in Ukraine. 14:47:21 John Chelsom is of course looking for volunteers to help on this open-source problems. 14:48:56 We agreed to cancel the meeting of 14 May (conflict for NTW and MSM). 14:49:03 Next meeting 28 May. 14:49:30 John Lumley offers regrets for 28 May. 14:49:39 RRSAgent, please make minutes 14:49:40 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/04/30-ixml-minutes.html cmsmcq 14:49:59 Chair: Steven Pemberton 14:50:38 s/MSM thinks reporting/... MSM thinks reporting/ 14:50:40 RRSAgent, please make minutes 14:50:41 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/04/30-ixml-minutes.html cmsmcq 14:51:07 s/... MSM thinks reporting/MSM thinks reporting/ 14:51:10 RRSAgent, please make minutes 14:51:11 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/04/30-ixml-minutes.html cmsmcq 14:59:58 ScribeOptions: nodraft 15:00:02 RRSAgent, please make minutes 15:00:03 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/04/30-ixml-minutes.html cmsmcq 15:00:23 ScribeOptions: -nodraft 15:00:25 RRSAgent, please make minutes 15:00:27 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/04/30-ixml-minutes.html cmsmcq 17:04:21 cmsmcq has joined #ixml 17:04:23 cmsmcq_ has joined #ixml