18:59:23 RRSAgent has joined #aria-at 18:59:27 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/04/04-aria-at-irc 18:59:30 rrsagent, make log public 18:59:39 rrsagent, make log public 18:59:46 Zakim, start the meeting 18:59:46 RRSAgent, make logs Public 18:59:48 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), jugglinmike 19:00:03 meeting: ARIA and Assistive Technologies Community Group Weekly Teleconference 19:02:34 murray_moss has joined #aria-at 19:07:14 Joe_Humbert has joined #aria-at 19:11:09 present+ IsaDC 19:11:17 present+ James_Scholes 19:11:30 Sam has joined #aria-at 19:11:33 present+ Alyssa_Gourley 19:11:37 present+ Sam 19:11:47 present+ Michael_Fairchild 19:11:59 present+ MattKing 19:12:05 present+ jugglinmike 19:12:08 scribe+ jugglinmike 19:12:17 Topic: Review agenda and next meeting dates 19:12:29 MattKing: No CG meeting on Wednesday, April 10 19:12:38 MattKing: Next community group meeting: Thursday April 18 19:12:51 MattKing: Next automation subgroup meeting: Monday, April 8 19:13:07 s/MattKing/Matt_King/g 19:13:43 Topic: Candidate review decisions 19:13:55 present+ 19:13:58 Matt_King: We have a goal of six plans in the "Recommended" phase by June 30th 19:14:17 Matt_King: We already have two plans in "Candidate review" and two that I think are ready to move to "Candidate review" 19:14:45 Matt_King: For "Command button", the testing is complete, so I'm assuming that there would be no objections to advancing that to "Candidate review" 19:14:53 Matt_King: And the same goes for "Toggle Button" 19:15:08 Matt_King: Any objections? 19:15:16 Matt_King: Hearing none, we'll advance those, now 19:15:23 IsaDC: I'm on it 19:16:02 Matt_King: I think we need to talk with Apple about whether conveying the "alert" role is a "SHOULD" requirement or a "MAY" requirement 19:16:21 Matt_King: We're already positioned to move that discussion forward with Vispero and Apple 19:17:42 Matt_King: we have three candidates for the final test plan to target for this milestone: dialog, action menu button, and slider 19:17:52 Topic: Radio test plan 19:17:54 present+ murray_moss 19:18:04 Matt_King: we have a target to complete testing for this by the 10th of this month 19:18:21 Matt_King: We have Hadi, Joe, IsaDC, and Alyssa all assigned to this in the test queue 19:18:53 Alyssa_Gourley: I noticed that when I went to test this that there was no output pasted in from the bot 19:20:24 Matt_King: that seems to be stuck with responses for 2 tests missing 19:20:44 jugglinmike: I believe that if you assign the run to yourself and then assign it back to the bot, it will pick up where it left off 19:22:33 Matt_King: I started to do this here on the call, but the page became unresponsive, and now, the page won't load at all. Now, I'm getting an "502" error 19:23:08 Matt_King: Can we get that automated collection job to finish and then assign it to Alyssa_Gourley 19:23:56 jugglinmike: Sure 19:24:35 Matt_King: Hadi is assigned on JAWS, and Joe_Humbert is assigned on macOS 19:25:15 Hadi: I don't have the exact text in front of me, but when you "tab" to a radio button, JAWS reads the instruction--how to handle the radio--followed by the essential information about the roles, name, and state... 19:25:46 Hadi: ...when I am considering "excessive verbosity", I do not know if lowering the verbosity will eliminate that instruction. Does anyone know about that? 19:26:02 Hadi: What do folks think about getting the instructions every time you enter a radio group? 19:26:26 Matt_King: In the past, we have said that that kind of tutorial material is a design decision by the screen reader and thus completely acceptable 19:27:04 Matt_King: normally, when we say "excessive verbosity", we're talking about double (or even triple!) speech. It's less about making a judgement call 19:27:45 Matt_King: That's how we've used it historically (I think in order to avoid editorializing too much), but I'm certainly open to other perspectives from folks here on the call today 19:28:41 Hadi: It might not always been so cut-and-dry, though. For instance, reading the landmark of a containing element. Do we have any agreed-upon threshold for "excess"? 19:29:11 Hadi: I think that some guidance on these more subjective aspects is important to reach consistency 19:30:16 Matt_King: I don't know if we've formally defined any such guidance, but I think that we generally ask, "is this justifiable" rather than "is this justified"? 19:30:33 Joe_Humbert: I am not assigned to this test 19:30:40 Joe_Humbert: murray_moss is 19:30:47 Matt_King: Oh! I'm sorry; I misspoke 19:32:04 Matt_King: IsaDC is assigned to two others in addition to "radio", so maybe it would be good to have Joe_Humbert take on this one instead 19:32:10 IsaDC: Sounds good 19:32:17 Joe_Humbert: Okay, I have assigned myself 19:32:30 murray_moss: I'm still on track for completing this next week 19:34:07 Matt_King: Are there any more questions on "radio button" planning? 19:35:17 Hadi: As I was running the "radio" test, at some stage (it may have been "tabbing" in virtual mode), I wondered: did JAWS switch from "virtual mode" to "PC mode"? 19:36:03 Matt_King: Yes! I'm glad you saw that. We recently changed the way we format tests so that we can express expectations that are specific for individual commands. 19:36:24 Matt_King: ...the behavior your observed is a candidate for that new way of authoring tests 19:36:56 Hadi: I also wanted to mention that JAWS was behaving differently when I was on that page, so I restarted my computer to make sure I was in a good state 19:37:25 Hadi: Somehow, though, that behavior--switching from virtual mode to PC mode--it was doing that even when I was arrowing down from the field. 19:37:42 Hadi: Could it have been related to the test environment? Have you seen it before? 19:37:58 Matt_King: I've seen it before. Not in our tests, but out in the wild. Mostly related to "edit" fields 19:38:16 Matt_King: there's nothing in our test environment that should cause that to happen when it's not supposed to 19:38:38 Hadi: Thank you! 19:38:44 Matt_King: Any other questions? 19:38:53 Matt_King: Hearing none, we can adjourn. 19:39:09 Matt_King: Thank you everybody. Happy testing. I love our new tests and how beautiful they are. 19:39:17 Joe_Humbert: What tests are next? 19:40:05 Matt_King: "Dialog", "slider", and "action menu button". I'm pretty sure "dialog" is going to be the first of those, but we shall see. They'll probably all be ready at close to the same time, so we may be able to choose 19:40:25 Zakim, end the meeting 19:40:25 As of this point the attendees have been IsaDC, James_Scholes, Alyssa_Gourley, Sam, Michael_Fairchild, MattKing, jugglinmike, Joe_Humbert, murray_moss 19:40:27 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 19:40:28 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/04/04-aria-at-minutes.html Zakim 19:40:35 RRSAgent, leave 19:40:35 I see no action items 19:40:35 I am happy to have been of service, jugglinmike; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 19:40:35 Zakim has left #aria-at