Meeting minutes
<gb> /issues/101 -> #101
Present and discuss single score for MM results
Discuss next scrub of the maturity model proof points on spreadsheet to refine / eliminate duplication across dimensions and sync content with MM document
Discuss final format for publication of MM spreadsheet content for public use (spreadsheet, webform, etc)
Develop a proposed timeline / roadmap to get to Beta and V1.0 releases.
<gb> /issues/107 -> #107
zakum, next item
New Business
Janina: Start thinking about TPAC, it's in Anaheim, Sept 23
janinaBring up anything we want to achieve at TPAC – on September 23 in Anaheim
Github Issue #101 What do we mean with 'aspects'? Used in two ways i.c.w. 'dimensions'
<gb> /issues/101 -> #101
<gb> Issue 101 What do we mean with 'aspects'? Used in two ways i.c.w. 'dimensions' (by jake-abma)
2. Maturity Model Structure
The Accessibility Maturity Model is organized around seven important aspects, or dimensions, of an organization where accessibility maturity can improve conformance with accessibility standards and regulations.
Change to:
The Accessibility Maturity Model is organized around seven important dimensions, of an organization where accessibility maturity can improve conformance with accessibility standards and regulations.
Stacey: grammer update? _ The Accessibility Maturity Model is organized around seven essential dimensions of an organization where accessibility maturity can improve conformance with accessibility standards and regulations.
Fazio, We define dimension prior. Take out aspects altogether
Dr.Keith: remove "essential/important" as a qualifier.
angelabarker: Is there a question on the importance of dimensions
Fazio: qualifier needed as there are seven essential ones out of all of them.
Angela: I think it reiterates... these are the seven that are critical.
Dr.Keith: Sounds like we should leave it.
Fazio: we're agreeing to leave it in
Fazio: If one person needs clarity all need clarity. Stacy to make edit
3.7 Culture
Organizational culture consists of shared beliefs, values, policies, and processes established by leaders that ultimately shape employee perceptions, behaviors, and understanding. To demonstrate cultural maturity in accessibility, all aspects of the organization’s operation, processes, and skills should include considerations for disability
inclusion. Every member of the organization should understand and be sensitive to the importance of ICT accessibility, including their personal role and responsibilities in meeting the organization’s accessibility goals. Accessibility should be an integral part of diversity and inclusion within the organization with clear recognition of the
benefits of disability inclusion and the impact of ICT accessibility on people with disabilities to facilitate access to jobs, services, and other aspects of life.
Change to
Organizational culture consists of shared beliefs, values, policies, and processes established by leaders that ultimately shape employee perceptions, behaviors, and understanding. To demonstrate cultural maturity in accessibility, every dimension of the organization’s operation, processes, and skills should include considerations for disability
inclusion. Every member of the organization should understand and be sensitive to the importance of ICT accessibility, including their personal role and responsibilities in meeting the organization’s accessibility goals. Accessibility should be an integral part of diversity and inclusion within the organization with clear recognition of the
benefits of disability inclusion and the impact of ICT accessibility on people with disabilities to facilitate access to jobs, services, and other aspects of life.
Fazio: Should we change every aspect change to every dimension?
Stacey: Grammar suggestion for last sentence add a comma and "with a" ...within the organization, with a clear recognition of the benefits of disability inclusion
Fazio: agree to leave "aspect"
Stacey: Agreed content (leave "aspect" and added the grammar update): Organizational culture consists of shared beliefs, values, policies, and processes established by leaders that ultimately shape employee perceptions, behaviors, and understanding. To demonstrate cultural maturity in accessibility, all aspects of the organization’s operation,
processes, and skills should include considerations for disability inclusion. Every member of the organization should understand and be sensitive to the importance of ICT accessibility, including their personal role and responsibilities in meeting the organization’s accessibility goals. Accessibility should be an integral part of diversity and
inclusion within the organization, with a clear recognition of the benefits of disability inclusion and the impact of ICT accessibility on people with disabilities to facilitate access to jobs, services, and other aspects of life.
Optimize Definition: Strong cultural awareness, appreciation, sensitivity, and support for all aspects of ICT accessibility and people with disabilities.
Change to:
Optimize Definition: Strong cultural awareness, appreciation, sensitivity, and support for all dimensions of ICT accessibility and people with disabilities.
Jeff: this is the definition, need to leave "aspect." Can't have dimension on a dimension
Jeff: Leve it dimension because you’re defining dimension
1.2 Audience for the Accessibility Maturity Model
This document is intended to guide and evaluate the levels of organizational accessibility maturity that encompasses a public or private sector organization at any scale.
The primary audience for this maturity model is:
Executive levels of an organization’s leadership
Other levels of management responsible for particular aspects of the maturity of the defined dimensions
Policy and business process subject matter experts responsible for putting plans, actions, metrics, and governance in place.
Change to:
This document is intended to guide and evaluate the levels of organizational accessibility maturity that encompasses a public or private sector organization at any scale.
Fazio: Took out aspects.
jkline: Do we want to replace aspects with identified proof points?
Fazio: Why do we need to focus on that?
Mark: Keep more generic for that bullet point? "Other levels of management responsible for accessibility maturity."
Fazio: group agrees with that bullet point
Stacey: current live version:
This document is intended to guide and evaluate the levels of organizational accessibility maturity that encompasses a public or private sector organization at any scale.
The primary audience for this maturity model is:
Executive levels of an organization’s leadership
Other levels of management responsible for particular aspects of the maturity of the defined dimensions
Policy and business process subject matter experts responsible for putting plans, actions, metrics, and governance in place
Mark: "Other levels of management responsible for accessibility maturity."
Github Issues 43, 78, 85, 102, 103, 104 (Usability doc feedback)
Stacey: We're updating the second to last bullet point to the statement from Mark "Other levels of management responsible for accessibility maturity" (Sorry, the full comment didn't paste"
Stacey: Working Group for updates for several Github issues. This next week I’m going to do all the proposed updates. Next week I’ll reshare the doc link. Two weeks from now please review and add comments. Then we’ll get ready to publish it live.
Stacey: Link (will reshare next week for the final comments after I finish the updates) https://
Fazio: Have I asked you [Stacy] if there are any other issues this may pertain to?
angelabarker: What is the goal for the final version and release?
Fazio: Everything is living. Final publication by the end of the year.
Maturity Model Scoring Subgroup Update
jkline: Charles provided a downloadable version of the spreadsheet.
jklinea; Showing current concept for single scoring
jkline: Scoring is based on percentage of completed proof points.
Fazio: Proof points and not exhaustive?
jklinea; Can customized the number of proof points
Stacey: the link name for the downloadable template example is "View Raw" - it should download the template. No log in needed.
Dr_Keith: This is all non-weighted scoring? What is the advantage of using non-waited scoring? You had non-waited scoring previously.
jkline: We went away from waiting to simplify
Fazio: Waiting may make sense. If you do things in an optimized phase would have more importance.
Dr_Keith: What percentages represent each stage? How are we calculating? Or are we not trying to quantify the levels?
FazioCan you move to one level without achieving the previous level?
You need to complete a stage before moving to the next.
Fazio: If that is the case we don’t need to weigh