IRC log of miniapp on 2024-04-22

Timestamps are in UTC.

08:01:14 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #miniapp
08:01:19 [RRSAgent]
logging to
08:01:47 [xiaoqian]
meeting: MiniApps WG & CG Monthly Teleconference
08:02:49 [xiaoqian]
present: Wei_Ding, Min_Zuo, xiaoqian, Junbo_Hua, Dan_Zhou
08:03:19 [xiaoqian]
present+ Martin
08:03:27 [xiaoqian]
chair: martin
08:03:32 [xiaoqian]
scribe: xiaoqian
08:04:48 [xiaoqian]
topic: MiniApp Testing & Standard HTML/DOM
08:05:01 [xiaoqian]
Martin's presentation->
08:07:01 [xiaoqian]
martin: problem we can't access standard HTML elements in the rendering part if we follow the current MiniApp practice
08:07:40 [xiaoqian]
... f.ex., developers can't access the Map element
08:09:30 [xiaoqian]
... we need consensus whether we can design elements following the standard HTML, DOM access
08:10:22 [xiaoqian]
... it has huge impact on how we design the MiniApp specs
08:10:48 [xiaoqian]
... right now most MiniApps are using Virtual DOM
08:12:35 [xiaoqian]
... which will bring a lot of extract work, e.g., event binding
08:14:03 [xiaoqian]
... using standard HTML/DOM will differ from the current implementation
08:14:32 [xiaoqian]
... but it would make it much easier to create a MiniApp engine that works in the browsers
08:15:23 [xiaoqian]
Dan_zhou: I agree with you
08:16:11 [xiaoqian]
... I think we need to create a proposal about event binding, high level components
08:16:18 [xiaoqian]
... we have to do that
08:16:51 [xiaoqian]
... we can partially be consistent with the HTML/DOM spec
08:21:39 [xiaoqian]
martin: then we will need to prepare some arguments why this is necessary
08:23:38 [xiaoqian]
dan: yes, but the most important thing is to integrate with MiniApps
08:23:52 [xiaoqian]
martin: do we need to recharter the WG?
08:24:18 [xiaoqian]
dan: can we do it in the MiniApp UI Component spec?
08:24:52 [xiaoqian]
martin: still something is missing here, f.ex, something like DOM, event binding
08:25:54 [xiaoqian]
... it's much more than creating a list of elements, but to integrate with ECMAScript part
08:26:41 [xiaoqian]
... how to manipulate data in the rendering part
08:28:47 [xiaoqian]
xiaoqian: shall we start a discussion or prepare a draft in the community group?
08:29:09 [xiaoqian]
martin: yes, we can also have early discussion with the TAG
08:30:07 [xiaoqian]
Wei_Ding: shall we invite some TAG members to join our meeting?
08:33:58 [xiaoqian]
martin: we need to define something like this: with interfaces to access events and the attributes for events ->
08:34:44 [xiaoqian]
... we can start from a strong Explainer
08:35:20 [xiaoqian]
... then we can invite the TAG for a more detailed discussion
08:35:36 [xiaoqian]
dan: a MiniApp Object Model?
08:37:31 [xiaoqian]
... it will include Miniapp API、event binding functions、template variables
08:39:23 [xiaoqian]
resolve: work on an explainer for MiniApp Object Model, to explore what's missing and what's necessary
08:39:58 [xiaoqian]
martin: meanwhile, I should mention the rest of the specs are still valid
08:41:42 [xiaoqian]
topic: TPAC meeting
08:43:20 [xiaoqian]
martin: I'll try to be there, we can have some detailed discussions with the TAG
08:43:40 [xiaoqian]
dan: it's difficult for me to attend the meeting in the US
08:44:08 [xiaoqian]
martin: always good to have discussions in person
08:44:30 [xiaoqian]
wei: yes, especially for this kind of new topics
08:45:30 [xiaoqian]
topic: MiniApps testing
08:45:40 [xiaoqian]
martin: it depends on the new design
08:46:46 [xiaoqian]
... it arose when I was trying to design the minimum MiniApp
08:46:59 [xiaoqian]
... but we can still reuse a lot of current design
08:47:24 [xiaoqian]
... for this spec, we can reduce a lot testing
08:49:33 [xiaoqian]
... we can start working on the explainer in the w3c/miniapp repo
08:52:13 [xiaoqian]
topic: next meeting
08:52:27 [xiaoqian]
xiaoqian: I'll create a doodle for the teleconference in May
08:53:06 [xiaoqian]
08:55:54 [xiaoqian]
RRSAgent, make minutes
08:55:55 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate xiaoqian
08:56:04 [xiaoqian]
RRSAgent, make log public
08:56:23 [xiaoqian]
present+ Iris
08:56:33 [xiaoqian]
RRSAgent, make minutes
08:56:34 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate xiaoqian
09:26:18 [xueyuan_]
xueyuan_ has joined #miniapp